The Slope is Slippery

I'll respect that, but ask you this. If I am uncomfortable with a man with penis/balls/still a dude, dressing as a girl, going into the same restroom as my wife or daughter's, am I wrong? Should I be ignored? Should your vast professional understanding, trump my beliefs and caution? <---that's not a vote for trump BS, actually think he is an asshole.

I'll tell you one thing about me, at the end of the day, I don't give a fuck what I am exposed too, I've been there and done that, seen a few thing's in my time. But for my wife and young children, its my job to protect them from such things. And when some smart guy starts telling me how much I don't know about being a father or husband, and attempt's to "legally" tell me eat it bitch, I have issues.

That all said, I ain't as dumb as I come off on the BS on here. I will always yield to your medical knowledge as well as the countless medical professionals on here. And as much as I do respect your open miof, maybe with a lack of understanding on some issues), I think it's equally important to understand a father's and husband's legitimate concern's that are equally important.

So let me be clear, if a male (person with a dick and balls) rolls into the ER, he is documented as a male, regardless what outfit he may or may not have on ( they absolutely should be respectful to their individuality). If a male decides to to take a piss in the women's restroom while my wife or daughter's are in there, I have a problem with it, regardless of what outfit they may or may not have on. If you honestly believe my wife or daughter's should be subjected to a man in the restroom, regardless of the outfit he may or may not have on, without caution or concerns, you ain't as bright as you think you are.......and so you fully understand, I do not mean that as an insult or as to fuck with you (I actually respect and like you on here), but as an "as much as you are opened minded, be open minded to others who may not share your opinions" kinda of thing.

And finally, this gayness is making my fucking head spin! }:-)

How is one going to know who has a genital other than a vagina in a restroom - a personally conducted junk inspection?

18 states currently have laws protecting people from discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The American press would surely be all over bathroom genital exposure trauma incidents like flies on a rib roast should they be happening. I admit its possible that I'm missing all of those stories.

It will take a while but legislation on such issues will eventally fall toward tolerance and acceptance, I think. Heck, Texas now pays for hormone therapy for prison inmates diagnosed with gender dysphoria. I'd have called somebody a flat out liar on that if the TDCJ policy hadn't actually been published.
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If anyone is worried about a transgender-going from male to female and hasnt had the full surgeries no worries on the bathroom stalls with your kids.Havent once heard of a transgender assaulting a child.Sure theres always a 1st time for everything and I would say you have the right to be protective-but these men and women want nothing more than to go through the process and get it done.

I keep regular stats on sexual assault and molestation.Again never heard of a bathroom stall problem with full transgenders or just people working to have the sex change. JMO
If anyone is worried about a transgender-going from male to female and hasnt had the full surgeries no worries on the bathroom stalls with your kids.Havent once heard of a transgender assaulting a child.Sure theres always a 1st time for everything and I would say you have the right to be protective-but these men and women want nothing more than to go through the process and get it done.

I keep regular stats on sexual assault and molestation.Again never heard of a bathroom stall problem with full transgenders or just people working to have the sex change. JMO

I don't think that is what anyone is saying.
Apologies.Saw 2 posts regarding this.Probably misunderstood in regards to their children being attacked and maybe the worries are if they whip it out in front of the kids in the stalls.
The issue for me is the law, if someone is legitimate in their beliefs, I doubt they're going to jeopardize that by shaking their wang at kids and wives. Doesn't mean it hasn't and won't happen (it's actually common in a few parks here in San Antonio). The issue, is the dumb asses that will take advantage of that law. If someone such as @TLDR20 friend that he mentioned is being legitimate discreet, nobody is any the wiser and the laws don't need to be changed. If they are not and misbehaving, the laws in place, allow that person to face a consequence for that misbehavior. Which give people like me an option of calling an LEO to deal with it vs placing myself in jeopardy for setting someone like that straight.

I also have a morality issue with it, and that's not worth debating as there will always be two sides to that coin that will never understand the other.

If the law allows a man to invade the privacy of the women's bathroom, I foresee major problems ahead, and also believe it further erodes the protection and respect people like me believe a woman is due.
Coming back around to my original point-

The Constitution, as a base document, was left intentionally vague. It's up to judges to make rulings based on their interpretation of its original intent, or up to legislators to make new laws based on the people's wants/needs within that legislator's constitutional powers.

Now two points-
1. Referencing the video, where someone makes a statement alluding to the fact that they are allowed to dress up or act like whoever/whatever they want to be, and that they are constitutionally protected in doing this.

