U.S. report claims Trudeau told NATO Canada will never meet its military spending target


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
This is out of the latest leaks but deserves it's own thread. The Canadian Armed Forces is probably in the worst state I've ever seen. And I joined near the end of what is fondly called the "Decade of Darkness", ironically when we had another Liberal government.

First, it says that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has told NATO officials privately that Canada will never reach the military spending target agreed to by members of the alliance.

Second, the document claims wide-ranging deficiencies in Canada's military capabilities are a source of tension with allies and defence partners.
Morale has never been so low.

Throw in our entire federal public service went on strike. Including on bases. So the steam plants were shut down because the people to run it are on the picket line. So no hot water and no heat. Many of those bases are dealing with typical spring weather, wet, still cold and possibly snow. Throw in ass clowns on strike blocking traffic, including food deliveries for the mess and EMS that were responding to an accident the strike had just caused.
Morale has never been so low.

Throw in our entire federal public service went on strike. Including on bases. So the steam plants were shut down because the people to run it are on the picket line. So no hot water and no heat. Many of those bases are dealing with typical spring weather, wet, still cold and possibly snow. Throw in ass clowns on strike blocking traffic, including food deliveries for the mess and EMS that were responding to an accident the strike had just caused.

I have preached for years, but this is where an understanding of history plays a role.

You know why and our members know why, but the voters...