The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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YOU SEE? The SS(e) fears the take-no-shit attitude of renegade candidate Deathy McDeath! They're doing everything in their power to try and stop him before he destroys their party! You see what I'm up against? Entrenched money and power at every level, but I keep on winning! I already overtook @Ranger Psych and @Totentanz , and in just two more votes I'll overtake @pardus who, I might add, is due for a retirement anyway.

Deathy McDeath - For a better today - And a better tomorrow - And a better yesterday!

Simmer down, Fancy Pants. I do have a "few" pairs myself ;-)

crye pants.jpg
OK. Let me first say. I hate each and everyone of you. Not just a passing hate, a deep seated hate that would allow me to set up a deck chair, table and umbrella, in order to watch you all drown in a pool of Kradle's music while I sip a nice cold beer.
I promise you strong leadership, incorporating threats, intimidation, blackmail and bribes. All for the greater good (of me).
I have an all encompassing plan for world domination. My first step is the hostile take over of Shadow Spear and the final destruction of the most evil and foul smelling @Marauder06! A despicable being that I'm sure you all recognize as one worthy of your just and righteous derision!


Your Fuhrer friend
do you want a safety brief.jpg


It's there for a reason, bro
Bruh. Please. I have FiOS to my apartment. I have university internet at my day job. New York City has multiple backbones running through Manhattan, served by a plethora of massive macro cell towers. Hell, you wanna talk connectivity? Our subways smell like piss and vomit but they have fucking wifi. Shit, I can cue up a ban while going under the Holland tunnel and desperately trying not to hear the homeless guy in the next car taking a shit. You have Iridium? That's cute. Compared to you, I have Osmium. Take a second and Bing that one.

And you want to talk about compunction (poor choice of word here) and composure? I deal with Tier 1 SJWs who remind me that my lack of support for Palestine is a racist microaggression and support for white rape culture. That I'm literally Hitler for not sacrificing my first born for HDR22. Liberal as I may be, it takes every fiber of my soul not to camel clutch these fucks until their Mom feels it. Tell me, what sort of adversity do you deal with on the road? Tweakers? Truthers? Trumpites? You can take your "mobile TOC" and shove it right up your Assad!

Face it Ranger "Hussein" Psych, the people have spoken: through sheer effort and force of will alone, I have overtaken you in the polls, overcoming a 10 vote deficit in less than a day. These noble Spearians, We The People, dont want you. They don't want @Totentanz. They don't want @pardus. The people have spoken and they want New York values all up in this bitch!

What kind of adversity do I deal with on the road? Oh, I don't know, the adversity of dealing with the fact that my coworkers and I deliver everything this nation runs on, with less appreciation from the masses than a draftee in Vietnam. The adversity of shippers and receivers that don't have facilities to use, so I have to E-tool on the roadside if not worse. The adversity of spending weeks away from home, with the only contact being via cellular or Iridium as the location needs. Running each day on a timer that nobody except those in my profession actually understand, where time truly is money and some other shitneck's lackadasical attitude and work ethic directly impacts my ability to execute work. Having to read inane posts you produce. The list goes on.

Being in the transportation and shipping industry, I get to see first hand exactly what kind of inane environment liberal thinking produces. Right now, in the name of "recycling", I will burn over a thousand gallons of fuel transporting cardboard from a collection location to a recycling facility, where the end product will be sold to your brethren so they can feel good about "doing something for the environment" instead of exercising a life cycle on a plant we can grow again, or perhaps even simply consuming less in a more intelligent manner, and repurposing the byproducts of purchased materials and items.

I recycle products on my truck every single day, and my net personal waste production is less than a cubic foot a week. How much trash do you have to throw away in a week?

You brag about NY infrastructure as though you actually had a part in building any aspect of it. You don't own an inch of that infrastructure personally, so don't try to infer any credit upon yourself for willingly living in a cesspool you contribute to, but don't own a lick of. Highway side rest stops have wifi too, and your mom offers hotspot access when she trundles through the back row of the truck stop. Try harder, you're slacking.

The infrastructure I use, I don't own and never laid claim to, but I leverage the resources I have at my disposal on a level that you can't even comprehend. I find it laughable when you have to break out a periodic table in order to build a snide comment.

It's obvious you feel threatened by me. If I had your lack of skill and talent, I would most likely go into the fetal position and cry myself to sleep.
Bruh. Please. I have FiOS to my apartment. I have university internet at my day job. New York City has multiple backbones running through Manhattan, served by a plethora of massive macro cell towers. Hell, you wanna talk connectivity? Our subways smell like piss and vomit but they have fucking wifi. Shit, I can cue up a ban while going under the Holland tunnel and desperately trying not to hear the homeless guy in the next car taking a shit. You have Iridium? That's cute. Compared to you, I have Osmium. Take a second and Bing that one.

