The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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Only some of the voices are worth listening to.

The big question, at this point, is.... how have I become a target of derision of the candidates? I am not even running, and their vituperative invective is directed at the Troll who is trying to liven up this weak assed "smack talking(???)" thread.... Y'all's creativity is sucking like an Afghan Hookah at sunset, step up your game.

<sigh>Not even running, and they're still afraid of me

The Troll - the Trey Gowdy of SS. Except, y'know...shorter. Older (but only by a century or so). And less likely to possess Yuengling.
And less likely to possess Yuengling

We have Moose Drool, amber lagers, Czechmate Pilsner, Trout Slayer, Pigs Ass Porter and Cold Smoke Scottish Ale... Yeungling is no longer needed to keep the taste buds in shape. More good breweries (nano and micro) than you can shake a fly rod or boom stick at.... so there.
lol nobody is riding your skittle sized testicles; I'd follow Hilary Clinton into Ramadi over anything cowboy hat worthy with you.

No surprise that Power Bottom is in your vocabulary and is only indicative of the fact that you're an even bigger closet homo than we originally anticipated.

If Deathy is nominated, the first order of business in his eyes is to have an awareness meeting for what everyone identifies as and we must all be sure not to offend anyone. Deathy like many other candidates, hail from the new mico-aggression era where mean looks and sad-twilight movie sneered faces are designed to somehow deter war hardened, beer drinking, beard rocking and CCP don'ing motherfuckers from being real americans.

My first order of business at this point is to just ban Deathy and all the other pussies that didn't get voted in. The fact that they thought they had a voice in the first place requires that I do this.
This is the Brokeback mountain smacktalking thread.... the first ever Brokeback smacktalking thread... WTF candidates... the bunch of you should VW just because you have neither imagination nor initiative... and some are neither witty nor funny...

Jeez... start stripping the flesh from your opponents, this is Shadowspear politics... it usually makes Chicago or Tamany Hall look like pillow fights... you guys are tickling each other with feathers and giving each other reach arounds.... start the Camel Clutches and flying elbow drops.... make fun and bloody....
I had to edit and finish, settle down Troll before you get kicked from your computer chair into the fucking drywall.

Mod edit - Troll, not troll....
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I feel that statement coupled with a lack of response in a smack talking thread raises a lot of questions:

Wielding the ban hammer is an important part of the job.

Who, in the fuck, are you - and why is a Finance guy even talking?

Go concern yourself with who's business card looks the best or shop for some salmon colored short shorts.
OK. Let me first say. I hate each and everyone of you. Not just a passing hate, a deep seated hate that would allow me to set up a deck chair, table and umbrella, in order to watch you all drown in a pool of Kradle's music while I sip a nice cold beer.
I promise you strong leadership, incorporating threats, intimidation, blackmail and bribes. All for the greater good (of me).
I have an all encompassing plan for world domination. My first step is the hostile take over of Shadow Spear and the final destruction of the most evil and foul smelling @Marauder06! A despicable being that I'm sure you all recognize as one worthy of your just and righteous derision!


Your Fuhrer friend

I would pay good money to hear your ridiculous and shitty accent followed by the sound of you gasping for air.

No we will not vote for you, this site hosts many nations but was founded in America.
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who, finance, cards, fish, fish shorts

Being from Chicago and in finance it is apparent that around every election there is an opportunity to acquire "better business cards and more colored shorts".

Your campaign needs more hate, more outlandish promises and better character attacks. #MakeHateGreatAgain
Amazing. This guy thinks that being a huge nerd, as well as being on the road all of the time, are great qualifications for modship.

Well listen here "Ranger Psych" (if that is your real name), take this post and spread it across all three monitors on your USS Dorkprise because I want you to see this:

What are you gonna do when it's 3am and you're on hour 9 of a long haul shipment through Nocellservice, KS and the call comes in that moderatin' is needed? You're gonna be out of pocket. You're gonna be our Hillary, unable to be reached in time of need. You can only say "I don't recall" so many times before our noble 'Spearians catch on to your game. It's bad enough that you're constantly gonna be mobile. Is your email server gonna be mobile too? SHAME.
It took you over 24 hours to even post in this thread. How are you gonna cue up a ban when you're on I-90 through Bozeman? With your ape thumbs on a tiny phone screen? You're better off talking about Obama's lizard family over CB and keeping your tamagotchi fed than moderating. Just make sure to watch out for cyclists.

