United States & Gun Control discussion.

I think the CDC should be able to study firearms related crime, but we shouldn't rely on a "one and done" strategy in a single presidential term. That's my big fear: a small sample or a handful of studies making the case one way or another.

At any rate, the CDC recently released a study looking at Wilmington, DE's firearm violence:

A somewhat biased review here:
The CDC Just Released a 'Gun Violence' Study

The shocking conclusion: young men with a history of violence eventually escalate to using firearms. Again, this is a small sample which illustrates my fear(s).

One really interesting tidbit is found on page 2. It compares homicide rates per 100,000 people. 27* of 50 states saw a decrease, 11* saw a decline, and the remainder had such a slight change I didn't include them, hence the asterisks. I think that's significant because it comes after the expiration of the AWB and during a time which saw firearms purchases increase.

More studies need to be done and considering the Constitutional implications I don't think studies like the above are enough and they need to occur over time. We shouldn't hang our hat on a handful of limited focus groups.

Ultimately, the only reason the anti-2A crowd has any traction is because of a handful of mass shootings. Yeah, I'm cynical, but once this hit white, suburban, latte-sipping America it became a "problem." One of the greatest rock bands of all time, Rush, did a good job with the mentality:

Growing up it all seems so one-sided
Opinions all provided
The future pre-decided

Detached and subdivided
In the mass production zone
Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone

Like I posted earlier, either they don't know, don't show, or don't care about what's going on in the hood.
LOL...I guess I can delete my post since we essentially said the same thing.
Also, as another follow up to the CDC comment, to be clear, there is nothing specifically prohibiting the CDC from collecting data on gun deaths (and they do collect and report on this). Here is the direct verbiage from the "Dickey Ammendment" (my emphasis added):

PUBLIC LAW 104–208—SEPT. 30, 1996; 110 STAT. 3009–244 (page 245 of the PDF)
..."That in addition to amounts provided herein, up to $48,400,000 shall be available from amounts available under section 241 of the Public Health Service Act, to carry out the National Center for Health Statistics surveys: Provided further, That none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control"...

That said, as I mentioned earlier, I don't see it in the scope of the CDC to do anything more than collect and report of firearms related deaths.
LOL...I guess I can delete my post since we essentially said the same thing.
@Freefalling I take it back. I just realized that I glossed over your reference to Rush. And while I agree with your point, I cannot agree nor encourage references to Rush, especially when they're predicated with "one of the greatest rock bands of all time". }:-)
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...but research is starting to show that firearm suicides are not only the most common form of suicide, but states with lower gun ownership rates also have lower suicide rates. The reasoning there is that most suicides are impulsive acts, and guns are much more lethal than other suicide methods...

I buy it. It takes some genuine committment and resolve to go out the Robin Williams way.
I think I read that the original Australian gun buy back only removed about 20 or maybe 30% of the guns in Oz at the time.

And that was by intent, they were chasing semi-automatic rimfire rifles and shotguns as well as pump-action shotguns, and military type semi-automatic rifles. Then in 2003 they went after target pistols of greater than .38 calibre and handguns with barrels less than 120mm (semi-automatic) or 100mm (revolvers).

I think you can still have all of those types of firearms, with the right licence, but they get real particular about who can and who can't have those licences.
NRA responds Obama on gun control...

Posted and shared on my Facebook page. I used to be among the silent gun owners, hoping that everything would be okay. Afraid my wife's rich liberal friends would shun me...or her.

Know what? Must of those folks don't like me anyways, and it is our silence that gives the libs their foothold - our fear of being embarrassed.

No more my friends, no more.

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An interesting piece from Vice which tends to be rather liberal. Short version: it interviewed career criminals and they were almost unanimous in the belief than more gun laws won't work. Why?

"But I ain't so crazy that I don't know that just about every farmhouse has a gun in it, and anywhere they have empty hunting cabins you can find guns and ammo," Stidham adds. "You have to be a real moron not to find a gun in America if you really want one."

Something the anti-gun crowd hasn't considered:

"A lot of guys I know mad big money selling those guns," Williams says." I had a celly [cellmate] from California who made millions, and you can bet right now there are guys out there stocking up on assault riffles, just waiting to sell them on the black market. It'll be more lucrative than selling dope, and probably a lot safer."

The best part is when they conclude with an anti-gun viewpoint:

After that, he believes that law enforcement should go door-to-door and take peoples' guns.

"I think the problem is that urgent," he says. "And I don't want to hear about tradition and heritage. If you want to hunt, use a bow."

The author of the article is doing life for a "nonviolent drug offense." I find it interesting he and other inmates admit gun control won't do anything but empower criminals and make some of them rich(er). Even criminals "get it."

Talking to Convicted Felons About Gun Control and Mass Shootings | VICE | United States
Unethical it may be, brother, but it's all too common in our universities. I've put two boys through college and our youngest boy is now attending FSU. And all three of them have bitched to me about ultra-leftist professors spewing their opinions. My advice: don't argue, tell them what they want to hear or they will find a way to screw you.