And you want to talk about compunction (poor choice of word here) and composure? I deal with Tier 1 SJWs who remind me that my lack of support for Palestine is a racist microaggression and support for white rape culture. That I'm literally Hitler for not sacrificing my first born for HDR22. Liberal as I may be, it takes every fiber of my soul not to camel clutch these fucks until their Mom feels it. Tell me, what sort of adversity do you deal with on the road? Tweakers? Truthers? Trumpites? You can take your "mobile TOC" and shove it right up your Assad!

Face it Ranger "Hussein" Psych, the people have spoken: through sheer effort and force of will alone, I have overtaken you in the polls, overcoming a 10 vote deficit in less than a day. These noble Spearians, We The People, dont want you. They don't want @Totentanz. They don't want @pardus. The people have spoken and they want New York values all up in this bitch!

What kind of adversity do I deal with on the road? Oh, I don't know, the adversity of dealing with the fact that my coworkers and I deliver everything this nation runs on, with less appreciation from the masses than a draftee in Vietnam. The adversity of shippers and receivers that don't have facilities to use, so I have to E-tool on the roadside if not worse. The adversity of spending weeks away from home, with the only contact being via cellular or Iridium as the location needs. Running each day on a timer that nobody except those in my profession actually understand, where time truly is money and some other shitneck's lackadasical attitude and work ethic directly impacts my ability to execute work. Having to read inane posts you produce. The list goes on.

Being in the transportation and shipping industry, I get to see first hand exactly what kind of inane environment liberal thinking produces. Right now, in the name of "recycling", I will burn over a thousand gallons of fuel transporting cardboard from a collection location to a recycling facility, where the end product will be sold to your brethren so they can feel good about "doing something for the environment" instead of exercising a life cycle on a plant we can grow again, or perhaps even simply consuming less in a more intelligent manner, and repurposing the byproducts of purchased materials and items.

I recycle products on my truck every single day, and my net personal waste production is less than a cubic foot a week. How much trash do you have to throw away in a week?

You brag about NY infrastructure as though you actually had a part in building any aspect of it. You don't own an inch of that infrastructure personally, so don't try to infer any credit upon yourself for willingly living in a cesspool you contribute to, but don't own a lick of. Highway side rest stops have wifi too, and your mom offers hotspot access when she trundles through the back row of the truck stop. Try harder, you're slacking.

The infrastructure I use, I don't own and never laid claim to, but I leverage the resources I have at my disposal on a level that you can't even comprehend. I find it laughable when you have to break out a periodic table in order to build a snide comment.

It's obvious you feel threatened by me. If I had your lack of skill and talent, I would most likely feel the same way as well.

This kind of ludicrous, mutually negating calumny is what Joe Six Pack voters like me want to see from Mod candidates.

The above has also inspired me to create a quasi-new, liberal minded term: macroaggression.

Keep it rolling, gents!
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The raising of Chesty's picture on this thread means a @Marauder06 dynasty for the next five hundred years.

Having now cemented the support of the board's "Marines" caucus, I feel secure enough in my chances that I am adopting a new campaign tactic:

no more negative campaigning

That's right, no more negative memes, posts, comments for the rest of this election cycle. I don't need it. Let others squabble over the scraps that fall from my victory banquet; I will no longer resort to such base tactics. From now on, I will make ShadowSpear grate again by only posting positivity.

Read my lips: " no new backstabs."
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Having now cemented the support of the board's "Marines" caucus, I feel secure enough in my chances that I am adopting a new campaign tactic:

no more negative campaigning

That's right, no more negative memes, posts, comments for the rest of this election cycle. I don't need it. Let others squabble over the scraps that fall from my victory banquet; I will no longer resort to such base tactics. From now on, I will make ShadowSpear grate again by only posting positivity.

Read my lips: "I like barbie dolls."

That's the most Libtard post yet, more so than the obvious Libtards spewing their love for all things O; Obama, Oprah, OMG, Orange County, Out of the Closet.

Can you use your new found positivity to help change @pardus and @x SF med's depends?
Having now cemented the support of the board's "Marines" caucus, I feel secure enough in my chances that I am adopting a new campaign tactic:

no more negative campaigning

That's right, no more negative memes, posts, comments for the rest of this election cycle. I don't need it. Let others squabble over the scraps that fall from my victory banquet; I will no longer resort to such base tactics. From now on, I will make ShadowSpear grate again by only posting positivity.

Read my lips: "I like barbie dolls."

Don't blow it. (Sir.) Now that you got Marines up your six you need ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! Do like Chesty when they're dead, kill em a few more times. Empty those mags into their rotten bloated carcasses. FEED THEM TO THEIR OWN HOUNDS }:-)}:-):die::die:8-)
@Deathy McDeath Didn't you have a purple "brony" man as your avatar for like the longest time? Something about it being your spirit animal? Oh wait...Deathy Mcdeath the "Brony" candidate!

Who is this guy?!?!?!! Some mofo with less than 100 posts just took you to Bronyville or wherever they buried your manhood? @Deathy McDeath wants to be a mod and some sub-100 member just punked him?

no more negative campaigning


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