The Trump Presidency 2.0

Until the Cartels get stupid and retaliate. Then Trump orders gloves off, fuck the Mexican governments wishes. It's only a matter of time now.

Agree with your sentiment, but disagree with the bolded part.

US military operating unilaterally in a partner nation is not going to work. That will very quickly put us into an Afghanistan 2.0 in our own backyard while (internationally) gaining us the goodwill of the Russians.

Any anti-cartel actions have to be hand in hand with Mexican support, similar to what we did with the Colombians.
Los Zetas have entered the chat!

SF will train mexican Marines to fight the Cartel built by Mexican SF trained by American SF.

Here We Go Again GIF
Its gonna work this time.
There's my guy!
Surely it won't be that bad, right? Everyone is vetted, committed to their country, and not under the influence of illegal narcotics.
Your friends,
The Afghan National Army
bahahahah. I mean, what could go wrong? It's not like we created ISIS or anything.