What I find most interesting:
After what can be logically assessed as the last twenty years of zero productivity towards racially separated issues and other venomous topics - the turning point came from a declining NFL Quarterback's decision to take a knee during the National Anthem. What a fucking joke this is.
If you want to assess how much people care, observe how they dedicate their time to the issue.
"Yeah, you won't find me actually doing anything about what is going on - but if somebody plays the National Anthem at a game I'm paid to play, while infront of the camera, sure, I'll briefly take a knee." (thanks for your contribution there..)
I might actually be impressed by the same players who took a knee, not showing up to work on Sunday. Have any of these players (fuck just one?) actually filed anything in the court system? Have any of these players came to the aide of the long toted police brutality victims?
No, they just take a fucking quick little knee and go back to playing football. Meanwhile, observers shout like school girls over the issue.
This is all for show, literally, nothing is changing/happening/inbound from *insert name of dickhead* taking a knee. Big shout-out to those who burned their sports memorabilia in their yards. I hope you put the fire out with your tears because the beneficiaries of the goods you purchased are crying laughing at your pathetic little attempt at protest.
I wish there was a metric or value we could place on someone's protest.
These players, leftists, whatever - they're not really protesting anything. Nothing really productive is happening as a result of this except its great media coverage and there is an endless supply of dickheads on Facebook ready to freak out. For the record, I don't give a flying fuck what you do during the National Anthem. If you want to be a disrespectful asshole, congrats, its your right to do so.
Do it in my house, burn a flag, or attempt to fuck up any of my mojo for the day - that's a different story.
To anyone who says these protests are not disrespecting the National Anthem - they absolutely are, and by design, are a disrespectful gesture to the National Anthem and Nation alike. To attempt to capitalize on the fame and glory of the National Anthem with a protest, and then shove-off the notion that it wasn't about that is not only hypocritical but moronic.