Personally I don't believe it was ever meant to be an individual right when they wrote the 2nd amendment. To me the text is cut and dry - "join a well regulated State militia not under Federal control and you can own weaponry with the purpose of combating the government if it was ever necessary". I'm pretty sure that's what they meant when they wrote it.
They should have been more specific when it came to right to bear arms for personal self defense or hunting. That's their fault for fouling it up. I have an AR, I have a Glock. I'm not in a militia obviously. I, like all American citizens who are gun owners take advantage of what I believe is to be a misinterpreted text. Simply because I can. But I'm a minority who can tell it to your face that I am taking advantage of it instead of lie to myself in the mirror and say "the fore fathers wanted me to have this M240B". So if I'm being a hypocrite, which I am, then so be it.
With every passing decade, the constitution is becoming more arcane. But for some reason it's impossible to make it obsolete. 200 years ago there was no Islamic extremism that sought out nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons that can destroy cities. The personal weaponry itself is something the forefathers never accounted for - one AR-15 with 200 rounds of ammo can decimate a 100 person column of musket carrying men with ease from a safe distance. And 200 years ago gun crime was almost nonexistent (please take note of the word almost). I'm not saying we should only be allowed to buy single shot rifles with a reload time of 15 seconds - that's pretty fn stupid. But you can't tell me that if gave the writers of the constitution a little glimpse of the 21st century, they wouldn't have slightly "tweaked" some of the texts.
But stop trying to justify today's gun requirements for self defense by saying its what the fore fathers would have wanted. That's arrogant and incredibly INCREDIBLY ignorant. Just admit the 2nd amendment is incredibly flawed and arcane - and change it all together. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, as well as the right of the population to keep and bear Arms to protect their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, shall not be infringed" - BAM! Problem solved. If only there was a "Update Software Version" button on the constitution. We are all running version 1.1.0 and it's incompatible with the year 2013.
I hate the fact that anybody can buy a weapon, I don't think it's their right unless you earn it (I definitely don't believe in a gun ban of any kind). The NRA is complete and utter shit, and the gun control lobby is complete and utter shit. Both are incredibly arrogant, and both are incredibly ignorant.
Simply put I don't believe in birthright of ANY kind. Hell I hate the fact that most people are allowed to fucking vote without earning that right. But what can you do except roll with it.
They should have been more specific when it came to right to bear arms for personal self defense or hunting. That's their fault for fouling it up. I have an AR, I have a Glock. I'm not in a militia obviously. I, like all American citizens who are gun owners take advantage of what I believe is to be a misinterpreted text. Simply because I can. But I'm a minority who can tell it to your face that I am taking advantage of it instead of lie to myself in the mirror and say "the fore fathers wanted me to have this M240B". So if I'm being a hypocrite, which I am, then so be it.
With every passing decade, the constitution is becoming more arcane. But for some reason it's impossible to make it obsolete. 200 years ago there was no Islamic extremism that sought out nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons that can destroy cities. The personal weaponry itself is something the forefathers never accounted for - one AR-15 with 200 rounds of ammo can decimate a 100 person column of musket carrying men with ease from a safe distance. And 200 years ago gun crime was almost nonexistent (please take note of the word almost). I'm not saying we should only be allowed to buy single shot rifles with a reload time of 15 seconds - that's pretty fn stupid. But you can't tell me that if gave the writers of the constitution a little glimpse of the 21st century, they wouldn't have slightly "tweaked" some of the texts.
But stop trying to justify today's gun requirements for self defense by saying its what the fore fathers would have wanted. That's arrogant and incredibly INCREDIBLY ignorant. Just admit the 2nd amendment is incredibly flawed and arcane - and change it all together. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, as well as the right of the population to keep and bear Arms to protect their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, shall not be infringed" - BAM! Problem solved. If only there was a "Update Software Version" button on the constitution. We are all running version 1.1.0 and it's incompatible with the year 2013.
I hate the fact that anybody can buy a weapon, I don't think it's their right unless you earn it (I definitely don't believe in a gun ban of any kind). The NRA is complete and utter shit, and the gun control lobby is complete and utter shit. Both are incredibly arrogant, and both are incredibly ignorant.
Simply put I don't believe in birthright of ANY kind. Hell I hate the fact that most people are allowed to fucking vote without earning that right. But what can you do except roll with it.