Training Mask: Anyone Use It?

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Deleted member 2517

This "Training Mask" seems to be all the rage with a lot of athletes today, and I wanted to know if anyone has used one. Also- would it even be worth buying one? Part of me says "Wow that’s cool I should buy one I'd have some insane cardio!" but my logical side says "this sounds like asphyxiation waiting to happen..." Any input would be great.
Thanks for the responses gentlemen. I'll pay the Army Navy Store a visit tomorrow.
I have used a snorkel while PT'ing, definitely not the most fun thing. As far as being the same as training at elevation as that website claims... not so sure.
As someone currently enrolled in a Personal Trainer cert I'm kind of interested in whether or not there are good returns when you limit the amount of air you breathe while you engage in explosive calisthenics/sprints.

Without the gas mask: You can push harder and force your body to a higher level, having the oxygen to work at your peak.
With the gas mask: You hit your wall much sooner than the muscles get tired and instead your body attempts to manage with what little air it is getting.

What I've read on it alludes toward "forcing the muscles to need less air to perform activity", which promotes better aerobic performance.

So: Purely a cardio improvement and not to be used for anaerobic? Anyone more knowledgeable on the subject mind shedding some light on the physiology of this?
Thanks for the responses gentlemen. I'll pay the Army Navy Store a visit tomorrow.
OK, you have your profile locked and no PMs so I am forced to give the new avatar a "Like" in this thread.
Sorry for the interruption gentlemen. Hijack over.
So: Purely a cardio improvement and not to be used for anaerobic?

I'd vote for purely cardio. I've done a few mask runs, I tried it out of dumb boot curiosity after watching my (then) company commander doing it. I asked him about it later, he said it didn't so much make him faster, but it he said the pace he could keep for say 3 miles can now he can now kept longer. I found similar results after trying it, but because I was not consistant in it, they were not dramatic improvements.
I actually had that exact mask... I bought it when I was in junior high at an Army/Navy store. The biggest difference I can see is the one I got was $15.00 and It didn't have a ridiculous logo painted on it.
Couldn't ya just put a paper bag on your girlfriends head and tell her it's a training mask?
Seriously, wear it in public and let us know if the bank tellers were impressed.
So: Purely a cardio improvement and not to be used for anaerobic? Anyone more knowledgeable on the subject mind shedding some light on the physiology of this?

"Anerobic" means "without oxygen". Sprints, heavy explosive short bouts of near maximal work done in 0.1-3 seconds (ish) are anerobic by nature. You do those activities "without oxygen", and they are fueled solely by your ATP/ADP/Creatine phosphate energy pathways.

So, with that being said- no. Wearing this mask while doing weight training or sprinting would do nothing to improve those actual activities. I suppose you could make the argument that, while recovering from said activities, your body is forced to use less oxygen, increasing your cardio threshold, or maybe even possibly your lactic acid threshold- but thats a wild ass guess at most and would need serious prospective lab-level testing.

On a side note, anyone think that Sean Sherk probably got as fit as he is from all the steroids? Anyone? Anyone?

I poo poo all mask-wearing in general. I see TONS of guys do this- there are better ways to improve your cardio. But hey- if you wanna wear a mask and look hard while working out, I am not one to tell you no.
This "Training Mask" seems to be all the rage with a lot of athletes today, and I wanted to know if anyone has used one. Also- would it even be worth buying one? Part of me says "Wow that’s cool I should buy one I'd have some insane cardio!" but my logical side says "this sounds like asphyxiation waiting to happen..." Any input would be great.

David Carradine was a big fan. Also said it helped him run five miles on an empty stomach.
"Anerobic" means "without oxygen". Sprints, heavy explosive short bouts of near maximal work done in 0.1-3 seconds (ish) are anerobic by nature. You do those activities "without oxygen", and they are fueled solely by your ATP/ADP/Creatine phosphate energy pathways.

So, with that being said- no. Wearing this mask while doing weight training or sprinting would do nothing to improve those actual activities. I suppose you could make the argument that, while recovering from said activities, your body is forced to use less oxygen, increasing your cardio threshold, or maybe even possibly your lactic acid threshold- but thats a wild ass guess at most and would need serious prospective lab-level testing.

On a side note, anyone think that Sean Sherk probably got as fit as he is from all the steroids? Anyone? Anyone?

I poo poo all mask-wearing in general. I see TONS of guys do this- there are better ways to improve your cardio. But hey- if you wanna wear a mask and look hard while working out, I am not one to tell you no.

Scientific benefit aside what do you think of the psychological benefits of having exposed yourself to wearing one?
"Anerobic" means "without oxygen". Sprints, heavy explosive short bouts of near maximal work done in 0.1-3 seconds (ish) are anerobic by nature. You do those activities "without oxygen", and they are fueled solely by your ATP/ADP/Creatine phosphate energy pathways.

So, with that being said- no. Wearing this mask while doing weight training or sprinting would do nothing to improve those actual activities. I suppose you could make the argument that, while recovering from said activities, your body is forced to use less oxygen, increasing your cardio threshold, or maybe even possibly your lactic acid threshold- but thats a wild ass guess at most and would need serious prospective lab-level testing.

On a side note, anyone think that Sean Sherk probably got as fit as he is from all the steroids? Anyone? Anyone?

I poo poo all mask-wearing in general. I see TONS of guys do this- there are better ways to improve your cardio. But hey- if you wanna wear a mask and look hard while working out, I am not one to tell you no.

I could argue against it, my time duration on air while wearing SCBA increased by 3 minutes with a year of twice a week use of either on-air or mask only training.

Not to mention once you have actually been trained how to use the equipment, being more familiar with it and being able to rectify issues through your different options depending on the situation... the value is there for doing it.
I remember a Marine Gunny telling me(on he got one of his guys who was struggling with runs to train with a gas mask and it worked..