Oh, this thread... It's like season 7...
Are you serious right now?
The kneeling is about current events. Police brutality, and the unfair treatment of blacks by police in America, currently. You really want to bring up the English from the 17th and 18th century?
I am serious in I don't believe they know what the fuck they are kneeling, standing, or spinning for. Before Trump tweeted what he did, most of those players were interested bystanders. Now in the course of 96 hours, all of a sudden they are the mascots for the social martyrs brigade? I don't think so.
My point in bringing up kneeling for the National Anthem and standing for GSTQ is that it underscores their lack of knowledge of context or history and emphasizes the jump-on-the-bandwagon backlash that is going on right now. Their knowledge of current events ends at whatever social media is telling them is important, the cause du jour.
I have become so fucking hardened by the whole thing that I see every single one of those people with an agenda, and it ain't police brutality. They are in it for the limelight and PR, it's all about image. If they were consistent with their values, why don't they leave the NFL, take their millions, start some foundation, and get involved.
I enjoyed reading most of your post. I just want to point out that there are great philosophical arguments against doing exactly that -- leaving the NFL. For example, effective altruism would say that as players of the NFL, they should continue to make millions AND help/start a foundation or continue to give. If they stand for social justice, and the NFL protests got one of the most powerful people on the planet to tweet about them, then altruism would say they are doing the most good they can in their current position. I would argue that getting the President to take notice and use his platform to talk to the nation about the issue, IS getting involved.
I enjoyed reading most of your post. I just want to point out that there are great philosophical arguments against doing exactly that -- leaving the NFL. For example, effective altruism would say that as players of the NFL, they should continue to make millions AND help/start a foundation or continue to give. If they stand for social justice, and the NFL protests got one of the most powerful people on the planet to tweet about them, then altruism would say they are doing the most good they can in their current position. I would argue that getting the President to take notice and use his platform to talk to the nation about the issue, IS getting involved.
But the evidence is pretty damn clear, every time you say a lie about him in specific regards to calling him a white supremacist, a Nazi, or a Klan member you're showing your ass. Nazis, Klan Members and White supremacists hate a lot of people. Including Jews. His daughter is a Jew, Three of his grandchildren are jews.
I will say this as a dude that grew up in/around Akron- Bron's contributions to that city will go down in history as some of the most truly caring in the history of professional athletes. That guy really cares about the city and those people deeply.... LeBron James put down $41MM for Scholarships for Akron kids to attend Akron...
As an Australian, I'd disagree with this in as far that people outside of the US not being aware of this NFL players vs Trump issue. The things POTUS is doing is very much under the microscope of the world, so even I - who knows little about sports and politics - noticed this not kneeling to the flag business. My husband who is a news hound had an opinion on the whole thing and we discussed it last night, and that's why I finally bothered to click on this thread. So yeah, the mention of NFL does make me automatically not pay attention. At the moment, I think people are closely following this North Korean crisis and when they run out of things to read (like me), they pick up on all this other stuff (like me).Australia as a nation would televise and rabidly follow any competitive endeavor, be it two flies crawling up a wall or a competition between two turtles on their back trying to get on their feet. But, the average person on the street wouldn't even be aware of the NFLs current issues, outside of the Superbowl, it's not followed that closely in our neck of the woods. Collectively we follow the NFL about as closely as you guys follow Aussie Rules.
Believe what you will. But these guys, they are just hypocrites. Why stand for GSTQ? I guarantee none of them can link The Crown to 'Murca pre-1783. They want to stand (kneel? Sit? Whatev...) to demonstrate against oppression, but show support to the same government that has been THE most oppressive in North America....
Edited to add....to be fair, although the owners allow them to do this (easy fix: owners say no) and therefore have a "right", I think it's tasteless and hypocritical. One of those things, just because they can doesn't mean they should. I also call out the hypocrisy of the NFL writ large who says they believe in unity but refuses to allow players to wear a freakin' decal in support of LE and the military. So, unity and community seems to be a transient definition.
Great Britain (or British Empire, as it was then) was also the driving force behind getting rid of slavery by stopping the maritime merchants doing their trade in slaves (amongst other things). I might point out that your country had many years after that to stop the industry but did not. So your assertion cuts both ways and it isn't as cut and dried as what you might think.
It's also my country's other official national anthem, as an aside.
A friend of mine suggested the POTUS violated the law attempting to influence/ threaten a private entity by use of color of office for political gain (at a political rally).
I said I will wait for the articles of impeachment.
What's your point, standing for an anthem not their own and showing it respect whilst throwing out disdain for their own nation is idiotic. We have the saying: don't air your dirty laundry in public. In this case, in a foreign country it's pretty stupid when it's literally becoming just an anti-Trump thing.Great Britain (or British Empire, as it was then) was also the driving force behind getting rid of slavery by stopping the maritime merchants doing their trade in slaves (amongst other things). I might point out that your country had many years after that to stop the industry but did not. So your assertion cuts both ways and it isn't as cut and dried as what you might think.
It's also my country's other official national anthem, as an aside.