Two U.S. Army Rangers killed in combat

RIP Ranger Brothers...:(

“Staff Sgt. Dahlke and Pfc. Hario are heroes to their nation, the U.S. Army and their Families,” said Col. Michael E. Kurilla, 75th Ranger Regiment commander. “They embodied the Ranger Creed and all that is good, noble and honored in our Rangers.”

In their memory, this quote says it all.
Throw down your rucks and rest easy Rangers. You're MC and Valhalla has you now. Your ultimate sacrifice will never allow words to be equal of deed or accomplishment. You went before your time.

Blue skies always

RIP SSgt. Dahlke and Pfc. Hario. My thoughts and prayers out to all the men with whom they served, and to their family and friends back at home...