2. The recent arguments presented in state/city governments pertaining to the same arguments.

This issue is being tested from both a judicial and legislative standpoint. As with any other new frontier, the law of unintended consequences always applies.
How is one going to know who has a genital other than a vagina in a restroom - a personally conducted junk inspection?

18 states currently have laws protecting people from discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The American press would surely be all over bathroom genital exposure trauma incidents like flies on a rib roast should they be happening. I admit its possible that I'm missing all of those stories.

Bathroom also refers to gym changing/bathroom/shower rooms if I understand this law right.
So we are talking about exposed genitals of the other sex in front of children. Which again is "traumatic" to this society.
And I think the worry about assault isn't directed at the true transgenders, or whatever term they are using now. It's the perverts who will say they are the opposite sex just to go shower in the other gym restroom.
Bathroom also refers to gym changing/bathroom/shower rooms if I understand this law right.
So we are talking about exposed genitals of the other sex in front of children. Which again is "traumatic" to this society.
And I think the worry about assault isn't directed at the true transgenders, or whatever term they are using now. It's the perverts who will say they are the opposite sex just to go shower in the other gym restroom.

Right. My point is/has been there are 16 states where this^ is ok now. Where are the stas on how often these transgressions are occurring? I have seen one case, in Washington, where someone did it to obviously make a point.

It isn't like people are just going to let bullshit happen. IF some dude walks into the womens locker room, I am sure there would be a reaction.
Children's bathrooms, adults enter only with a child and adult's bathrooms, no children allowed.

This is legislative bread and circuses. Our country has better things to worry about.
Children's bathrooms, adults enter only with a child and adult's bathrooms, no children allowed.

This is legislative bread and circuses. Our country has better things to worry about.

Until you have to change your kids diaper...or maybe send your 4 year old daughter into a public women's bathroom alone because mom ain't around. Again concerns of a father and all that...
Right. My point is/has been there are 16 states where this^ is ok now. Where are the stas on how often these transgressions are occurring? I have seen one case, in Washington, where someone did it to obviously make a point.

It isn't like people are just going to let bullshit happen. IF some dude walks into the womens locker room, I am sure there would be a reaction.

This is because people who are honestly trans are usually the last people to want to draw attention to their status. They just want to fit in and be left alone.

However, to your point...If a dude walks into a women's locker room and says he identifies as female in a state where this isn't illegal, what kind of reaction do you think would be accepted? Call the police, only to be told the conduct is legal? Assault the dude and throw him out, breaking several laws in the process? These laws empower one group to the detriment of another group. Surely you see the potential for this.
This is because people who are honestly trans are usually the last people to want to draw attention to their status. They just want to fit in and be left alone.

However, to your point...If a dude walks into a women's locker room and says he identifies as female in a state where this isn't illegal, what kind of reaction do you think would be accepted? Call the police, only to be told the conduct is legal? Assault the dude and throw him out, breaking several laws in the process? These laws empower one group to the detriment of another group. Surely you see the potential for this.

Why hasn't this happened outside of the one case then? Why aren't perverts everywhere flooding locker rooms?
Why hasn't this happened outside of the one case then? Why aren't perverts everywhere flooding locker rooms?

A solution looking for a problem - something which frequently happens when a civil rights issue is being worked out.

Or when the wicked little wand of religion is the basis behind a 'viewpoint,' but another thread has gotten around to that.
Transgender people are still just that, people. This red herring argument that opening a restroom to them means opening it to perverts and pedophiles is ridiculous and only serves to needlessly vilify them. I could care less how people identify as long as they don't feel the need to try and flaunt it on a constant basis. I think it's way over the top to continue arguing as though this law is going to flood restrooms nationwide with pedophiles and rapists.
Wouldn't it be easier to just build a third bathroom that is unisex? Doesn't have to be that big, heck willing to bet that there are storage closets big enough for a toilet and a sink. Sometime I think people make mountains out of molehills for no reason.
Wouldn't it be easier to just build a third bathroom that is unisex? Doesn't have to be that big, heck willing to bet that there are storage closets big enough for a toilet and a sink. Sometime I think people make mountains out of molehills for no reason.

Although I agree with the short fix, I doubt mom and pop business want's to pay to turn their broom closet into a unisex bathroom.

I would say the short fix, will be to leave well enough alone and stop trying legislate social normality.
Speaking to the title...

Yes. Yes he is...
Just how I expected people would react. Now if the transgender in that situation calls the police, the women could possibly be charged with harassment. If they touched them, assault and battery, and then whatever other laws there are out there.