Deathy Mcdeath - Always at the computer - Always watching - even when he's not

Take note: This is where ass is shown, hyperbole thrown, and a smackdown laid.

You infer that I'm a nerd. How is that a negative feature for access and moderation of an internet accessed forum? You try to spin it as though I *CAN* be out of pocket. I don't subsribe to your posting technique, which if I might add, is akin to a Venn diagram between verbal fecal liquifaction and over 9000 monkeys with keyboards. I choose to make minimal posts, in a generally articulate manner, to get my points across. Not just throw everything at a wall and be happy if something sticks.

You infer that somehow you can actually have more regular internet access than me. Do you have a backup Iridium with data connection? Do you have multiple avenues of access? These are all things I bring to the table that you, dare I say, outright lack. Nevermind compunction, composure, and comprehension of the most major aspect of this forum... SOF.

I live and work out of a mobile TOC. I also understand the meaning of TEAM, as this isn't a sole moderatorship, but a TEAM effort between all who are elected and selected. The concept seems to elude you.

As for me solely, I also have minions that have direct contact information and will not hesitate to contact me if something is actionable. I bring a team straight to the table of all seeing eyes and ears, a better intelligence network than the NSA. What do you bring? A potato computer and some inarticulate grunting? That's all I see from my perspective, but the masses shall decide the ultimate decision.

As for the Beer Party, I raise my stein in their honor and am proud to accept their support.
Take note: This is where ass is shown, hyperbole thrown, and a smackdown laid.

You infer that I'm a nerd. How is that a negative feature for access and moderation of an internet accessed forum? You try to spin it as though I *CAN* be out of pocket. I don't subsribe to your posting technique, which if I might add, is akin to a Venn diagram between verbal fecal liquifaction and over 9000 monkeys with keyboards. I choose to make minimal posts, in a generally articulate manner, to get my points across. Not just throw everything at a wall and be happy if something sticks.

You infer that somehow you can actually have more regular internet access than me. Do you have a backup Iridium with data connection? Do you have multiple avenues of access? These are all things I bring to the table that you, dare I say, outright lack. Nevermind compunction, composure, and comprehension of the most major aspect of this forum... SOF.

I live and work out of a mobile TOC. I also understand the meaning of TEAM, as this isn't a sole moderatorship, but a TEAM effort between all who are elected and selected. The concept seems to elude you.

As for me solely, I also have minions that have direct contact information and will not hesitate to contact me if something is actionable. I bring a team straight to the table of all seeing eyes and ears, a better intelligence network than the NSA. What do you bring? A potato computer and some inarticulate grunting? That's all I see from my perspective, but the masses shall decide the ultimate decision.

As for the Beer Party, I raise my stein in their honor and am proud to accept their support.

Uh, Oh.... Sasquatch went all ivy League and MIT.... not a good sign, not at all....

the Beer Party endorses the literate and very large Missing link Ranger... and not just because he's scary.
Take note: This is where ass is shown, hyperbole thrown, and a smackdown laid.

You infer that I'm a nerd. How is that a negative feature for access and moderation of an internet accessed forum? You try to spin it as though I *CAN* be out of pocket. I don't subsribe to your posting technique, which if I might add, is akin to a Venn diagram between verbal fecal liquifaction and over 9000 monkeys with keyboards. I choose to make minimal posts, in a generally articulate manner, to get my points across. Not just throw everything at a wall and be happy if something sticks.

You infer that somehow you can actually have more regular internet access than me. Do you have a backup Iridium with data connection? Do you have multiple avenues of access? These are all things I bring to the table that you, dare I say, outright lack. Nevermind compunction, composure, and comprehension of the most major aspect of this forum... SOF.

I live and work out of a mobile TOC. I also understand the meaning of TEAM, as this isn't a sole moderatorship, but a TEAM effort between all who are elected and selected. The concept seems to elude you.

As for me solely, I also have minions that have direct contact information and will not hesitate to contact me if something is actionable. I bring a team straight to the table of all seeing eyes and ears, a better intelligence network than the NSA. What do you bring? A potato computer and some inarticulate grunting? That's all I see from my perspective, but the masses shall decide the ultimate decision.

As for the Beer Party, I raise my stein in their honor and am proud to accept their support.

I'm pretty sure I just saw @Deathy McDeath

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