Things Every Joe Should Know


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
I was in a situation recently where a couple of people made some rookie mistakes that made me want to throat chop them. It occurred to me that they most likely "just didn't know;" I wondered what else is out there that experienced people understand and newbies just don't get. Please add your thoughts to the list:

-if you're in line for an MRE, just reach in the box, take the first one on top and move out. Rummaging through MREs (or any chow for that matter) is called "rat fucking" and is usually second only to being a chow thief in terms of food-related things that piss people off and are likely to get your ass beat. No one cares you don't like carrots, or that you want the one with the jalapeno cheese. It's inconsiderate to the people behind you to take the good stuff and make the people in line behind you to wait for you to get your fat ass out of the way.

-if you're in the field, learn how to conserve water. If you're somewhere that they actually have running water, don't leave it going while you shave or brush your teeth. Shut that shit off unless you're actually washing/rinsing something at that time.

-know when to shut your damn mouth. If you ask your boss for something and he says "yes," STOP TALKING. Thank him and move out. At that point you're wasting his time, and the only thing that can happen is that you're going to talk yourself out of whatever it was you wanted.

-again, related to shutting your mouth. If you don't know how to act in a mixed-gender situation, learn. Quickly. This applies to both men and women. :rolleyes:
^^^ not nice to see some things have not changed and only have gotten worse.

One of the greatest source of intel for the bad guys, is soldiers bragging/showing off. With my space, youtube and all the forums on the interweb, loose lips are all too common.
Over here turning on the lights in your barracks/ bhut/ RLB/ whatever is a very bad idea and can cause some heartache when you wake up the night or swing shift or all-the-time guys.

Hot water is a privilege and not a right.

The rest would send me into a rant about basic customs and courtesy that I don't see on a daily basis. Seriously, no one flushes a toilet anymore?
- Do not claim to know something you don’t, there is no room for barracks lawyers in any branch of the military. You will only let people down when it counts.

- In the absence of supervision or guidance, do what you feel is the right thing.

- Do not argue with your superiors regardless if they are wrong, salute the flagpole and move out. After words do the right thing.

- If you are not doing something and or tasked with doing something, get out of sight and go to sleep. You never know what the next mission may be.

- If showers are available then fucking shower, you never know when they will not be available.

- Reallocation of equipment does not apply to your own unit.

- Treat everyone you meet with respect and dignity, regardless of who they are. That person might be the guy to save your life.

- Learn from others and teach others, sharing the knowledge keeps things simple.
  • "Is that it/all/everything" are words that should never be spoken to someone higher ranking than you.
  • Regardless of how you treat women when you're out of uniform, when you're in it you should act like a gentleman. Whistling at a girl you don't know from your barracks window is a bad idea given she's clearly not there for you. (Had someone do this to an ex who also happened to be a field grade officer's daughter.)
  • Don't fnck with someone's water (or chow). Hot sauce in someone's H20 might seem funny...until they become a heat casualty a couple hours later.
  • Carry a pen and a notebook. This doesn't just apply to Joes. I was always amazed when an O would come in to the S3 for a briefing only to spend the next 45 minutes nodding his head. We'd then either get a phone call asking for "clarification", or the man would end up really pissed a couple days later when things went @ss up.
my two cents:

- You'll be surprised how far you can get working with other people if you are just POLITE. Nothing schmoozing or condescending. No cussing or barracks talk. Just polite. It works!
If one commits his mind to doing something in the Military odds are they'll accomplish it. Only in the Military would I be given the opportunities I have been. God yah gotta love this stuff.

Basic Common Core Tasks would be nice for everyone to know as well :)
-Don't slam doors in the billets where others are sleeping.

-It's never about you.

-Never pass up an opportunity to pee.

-Remember that you're setting an example, even if you're just standing there
Don't be the "Honorary Corporal".

Just because the Chief/Gunny/SgtMajor left you "in charge" while he went and got a haircut does NOT make you god for the day. Don't be that guy, either.

- Learn from others and teach others (with respect), sharing the knowledge keeps things simple.
And saves lives.
Down Range only....Be Polite, Be Professional, and of course, be prepared to kill everyone you meet. If not, you are behind the power curve.
"in the absence of leadership, I will become that leadership."

just because you have NCOs doesn't mean you can't take charge and get the job done with other soldiers. Every NCO got there by showing initiative, and every NCO was once a Joe.

things get fucked up - own up to it. responsibility is a virtue NCOs can't teach you, you just have to figure it out on your own.

you can't be a strong soldier, or a smart soldier. you have to be both. if you're not smart, learn. if you're not strong, work. technically AND tactically proficient.

the basics save lives and get the mission accomplished; everything else is gravy on the 'taters.
--Never pass up an opportunity to eat or take a shower.
--If you bathe in a river don't use soap.
--Take good care of your feet.
--Be nice to the locals.
--Complacency will kill you.
--Aggressive patrolling is not your Sgt trying to get you killed, it is designed to keep the enemy off balance so he can't sneak up and kill you.
--Don't fuck with the locals.
--Put your bros first.
--The best way to survive a firefight is to concentrate on doing your job. It will override or suspend much of your fear.
--Don't waste your down time grab-assing. Learn as much as you can about the other organic weapons in your unit.
--Learn as much as you can from your Medic/Corpsman.
--Learn as much as you can about comm, especially calling in arty, gunship support, medevac.
--Take time to study a map. Know where you are at all times.
--Don't fuck with the locals.
If you are just starting in the military be it basic, boot camp, etc., be the "quite man" nothing gets my attention faster than a bragger, show off, or lazy trainee. If you are good at basic, don't worry, I will notice.
If you are just starting in the military be it basic, boot camp, etc., be the "quite man" nothing gets my attention faster than a bragger, show off, or lazy trainee. If you are good at basic, don't worry, I will notice.

Not talking down to you, DS, but we tell a lot of the newbies about being "the gray man...." So......I like the way you think ;):)

--Never pass up an opportunity to eat or take a shower.
--If you bathe in a river don't use soap.
--Take good care of your feet.
--Be nice to the locals.
--Complacency will kill you.
--Aggressive patrolling is not your Sgt trying to get you killed, it is designed to keep the enemy off balance so he can't sneak up and kill you.
--Don't fuck with the locals.
--Put your bros first.
--The best way to survive a firefight is to concentrate on doing your job. It will override or suspend much of your fear.
--Don't waste your down time grab-assing. Learn as much as you can about the other organic weapons in your unit.
--Learn as much as you can from your Medic/Corpsman.
--Learn as much as you can about comm, especially calling in arty, gunship support, medevac.
--Take time to study a map. Know where you are at all times.
--Don't fuck with the locals.

Did you mention being good to the locals enough? Well said, old Soldier! ;)