Tim Kennedy: "I have killed kids and women..."

I think the torch bearing mob is focusing on the words and losing an important part of the message. I seriously doubt that Tim is calling anyone suffering from PTSD a pussy because they have PTSD. I do, however, think he is talking to the people suffering from PTSD who aren't trying to improve their situation.
Anybody who's been in the shit and says they weren't effected by it is a liar. I don't care how professional they are, how tough they are, if they've seen their brothers (or sisters) blown up or shot, if they've seen kids who've been burned or mutiliated, if they've been in contacts where innocent people get fucked up or die, if they think their bullets or fragments may have killed somebody that didn't ask for it, if they worked in combat trauma trying to put people back together, if they've seen their counterparts do some sick twisted shit, if they themselves have laid there bleeding in the dirt waiting for the enemy to come up and finish the job, no matter what the fucked up shit they have seen, it will fuck them up to some degree.

Look, I've seen torture, executions, burned children, a friend shot dead in front of me in a green on blue, seen buddies hit boobytraps, been hit myself and overrun, was more scared of being taken prisoner than I was that I might lose my left leg or foot or right eye, been in contacts where innocent people have been collaterals and nobody knows who's bullet or frag did the damage but you live with the guilt anyway...and if you doubt me PM me because I can attest or document all of it in vivid detail, living color. War is the most fucked up thing anybody can do, and if you've lived it, you know it. I don't watch much UFC so I'm not too familiar with all the fighters, but if this guy is trying to work out his demons by opening up, God bless him and I hope eventually he will come to terms with it...because there is no peace...It's there forever...war becomes a part of your character. The best you'll ever do is accept it, find comfort in the company of your peers, and over time learn to appreciate every positive thing, everyone who loves you and every fucking alive day.

Fucking well said.

Thank you for your service. It is the least I can say to a warrior like you.
Anybody who's been in the shit and says they weren't effected by it is a liar. I don't care how professional they are, how tough they are, if they've seen their brothers (or sisters) blown up or shot, if they've seen kids who've been burned or mutiliated, if they've been in contacts where innocent people get fucked up or die, if they think their bullets or fragments may have killed somebody that didn't ask for it, if they worked in combat trauma trying to put people back together, if they've seen their counterparts do some sick twisted shit, if they themselves have laid there bleeding in the dirt waiting for the enemy to come up and finish the job, no matter what the fucked up shit they have seen, it will fuck them up to some degree.

Look, I've seen torture, executions, burned children, a friend shot dead in front of me in a green on blue, seen buddies hit boobytraps, been hit myself and overrun, was more scared of being taken prisoner than I was that I might lose my left leg or foot or right eye, been in contacts where innocent people have been collaterals and nobody knows who's bullet or frag did the damage but you live with the guilt anyway...and if you doubt me PM me because I can attest or document all of it in vivid detail, living color. War is the most fucked up thing anybody can do, and if you've lived it, you know it. I don't watch much UFC so I'm not too familiar with all the fighters, but if this guy is trying to work out his demons by opening up, God bless him and I hope eventually he will come to terms with it...because there is no peace...It's there forever...war becomes a part of your character. The best you'll ever do is accept it, find comfort in the company of your peers, and over time learn to appreciate every positive thing, everyone who loves you and every fucking alive day.

Christ bro. Well said.

I think the torch bearing mob is focusing on the words and losing an important part of the message. I seriously doubt that Tim is calling anyone suffering from PTSD a pussy because they have PTSD. I do, however, think he is talking to the people suffering from PTSD who aren't trying to improve their situation.


But the problem is that for some it's not all that easy to reach out for help. The demons overtake and they lose the energy to fight. I've seen so many hiding in their basements and have no idea shits that bad. The "suck it up" attitudes don't help, it just drives them deeper into the hole. Until we as a community accept that it's just another injury, like a broken leg and help each other heal; brothers and sisters will keep offing themselves. There's shit bags every where that milk the system and will always be. But it's not us to call them out, they may very well be hurting; each of our melons get fucked up by different shit. Doesn't mean anyone needs help less than the other.

But the problem is that for some it's not all that easy to reach out for help. The demons overtake and they lose the energy to fight. I've seen so many hiding in their basements and have no idea shits that bad. The "suck it up" attitudes don't help, it just drives them deeper into the hole. Until we as a community accept that it's just another injury, like a broken leg and help each other heal; brothers and sisters will keep offing themselves. There's shit bags every where that milk the system and will always be. But it's not us to call them out, they may very well be hurting; each of our melons get fucked up by different shit. Doesn't mean anyone needs help less than the other.

Same for emergency services. Kenny took his life and I wished he had reached out to me like I did to him back in 2013. People are finally opening their eyes and minds to emergency services PTSD.

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Agreed. They are finally getting official recognition up here and the support they need.

We have some groups doing something for our city cops. Ah...there was a dinner with poles and other people basically trying to form a support group that would be non profit and run off donations for cops to provide them with support in relation to mental health.
I'm not quite sure if it's in the same category as PTSD but our child abuse team have to have mandatory counseling for having to look at those images/videos day in and day out and it's really affected some of them in a big way.
I'm not quite sure if it's in the same category as PTSD but our child abuse team have to have mandatory counseling for having to look at those images/videos day in and day out and it's really affected some of them in a big way.

I seriously considered trying to make the switch to computer forensics until I read about that aspect of the job. I could look at a lot of messed up things, but not that.
I seriously considered trying to make the switch to computer forensics until I read about that aspect of the job. I could look at a lot of messed up things, but not that.

They're the guys I have the most respect for in the whole Service. The investigators only have to look at their particular images they're dealing with, the forensics guys deal and categorise *everything*.
Not everyone experiences things the same. Tim
I'm not quite sure if it's in the same category as PTSD but our child abuse team have to have mandatory counseling for having to look at those images/videos day in and day out and it's really affected some of them in a big way.

My wife was a child protective services investigator, we actually had to move because of that job. Some shit just can't be unseen, and alters people's personal reality. Nothing can break you down faster than having all your beliefs and ideas ripped apart by reality...sucks
QFT. It's those that keep it locked inside who end up drinking or worse.

I found comfort finding my long-lost brothers after many years and discovering they had dealt with similar issues. I still find comfort in the company of warriors and military people. Shadowspear itself is not insignificant in that regard. I've written things on this forum I can't comfortably talk about with my wife and grown sons...and I suspect there are others here who've benefitted emotionally by the friendships and connections they've made here.

It's important whether you're a warrior or in an occupation where you often encounter disturbing images and events to try to find people you can talk to, maybe people with similar backgrounds. Rejoice in the love of your family and friends, but if they haven't BTDT they may be at a loss to give you real understanding.

Completely agree! Our extended "Family" has so much importance in staying healthy. But having a supportive Family/Spouse/Significant Other, whether they completely understand or not is also important. I wouldn't be here or the man I am today without my Partner in Crime and Midget.
Not everyone experiences things the same. Tim

My wife was a child protective services investigator, we actually had to move because of that job. Some shit just can't be unseen, and alters people's personal reality. Nothing can break you down faster than having all your beliefs and ideas ripped apart by reality...sucks

Our commander in Afghanistan felt the same way about our interrogators, some of whom had been in-country for years at a time. "Get them home... doing this job for so long does something do your soul."