The Taliban isn't the Enemy

Hey Mr. VP, perhaps you should call Al Gore and see if he will give you a login for his invention the internet. There's a lot of good info on there like this:

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan – Prominent Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban fighters asked Pakistani militants in a pair of rare meetings to set aside their differences and step up support for the battle against U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan, militant commanders said Monday.
"For God's sake, forget all your differences and give us fighters to boost the battle against America in Afghanistan," senior Al Qaedacommander Abu Yahya al-Libi told Pakistani fighters at a meeting on Dec. 11, according to a militant who attended.

Psssst...sure looks like the Talibs want to fight American forces so it's a good thing they're not our enemy. :-o
The Taliban isn't the enemy, Pakistan isn't the enemy.

Now, at least when US troops are in a contact they can be happy knowing that the people shooting them aren't ACTUALLY the enemy. All those firefights since they first entered A'Stan has been one huge misunderstanding.