United States & Gun Control discussion.

I'm shocked and impressed that USA Today used the word "terrorists" in their write up.
I have to wonder what the demographic looks like in regards to the increased requests for CCW permits. Are they folks who already own guns and are now pressing harder for their permits or are they John/Jane Doe who have never owned a gun before and think they're going to save the day somehow by being allowed to carry a concealed firearm sans any prior knowledge/experience.
About the only way you could curb gun violence today is if you went about 70 years back in time and confiscated every gun in America.
There would have been a lot of people dead over that because we didn't have the sissy society we live in today. People would have fought to the end to defend the @nd Amendment. It's this politically correct modern culture that is dragging us down.
I'm shocked and impressed that USA Today used the word "terrorists" in their write up.
I have to wonder what the demographic looks like in regards to the increased requests for CCW permits. Are they folks who already own guns and are now pressing harder for their permits or are they John/Jane Doe who have never owned a gun before and think they're going to save the day somehow by being allowed to carry a concealed firearm sans any prior knowledge/experience.

Some of both maybe.

In '08 when America's greatest gun salesman got elected there was a huge upsurge in CWL applications in Florida, backlogging the system some 7 to 8 months. In this state and some others proof of firearms training is required. I'd bet California is real good at finding reasons to deny applicants.
There would have been a lot of people dead over that because we didn't have the sissy society we live in today. People would have fought to the end to defend the @nd Amendment. It's this politically correct modern culture that is dragging us down.

My observation isn't advocacy and I'm well aware guns would still exist. I don't know if you're addressing me with "It's this politically correct modern culture that is dragging us down" but if you are then you don't know me very well.
There would have been a lot of people dead over that because we didn't have the sissy society we live in today. People would have fought to the end to defend the @nd Amendment. It's this politically correct modern culture that is dragging us down.

You realize that the National Firearms Act was enacted in 1934 correct?
You realize that the National Firearms Act was enacted in 1934 correct?
Hopefully in my lifetime it will be repealed. 2A meaning and tyrannical governments and all that. Not counting on it though. Our rights are slowly being eroded more and more every day under the guise of keeping us safe. I will trade safety for liberty any day of the week.

Next it will be the thought police.

Everyone wants gun control until they need or want a gun.

After San Bernardino attacks, concealed gun requests skyrocket in area
Not this cat. The only control I prefer is if there is a gun in the room I want to be the one in control of it. I don't mind if the whole room is armed either.

Since someone is going to come along and say what if you are in a room full of felons. 1. I doubt that would ever happen. 2. If some liberal saw it in their bleeding heart to release a bunch of felons then they are obviously fine now and not going to harm anyone. So they should have the same rights as everyone else in my opinion. Besides if everyone else is armed they won't stand much of a chance at success in their next criminal endeavor.
My observation isn't advocacy and I'm well aware guns would still exist. I don't know if you're addressing me with "It's this politically correct modern culture that is dragging us down" but if you are then you don't know me very well.
No I was not referencing you in the statement. It was a generalization about the culture of many Americans today. I apologize if you took it as a statement about you.
Some interesting points in the article below, almost alternating between an argument for more restrictions and less restrictions, but the basic premise is this:

People with serious mental illness are three times more likely than those who are not mentally ill to commit violent acts again themselves or others, but that is still a very small number of people, about 2.9% of people with serious mental illness within a year. And the impact on gun violence statistics is marginal, amounting to about 4% of all firearm homicides, according to research as recent as last year.

The real mental health issue behind gun violence - CNN.com

The APA has called for the development and testing of better methods to identify high-risk individuals who should be denied gun access, implying that current criteria under federal law related to mental illness are inadequate to serve as a basis for gun disqualification. On the other hand, the APA points out in its position statement that while research shows most people diagnosed with serious mental health conditions are never violent toward others, and most violent individuals do not suffer from these major mental disorders, merely having a diagnosis of a psychiatric disorder should not be the only basis for disqualification from firearms.

Seeing even a semi-pro gun article on CNN is a bit shocking.

ETA: I can't type.
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This seemed appropriate to post here.

The facility is advising on it's FB page that "All occupants are advised to run, hide or fight,".

Fingers crossed we initially had some trained individuals in there with a firearm or two. Does anyone know the policy on Naval medical facilities regarding personal firearms?

Active shooter reported, Naval Medical Center San Diego

Edit: policy question
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It's in Southern California, you can't have guns anywhere.
No personal firearms on base, which includes medical facilities like Balboa.
False Alarm.

Problem 2,467 with today's media - I plan to follow this story specifically to see if anyone asks (or answers) "who" reported the alleged shots.

Gunshots ruled false alarm at Naval Medical Center San Diego: Update

We do it down at Disney. On Christmas. Over table wait times.

Fistfight at Disney causes panic, false alarm

"Rumors of a shot fired at Disney Springs FALSE," the Orange County Sheriff's Office tweeted about 10:25 p.m. "Fight over. Order restored."
The Gov of Virginia has declared that Virginia will no longer recognize CCW permits from more than a few states. He claims other states are granting CCW's to criminals. My hope is that those states do not follow suit and fail to recognize our Va CCW's. I just renewed my CCW for another five years, and I am wondering if the number of CCW's granted will drop. I think it will. Up to now, it has been legal to open carry, as long as you have been cleared to purchase the weapon. Not many practice this, in fact it is rare to see open carry except for LEO's. I expect that will change too.

LOL. Bad move there Governor McAuliff. The Republican controlled legislature has a plan.

“A lot of the governor’s power is deferred to the General Assembly at that point and I’ll be getting with my colleagues to circumvent everything this governor has done on this point,” he said. “I have a budget amendment that I’m looking at to take away his executive protection unit. If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.”
Virginia Sen. Bill Carrico

:sneaky: LOL. "About FACE!"

VA Will Again Recognize CC Permits from Other States
McAuliffe (D) agreed to legislation that says the state must recognize concealed-handgun permits from nearly all states — a reversal of Attorney General Mark R. Herring’s decision last month to sever the reciprocity rights of gun owners in 25 states.
Va. will again recognize concealed-carry permits from other states

ETA: I love how it was now all Mark Herring's fault.