The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
The background on this is a bit long, so I grabbed the first two hits given to me by Google. Short version: an alleged financier and convicted sex offender was arrested on Federal chrages for the sex trafficking of minors in FL and NY. The scandal has already claimed former Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta, since Mr. Acosta was the prosecutor in 2008 who let Epstein off with little more than a slap on the wrist.

The articles explain why this could be a big deal.

As the Epstein Case Grows, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact

Giuliani warns Epstein case could 'implicate a lot of people'
“He Said Not to Tell Anyone”: How Trump Kept Tabs on Jeffrey Epstein
In the months before he ran for president, Donald Trump was in conversation with National Enquirer owner David Pecker about his old acquaintance, Jeffrey Epstein, and how his sexual abuse scandal might affect the Clintons. “Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse,” recalls a former Trump Organization employee.

Perhaps the most revealing commentary Donald Trump has offered on Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced financier who pleaded not guilty this week to sex trafficking and conspiracy, occurred in late February 2015, onstage at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. Trump, then flirting with a presidential run, was fielding softballs from Fox News host Sean Hannity when a lightning round of questions turned to a favorite topic: Bill Clinton. “Nice guy, Trump said. “Got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein,” he added, seemingly veering off topic. “Lot of problems.”

In fact, Epstein was then very much top of mind for Trump, who had his own history with the registered sex offender. Over the previous several weeks, the National Enquirer had published a string of stories about Epstein, including a “world exclusive” interview with one of his accusers, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who said in court documents that Epstein forced her to have sex with him at his Upper East Side home. She told the tabloid that Epstein paid her to have sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew, one of an expansive retinue of high-flying elites who enjoyed Epstein’s company and took advantage of his private jet. (Buckingham Palace has denied the allegations.) Another was Clinton, who the Enquirer reported had traveled with Epstein’s assistant on his plane, and was at Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean. (Clinton denies ever traveling to Little St. James Island, but has confirmed that he traveled with Epstein several times in 2002 and 2003, including trips to Africa in connection with the Clinton Foundation. In her interview with the Enquirer, Giuffre said she had seen Clinton around, but that she never saw him involved with women.)

Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump. An early supporter of his presidential campaign, Pecker has helped “catch and kill” at least two stories involving the real estate mogul and women who claimed to have had affairs with him. (Trump has denied the affairs.)

Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, who would later go to prison in part for his role in these hush money schemes, was in the room when Pecker sat down. Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.” (Cohen, speaking by phone from the Federal Correctional Institution in Otisville, corroborated Nunberg’s version of the events, though he declined to add any additional information about the meeting.)

During the meeting with Pecker, Trump went on about how Epstein was known for this behavior, according to a person familiar with the conversation. Trump, after all, used to be friendly with Epstein, and had at least an inkling about his sexual predilections. In a 2002 interview with New York magazine, Trump called Epstein a “terrific guy” who was “a lot of fun to be with.” He added: “It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” (The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)
Trump isn’t known to have gone on any trips with Epstein, which would have been out of character. “I don’t think Trump would go to someone else’s property or someone else’s island or villa,” Nunberg said. “He doesn’t even play golf at anyone else’s clubs.” But Trump did host Epstein as a guest at Mar-a-Lago, where he appears in photos in 1997 and 2000. Epstein’s personal little black book, which was leaked by an employee in 2009, contained 14 phone numbers for Trump, his wife, Melania, and several people who worked for him.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, President Trump dismissed his past appearances with Epstein, describing him as a “fixture in Palm Beach” in those years. “I had a falling out with him a long time ago,” he added, though he declined to elaborate. “I don’t think I’ve spoken to him for 15 years.”
Other individuals who had found themselves in Epstein’s orbit over the years, from Clinton to Prince Andrew, have been similarly eager to distance themselves from the scandal. (“President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York,” a spokesperson said in a statement.) In the meantime, journalists following the Epstein case are eagerly awaiting other documents that could shed light on Epstein’s powerful friends, including Trump and famed attorney Alan Dershowitz. (Giuffre, who is suing Dershowitz for defamation, claims she had sex with him as part of Epstein’s sex trafficking operation—a claim Dershowitz vehemently denies.) A federal prosecutor said in court that officials did not expect any “imminent” additional charges, but added that more are “possible down the road.”

Democrats may soon have an opportunity to question Pecker about his relationship with Trump. Later this week, the House Judiciary Committee will vote to authorize a subpoena for Pecker, among people involved in the Mueller report, as they investigate possible obstruction of justice.
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The background on this is a bit long, so I grabbed the first two hits given to me by Google. Short version: an alleged financier and convicted sex offender was arrested on Federal chrages for the sex trafficking of minors in FL and NY. The scandal has already claimed former Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta, since Mr. Acosta was the prosecutor in 2008 who let Epstein off with little more than a slap on the wrist.

