The NFL, Kneeling, Ratings, and the Flag

Because I think it is a disgusting act to kneel during our National Anthem that is why. It is unpatriotic. It is filth. It is morally wrong to do. It spits in the face of the men and women who serve. It spits on the graves of those who have died serving and protecting this nation; further protecting the rights and freedoms we have as American citizens.

Fuck people who kneel.

So do you knife hand every personnel for running into the MCX when they hear the 5min warning for colors? It's okay to strongly disagree with something but to call it filth and a deliberate spit-in-the-face to our service members is a little overboard. He's not burning flags, spewing hateful rhetoric, or dishonoring anyone. If you think this is an inappropriate action for protesting, in what way do you recommend he protest?
So do you knife hand every personnel for running into the MCX when they hear the 5min warning for colors? It's okay to strongly disagree with something but to call it filth and a deliberate spit-in-the-face to our service members is a little overboard. He's not burning flags, spewing hateful rhetoric, or dishonoring anyone. If you think this is an inappropriate action for protesting, in what way do you recommend he protest?

Yes I knife hand them too. When I saw Marines do this it made my blood boil.

I don't know but do it other than during the National Anthem.
Has anything changed? Will it? If so, is it really because somebody refused to stand?
I don't know but I just think it's stupid. Bring the ratings down in your own sport and all for naught. Good luck with it.

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Has anything changed? Will it? If so, is it really because somebody refused to stand.
I don't know but I just think it's stupid. Bring the ratings down in your own sport and all for naught. Good luck with it.

And yet, this thread is eleven pages long.
Kaep should have an award for willingly going under center behind the 49'ers O line. Do that enough times and protesting injustice becomes a nonevent.
Does one have to read a magazine to be outraged by its cover?

Don’t we have a common metaphor about that?

If you want to be outraged, be outraged, but Read what it says and who said it at least. Be outraged by the content, not the cover. But also remember who it is catering to. Maybe you aren’t GQ’s target audience. Maybe to their target audience this piece was right on track. To them a bunch of outraged right wing white men on the Internet might be what they were going for.

Like it or not in many circles, Kaepernicks stand has shed light on issues of racial injustice. He is standing for what he believes in in the face of extreme adversity. Those are values that should be extolled. His latest piece highlighting the difference in sentencing for cases like Brock Turner and Meek Mill were spot on, and worthy of outrage towards a system that is that fucked up.

But here we are wanting to be outraged by a magazine cover.
Maybe to their target audience this piece was right on track. To them a bunch of outraged right wing white men on the Internet might be what they were going for.

Agreed. In fact I gave up GQ some years ago and switched to Men's Health for this very reason. There was a period of time where month-after-month, there were editorials about the evil of guns and "outraged right wing white men on the Internet". Every. Single. Month.

It got to the point where I just didn't get any value from the content anymore; so I stopped buying it.
Much of modern print media is an old nostalgic concept containing content of questionable value. Media in general is an ad driven echo chamber feeding the polarization of society instead of providing information and sparking debate. Put Kaep on the cover? Great. Whatever. Print media can't build a new audience as much as it can retard the departure of its existing readers.
If anyone here (in favor of or against the cover) believes the executives of GQ give even the slightest-fuck toward racial inequality you're sadly mistaken.

I don’t think the executives at any company really give two shits about anything apart from their profits and their shareholders. The writers and editors otoh...
They did an article on Tucker Carlson and it was completely adverse and to be honest, extremely disrespectful.

I'm not sure of whom GQ's target audience is, but their advertisers are intending to advertise to people whom can afford their shit. I'm not sure the current editorial content is targeting those people. And yes, Kaepernick should not have been their citizen of the year. His silence on what he wants, tells me he didn't want a job and just wanted to sue the NFL.