The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

ok }:-)


Seriously, good riddance.

He'd been on suicide watch at Manhattan CC, but I'm thinking nobody was taking that job very seriously. He saved himself a shivving later in general population.
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It's easy to hang yourself in prison while on a 24/7 suicide watch if you travel in certain circles.
Who knows, Maybe Ellis Boyd Redding helped him get some rope - I've heard tell that ole' Ellis Boyd has "been known to locate certain things from time to time."

Besides - he was on a 24/7 SUICIDE watch - not a 24/7 Arkancide watch.
Two completely different things.

Nothing to see here - move along.
Mother. Fucker.

One can only hope he had all his secrets written down to be delivered publicly upon his death. But I'm sure I've just watched too many movies.

This was the easy way out for him and those figures involved. I wanted to see him have to endure it all. There is no way this should've happened, especially after his earlier incident. But there will be no real investigation. There is no justice.

Mother. Fucker.
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