Tim Kennedy: "I have killed kids and women..."


Verified Military
Aug 30, 2016
Ft. Stewart Georgia
I wanted to state for the record that I have the utmost respect for Tim as a Soldier and a fighter, I would consider myself extremely successful if I accomplished a fraction of what he has. This is more a question about the social media postings, which are getting mainstream attention, and what you guys as a community think. I cant really say I have an opinion one way or the other because I am simply not in a position to understand, his MMA rants are not on this level. He posted it on Twitter and the news buzzards are circling.

'I’ve killed kids & women during war' - UFC fighter Tim Kennedy
I don't know that he's killed women and children. However, every bullet hits something or someone and in this setting it is often not the intended target; every piece of ordnance dropped kills people. We like to think it's the enemy but we understand that isn't always the case.
Just because he's walked in their boots on ops, doesn't mean he's walked in their shoes back home. Doing a bit of PT and having a positive mind set might be fine if you're a bit sad, but if you've got full on psychological issues, it's not going to fix fuck all. If he ever puts the rope around his neck, opens the bottle of pills, swallows a barrel, and hopefully he never gets to that point, he'll potentially have a different view point.
If you've ever found yourself in the position where you've taken, or nearly taken the life of a woman or child, whether purposefully or accidentally, you had better have a damned solid coping mechanism on hand. It sounds like this is Tim's. I'm not going to bag on him for it. It may work for someone else, and not so well for others. So long as he doesn't condemn a brother to the darkness when he needs help, I'm not going to judge for shit.

Even in the light of the mental health stigma, I didn't see a problem with his message, and my perspective is definitely a unique one. But it is, still, only my perspective.
I agree with his message to an extent and I hope it doesn't cause those that truly need to reach out for help; he has a lot of influence. I may not have been a hard charger like him but I put off seeking help; putting everything into work and PT for almost a decade. Which was not healthy.

I hope it doesn't happen but I'm sure his demons will catch up once life slows down. PTSD doesn't happen immediately after trauma, it affects us all differently and it can take years to appear.

As for the women and children, given the enemy we've been fighting; age and gender does not define them. Fighting a culture that has very little respect for either women or children; lends itself to those casualties.
I think it warrants pointing out that your source - RT - is a blatant Russian propaganda outlet. They changed the link - I won't be posting the new one here; it can be found easily enough.
In reference to the killing of women and children. I am pretty sure he mentions it on the Jocko Willink podcast. It sounded like a man was shooting at him and he fragged the room and the man's wife and kids were in the room. At least that is how I remember it from listening to the podcast a few weeks ago.
I respect Tim highly and hope that he is in a good state of mind.

Too many of our brothers and sisters are not.
Thanks for the posts everyone. The reason I posted it here is because I i figured we could get some actual discussion about a serious topic instead of the massive ignorance you find everywhere. My cousin was hit by an IED while in the guard and his life has spiraled out of control. As an Army family it is a hard thing for all of us to discuss. I just hope that Tim's message is taken the right way and those truly suffering do not ignore seeking help. My cousin turned to pain medications since the VA gave them to him like candy.
I think it warrants pointing out that your source - RT - is a blatant Russian propaganda outlet. They changed the link - I won't be posting the new one here; it can be found easily enough.

That's what I mean in the original post by the "buzzards are circling." :-) I saw it first posted on MMA forums where most of his social media stuff ends up:D
I think anyone saying PTSD is for pussies, or any variation of that thought, is doing a massive disservice to those with PTSD, especially those who are afraid to seek help.
I follow him on Facebook and saw this post spark backlash from the beginning. When I first read it, I thought it was pretty apparent that message he was trying to convey - then pitchfork nation got involved and it went south from there.
I don't "Like" what you've been dealing with for years, Ocoka. The Like is because I appreciate someone like you sharing your perspective. Thank you for your service.