The articles explain why this could be a big deal.

As the Epstein Case Grows, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact

Giuliani warns Epstein case could 'implicate a lot of people'
Acosta was the second guy to try and prosecute him, he got probation for the 1st offense. Everyone is also letting the FL AG off the hook (Democrat, go figure).
NY AG (Cyrus Vance II (?)) tried to get him off the sex offender list.
CNN Cuomo and a couple other CNN names are also being thrown around.
I expect nothing short of a media shitshow of biblical proportions - complete with political mudslinging, finger pointing, denials, media hit pieces, and more conspiracy theories than any one event since the assassination of JFK.

Unless there is a chance that a promoneint democrat could go to prison - in which case there will be a media blackout with the hocus-focus put on something racist that some random celebrity may, or may not have said.
Acosta's resignation as Sec of Labor as a direct result of his decision a decade earlier is an odd precedent. He was confirmed by Senate in 2017. Anyone with issues about how the case was handled should've spoke up then; it was well known. It's a bit disingenuous for the press to continue to tie him to Epstein almost in a way that implies he was complicit in Epstein's activities.

As for Epstein and those actually associated with his activities (I hope every single one is identified), there is a special little place in hell for them. Until then, I'd like to see him sharing residency with El Chapo in Supermax.

Fuck that guy.
When the list of names comes out- and it’s LONG- of who frequently visited Epstein’s island and NY/FL/CA properties for what seems to be the sexual assault/rape of underage minors, people’s heads are going to freaking explode.

America as a whole is not ready for what is about to be brought into the light.

I hope every single one of them burn.
America as a whole is not ready for what is about to be brought into the light.

Too true.

It has always been my opinion that most Americans don't WANT to know what happens behind the curtains - there is far too much hard work associated with acknowledging that something is wrong.
Its also been my observation that very often - people "know" a lot more than they are willing to acknowledge for those same reasons.
Being forced to acknowledge the freak show that is about to be exposed may actually drive some folks over the edge of sanity.

George Carlin would say that the entire human race is a freak show - and if you were born in America - you've got front row seats. Well, it looks like those front row seats may be at the cultural equivalent of 'Gallagher' concert without the protective plastic sheeting.
America as a whole is not ready for what is about to be brought into the light.
It will certainly be a challenge of morals and integrity for many.

Will they continue to support/make excuses for the people they like that are exposed or will demand they be held accountable?
I've had a buddy ranting about this guy and a whole shit load of sealed indictments to come. He has been talking about it for the better part of 2 years. I kinda started to think he was a bit off his rocker. Now I'm not so sure...

I hope they lock away anyone who is remotely involved, regardless who or what they are. That is some evil shit that guy was doing and they should prosecute the DA team who failed to lock Epstein away. Fucking unbelievable how corrupt our government has become at all levels.
The background on this is a bit long, so I grabbed the first two hits given to me by Google. Short version: an alleged financier and convicted sex offender was arrested on Federal chrages for the sex trafficking of minors in FL and NY. The scandal has already claimed former Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta, since Mr. Acosta was the prosecutor in 2008 who let Epstein off with little more than a slap on the wrist.

The articles explain why this could be a big deal.

As the Epstein Case Grows, Manhattan and DC Brace for Impact

Giuliani warns Epstein case could 'implicate a lot of people'

Acosta had a press conference about this and was pretty clear. If his office didn't take the case, he'd have done no time. The attempt to blame him is kind of stupid. Did they do enough? I'd say no. But compared to the State of Florida, they at least did something.
I've had a buddy ranting about this guy and a whole shit load of sealed indictments to come. He has been talking about it for the better part of 2 years. I kinda started to think he was a bit off his rocker. Now I'm not so sure...

I hope they lock away anyone who is remotely involved, regardless who or what they are. That is some evil shit that guy was doing and they should prosecute the DA team who failed to lock Epstein away. Fucking unbelievable how corrupt our government has become at all levels.

Mueller: hold my beer.

Key Mueller witness George Nader hit with underage sex trafficking, child porn charges
Nothing of substance to add but I remember reading on certain message boards quite a few years back about how there were child prostitution rings on these islands in FL held by the political elite. At the time I just brushed it off as the extreme end of the members of the board going off on their own tangent.

Absolutely mind boggling and sickening to see that it and so much more is likely true.
I think a bullet or death is too good for this shit stain. Drop in general population and let all his new "husbands" have their way with him.