The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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Wow, you had my vote until you became some fucking nerd who lives in hiding.

If you're in my town as you hinted, you'll be too occupied with hot pockets, war craft, and matt best videos on youtube to be even able to threaten me with a good time.

Lives in hiding? That's exactly how disillusioned you are? My apologies. See, if you kept in better contact with your female family members, you'd know exactly where I currently reside. You don't cook me hot pockets, which is why I never reached out to you. Nor do you have blackberries.

This election is everyone's chance to make this forum great once again. I can do it, but I need you all to meet me halfway.
Oh, no HA, he is now the Roving Rangerpsych, somewhere in America, unknown by the membership, with digital surveillance and many bullet launchers, other implements of destruction and mayhem and a thesaurus....
Here he is carrying his destruction and mayhem...


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See, if you kept in better contact with your female family members, you'd know exactly where I currently reside....

....This election is everyone's chance to make this forum great once again. I can do it, but I need you all to meet me halfway.

My female family members have discussed what it means to meet you halfway - she said her hips didn't have to move that far.
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We need a good Beer Party Candidate - someone ballsy enough to yell, " HERE, HOLD MY NEAR BEER AND WATCH ME BREAK MY HIP TRYING TO BE YOUNG AGAIN, IT'S GONNA BE EPIC, SOMEONE CALL A PJ...or just EMS!!!"

Well, in order to have a beer party, it would require someone not under doctors orders to drink o'doul's. And so you know, we are not impressed with your feeble attempts to act younger or cooler, sometimes it's better to age with grace as opposed to tormenting the rest of us with your jokes and saying from 40 years ago.

You know how I know you're getting old? 5 years ago you would have wrecked shop on me and everyone else. Instead you leave us emotionally confused and saddened with an internal thought of "ah man, the poor old guy is turning senile".

But don't fret, @LibraryLady will be along shortly with your afternoon snacks, and maybe an extra scoop of banana pudding.
The difference between myself and all these other candidates... Trash talk, unable to be backed up by their broken bodies.

Unlike them, I actually may be in your very home town, right now. What better way to moderate than both digitally, and in person when the need requires?

I've got more monitors than the space station and more time on my hands to ensure the population maintains the standard.

A vote for me is a vote for bringing Shadowspear, and all of you along on a grand step forward.
Amazing. This guy thinks that being a huge nerd, as well as being on the road all of the time, are great qualifications for modship.

Well listen here "Ranger Psych" (if that is your real name), take this post and spread it across all three monitors on your USS Dorkprise because I want you to see this:

What are you gonna do when it's 3am and you're on hour 9 of a long haul shipment through Nocellservice, KS and the call comes in that moderatin' is needed? You're gonna be out of pocket. You're gonna be our Hillary, unable to be reached in time of need. You can only say "I don't recall" so many times before our noble 'Spearians catch on to your game. It's bad enough that you're constantly gonna be mobile. Is your email server gonna be mobile too? SHAME.
It took you over 24 hours to even post in this thread. How are you gonna cue up a ban when you're on I-90 through Bozeman? With your ape thumbs on a tiny phone screen? You're better off talking about Obama's lizard family over CB and keeping your tamagotchi fed than moderating. Just make sure to watch out for cyclists.

Deathy Mcdeath - Always at the computer - Always watching - even when he's not
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The only advice he hears these days comes from inside his head.

Only some of the voices are worth listening to.

The big question, at this point, is.... how have I become a target of derision of the candidates? I am not even running, and their vituperative invective is directed at the Troll who is trying to liven up this weak assed "smack talking(???)" thread.... Y'all's creativity is sucking like an Afghan Hookah at sunset, step up your game.

<sigh>Not even running, and they're still afraid of me.... Not even one, "Shut up Troll, you're not running.... go away... but rather, inflamed invective, toward the Troll soon to formerly be known as 'mod' on the board..." Unless..... I become an appointee mod, or advisory mod to the nugs... mod emeritus - now I like that one.

OK, get in there and take on your opponents - verbally eviscerate them, make their great grandparents cry from the pain of your scathing wit... step it up you lazy candidates, make this more lively than the current national campaign, because you don't have 18 months to form your attacks, just 7 days... and (according to some religions) God created the world and rested in 7 days.... you fuckers can't even form a cogent smacktalking thread.... losers.
Amazing. This guy thinks that being a huge nerd, as well as being on the road all of the time, are great qualifications for modship.

Well listen here "Ranger Psych" (if that is your real name), take this post and spread it across all three monitors on your USS Dorkprise because I want you to see this:

What are you gonna do when it's 3am and you're on hour 9 of a long haul shipment through Nocellservice, KS and the call comes in that moderatin' is needed? You're gonna be out of pocket. You're gonna be our Hillary, unable to be reached in time of need. You can only say "I don't recall" so many times before our noble 'Spearians catch on to your game. It's bad enough that you're constantly gonna be mobile. Is your email server gonna be mobile too? SHAME.
How are you gonna cue up a ban when you're on I-90 through Bozeman? With your ape thumbs on a tiny phone screen? You're better off talking about Obama's lizard family over CB and keeping your tamagotchi fed than moderating. Just make sure to watch out for cyclists.

Deathy Mcdeath - Always at the computer - Always watching - even when he's not

Oh, now this is some good stuff right here! Well done Deathy!!!
Only some of the voices are worth listening to.

The big question, at this point, is.... how have I become a target of derision of the candidates? I am not even running, and their vituperative invective is directed at the Troll who is trying to liven up this weak assed "smack talking(???)" thread.... Y'all's creativity is sucking like an Afghan Hookah at sunset, step up your game.

<sigh>Not even running, and they're still afraid of me.... Not even one, "Shut up Troll, you're not running.... go away... but rather, inflamed invective, toward the Troll soon to formerly be known as 'mod' on the board..." Unless..... I become an appointee mod, or advisory mod to the nugs... mod emeritus - now I like that one.

OK, get in there and take on your opponents - verbally eviscerate them, make their great grandparents cry from the pain of your scathing wit... step it up you lazy candidates, make this more lively than the current national campaign, because you don't have 18 months to form your attacks, just 7 days... and (according to some religions) God created the world and rested in 7 days.... you fuckers can't even form a cogent smacktalking thread.... losers.
Step off grandpa before I break your hip!
Only some of the voices are worth listening to.

The big question, at this point, is.... how have I become a target of derision of the candidates? I am not even running, and their vituperative invective is directed at the Troll who is trying to liven up this weak assed "smack talking(???)" thread.... Y'all's creativity is sucking like an Afghan Hookah at sunset, step up your game.

<sigh>Not even running, and they're still afraid of me.... Not even one, "Shut up Troll, you're not running.... go away... but rather, inflamed invective, toward the Troll soon to formerly be known as 'mod' on the board..." Unless..... I become an appointee mod, or advisory mod to the nugs... mod emeritus - now I like that one.

OK, get in there and take on your opponents - verbally eviscerate them, make their great grandparents cry from the pain of your scathing wit... step it up you lazy candidates, make this more lively than the current national campaign, because you don't have 18 months to form your attacks, just 7 days... and (according to some religions) God created the world and rested in 7 days.... you fuckers can't even form a cogent smacktalking thread.... losers.

All I got from this is, everyone keeps attacking me and I don't get to be a mod anymore. I hate everyone now and I'm taking my ball and going home...
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