The NFL, Kneeling, Ratings, and the Flag

WH Staffer: "Hey MG Carr, you wanna go to the football game today with the VP?"

MG Carr: "Hell yeah!"

WH Staffer: "Great, wear your blues"

MG Carr: "F@ck"

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Alright, I'll be a petty asshole - 12 months in theater MG Carr, where the fuck have you been the last 16 years?
Honestly, I don't like how the President weighed in on the situation. It's so trivial and beneath him. I feel like we have a lot more pressing concerns going on that needs his complete attention. I do consider the kneeling a type of peaceful protest. It's his freedom and right to do so. He's not spewing hateful rhetoric or burning flags. He's bringing to light institutional racism and discrimination among minorities during recent police altercations. Something I believe is prevalent in our country. If this is not an appropriate way to protest, what is? I have traveled enough to realize that this is the greatest country to live in and am thankful for the rights and freedoms that are granted to me by being a citizen. But I'm far from aligning with anything chauvinistic, jingoistic, or xenophobic.
This whole thing is just a way to jump on a bandwagon to get your name and picture in the media in hopes of garnering attention for something about which most of these fuckers are ambivalent at best, wholly uninformed for the most part, and maybe 3 in the NFL really and actually believe without having a Muslim significant other threatening to cut them off.

As long as there is outrage, which correlates to media coverage, this will continue - until those that want to say something back to the money machine that is the NFL (actually Pro Sports as an industry) and boycott anything having to do with the industry. Bad press is press, and press means money, so the reporters and the NFL are getting richer through this whole fiasco/sham/attention whoring performance.

Speak with your wallet, or walk away from the argument.

I wanted to know what you meant by this spreading to the NHL.


There was one, maybe two players kneeling during the anthem. That's what I mean by slightly.
Sorry yes it was a fist raise. I must have equated it in my head and then misremembered it, heh. I'd say you're probably right too.