In what classes? That ultra leftist shit is all over the social studies. But if they are taking science or engineering classes it shouldn't be.

I question whether or not that video was actually shot in a biology classroom. I hope not
In what classes? That ultra leftist shit is all over the social studies. But if they are taking science or engineering classes it shouldn't be.

I question whether or not that video was actually shot in a biology classroom. I hope not

If you listen to the beginning of the vid, the professor basically says this has nothing to do with this class.
In what classes? That ultra leftist shit is all over the social studies. But if they are taking science or engineering classes it shouldn't be.

I question whether or not that video was actually shot in a biology classroom. I hope not

Don't remember the specific classes they took but I recall the 2 older boys complaining about it. My middle boy who went to UMASS Lowell called me to say one of his profs was a "complete commie." The youngest at FSU--who's in engineering--is taking an elective called "Is God Dead?" and I think that's the one he was talking about.

I put myself through college when I was in my late 30's--and majored in history--and FWIW I can't recall any leftist politics from any of my profs. And I took Russian History and Chinese Communist Society.
Unethical it may be, brother, but it's all too common in our universities. I've put two boys through college and our youngest boy is now attending FSU. And all three of them have bitched to me about ultra-leftist professors spewing their opinions. My advice: don't argue, tell them what they want to hear or they will find a way to screw you.
Some people refuse to believe what others have seen with their own eyes. Having lived and worked the road (LE) all around FSU and Tallanasty, I can confirm what you and your boys are saying about FSU's liberal attitudes. Professors and students of all types provide the stereotypical liberal mindset. That city/county is mostly Democrat with few if any Republicans able to win any local seats.
An interesting piece from Vice which tends to be rather liberal. Short version: it interviewed career criminals and they were almost unanimous in the belief than more gun laws won't work..." etc...

Stolen guns, black market guns and ghost guns are ignored by the anti-gun crowd and I would suspect that in most gun killings--which occur in urban high-crime areas--the perps are not using their own registered legal guns, nor do they have concealed weapons licenses. Since, according to the National Gang Intelligence Center, 48% of all gun murders in this country are gang-related, illegal guns must be very prolific.

There are small metal-working shops all over the Philippines making clone guns, duplicates of popular models, smuggled by ship to the West Coast, distributed to gun runners in the US who sell them for an enormous profit...the selling point being that they are untraceable and have fake serial numbers. Saw this on the Nat Geo channel some weeks ago...very illuminating.
A little googlefu and you can build a 1911 from a 80% frame for less than you can buy one, no numbers, and it's 100% legal. Same-Same for AR15 lowers.

I'm actually looking at Stealth Arms to do a "off the books" 1911. Not b/c I have anything to hide, well except for a few off the books guns...lol
This won't have an impact at all, even after the technology becomes more affordable and widespread.
I don't know... In terms of accessibility, if I'm a criminal and want a gun, I don't need to ask around, I don't need to try and steal one, I don't have to create false documents...nothing. I just go and plug my plan into my (legal) printer and "presto", I have my gun, for all purposes disposable and untraceable.

We'll see, I guess...unless of course we ban 3D printers NOW! Who's with me?!
Some rock slinging gang banger isn't going to buy a printer, computer, and software to make a gun when he can steal one. Maybe your more sophisticated criminals will push for a printed gun, but I doubt they'll significantly alter the landscape.
Blizzard, You obviously don't know a thing about 3d printing, or actually followed the links to expand your research past the Gizmodo hype.

A "3d printed" sintered firearm requires a machine that's as expensive as a proper 4-6 axis CNC mill... which if you had that kind of cash, why would you be printing a sintered metal product when you could just BUY THE CNC MACHINE and make it out of a block of billet or 80% lower?

A 3d printer using PVC or any of the other materials still has setup, expense about the same as 2-3 rifles at MSRP, and a learning curve in order to make a workable product. You can't just up and poop something out without knowing what you're doing.

Then, there's the weapons that have been manufactured. Simple fact: They're not that strong. Yes, they're strong enough to take a shot, but that's not really that much of a challenge, considering Our Lord and Savior John Browning hand-fucking-made most of the designs still used today like the M2 HB among others like the hi-power, etc.

I mean, I can go make a slam gun right now for about a buck fiddy at Lowes and another ten bucks or so at Walmart, and would have the same effectiveness, accuracy, and rounds fired capability as a printed weapon.... yet it'd be in 12 gauge vs in pistol caliber rounds. Nevermind accuracy of the majority single-shot weapons (since LOL PLASTIC RIFLING) and the whole concept of multi-material with makerbots is hilarity as well.... a composite matrix of polymer and metallic powder doesn't equal the strength nor reliability of something.. you know, actually made out of metal.

I'm more worried about flat bending being done for homebrew AK's for gangbangers and terrorists stateside than I am about 3d printed weaponry for either.... and here's a hint: I'm not worried about either of them