I was in a situation recently where a couple of people made some rookie mistakes that made me want to throat chop them. It occurred to me that they most likely "just didn't know;" I wondered what else is out there that experienced people understand and newbies just don't get. Please add your thoughts to the list:
-if you're in line for an MRE, just reach in the box, take the first one on top and move out. Rummaging through MREs (or any chow for that matter) is called "rat fucking" and is usually second only to being a chow thief in terms of food-related things that piss people off and are likely to get your ass beat. No one cares you don't like carrots, or that you want the one with the jalapeno cheese. It's inconsiderate to the people behind you to take the good stuff and make the people in line behind you to wait for you to get your fat ass out of the way.
-if you're in the field, learn how to conserve water. If you're somewhere that they actually have running water, don't leave it going while you shave or brush your teeth. Shut that shit off unless you're actually washing/rinsing something at that time.
-know when to shut your damn mouth. If you ask your boss for something and he says "yes," STOP TALKING. Thank him and move out. At that point you're wasting his time, and the only thing that can happen is that you're going to talk yourself out of whatever it was you wanted.
-again, related to shutting your mouth. If you don't know how to act in a mixed-gender situation, learn. Quickly. This applies to both men and women.
-if you're in line for an MRE, just reach in the box, take the first one on top and move out. Rummaging through MREs (or any chow for that matter) is called "rat fucking" and is usually second only to being a chow thief in terms of food-related things that piss people off and are likely to get your ass beat. No one cares you don't like carrots, or that you want the one with the jalapeno cheese. It's inconsiderate to the people behind you to take the good stuff and make the people in line behind you to wait for you to get your fat ass out of the way.
-if you're in the field, learn how to conserve water. If you're somewhere that they actually have running water, don't leave it going while you shave or brush your teeth. Shut that shit off unless you're actually washing/rinsing something at that time.
-know when to shut your damn mouth. If you ask your boss for something and he says "yes," STOP TALKING. Thank him and move out. At that point you're wasting his time, and the only thing that can happen is that you're going to talk yourself out of whatever it was you wanted.
-again, related to shutting your mouth. If you don't know how to act in a mixed-gender situation, learn. Quickly. This applies to both men and women.