United States & Gun Control discussion.

Are you guys following this asinine crap out of Co now? Apparently their rep salazar said along the lines that women should use rape whistles and call boxes instead of being armed with guns because they may accidentally shoot someone who may or not be trying to rape them because they may not be able to tell the difference.

Or how about this from the University of Colorado?


Yes and the fucking politicians who are mostly sheep and not warriors should SHUT YOUR FUCKING CAVE. Yeah blow a rape whistle and see what happens. Because when you're getting assaulted or raped the first thing you're going to remember is "where o where is my rape whistle". I mean fucking sakes. You know what the problem is? