The Moderator Election and "Safe Space" Smacktalking and Smear Campaign Thread

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His Real Doll is modeled after Valarie Jarrett. Him writing in worm script should not surprise you.
Sorry babe, but my Real Doll is modeled after Lady Liberty herself, with an attached Freedom Fleshlight for that extra pursuit of happiness. Valerie? She couldn't couldn't take my stimulus package. Look, we may hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, but you could say that I've been "endowed" by my creator, if you catch my drift.

Deathy McDeath - penis plebiscite - cock quorum - dick delegation!
You keep saying this, but nobody really seems to care
sigh...Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries. This unconventional upbringing could be an indicator of your odd fascination with male amalgamations.
Go cuddle with the DDs while the grown ups talk.

Thanks for the cute pic of your typical Saturday night as viewed from the kids table. Do your parents have to tip the nursing assistants extra to pour prune juice into those bottles?

SS SHOT Show shenanigans involve rappelling down the side of the Paris hotel, secretly acquiring Irish waitress phone numbers at the pub without arousing suspicion from other SS members (Texas, I'm looking at you!), epic strip club debauchery, and adventures the like of which nearly caused the Hopfbrauhaus to lose its liquor license.

We are legend.

You may now read a story and go to bed. Warm milk and gluten-free cookies are on your night table.
Thanks for the cute pic of your typical Saturday night as viewed from the kids table. Do your parents have to tip the nursing assistants extra to pour prune juice into those bottles?

SS SHOT Show shenanigans involve rappelling down the side of the Paris hotel, secretly acquiring Irish waitress phone numbers at the pub without arousing suspicion from other SS members (Texas, I'm looking at you!), epic strip club debauchery, and adventures the like of which nearly caused the Hopfbrauhaus to lose its liquor license.

We are legend.

You may now read a story and go to bed. Warm milk and gluten-free cookies are on your night table.
SS SHOT Show shenanigans involve rappelling down the side of the Paris hotel, secretly acquiring Irish waitress phone numbers at the pub without arousing suspicion from other SS members (Texas, I'm looking at you!), epic strip club debauchery, and adventures the like of which nearly caused the Hopfbrauhaus to lose its liquor license.

We are legend.

Honestly, that's a Monday night for me. Maybe a Tuesday.
I'll bring the Cuban cigars!

Act now and with each cigar shipment, Ooh Rah will send you a personally signed copy of his favorite book. Because a cigar in your mouth just doesn't feel the same, without a copy of '50 Shades of Grey'! Vote AK Keith!
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Bro, I'm 4 votes ahead of you right now. Hope you enjoyed your red tag time because you're finished.

Clearly that went right over your head.
But whatever, if you are getting off on this election thing have fun. I'm not selling myself to anyone.
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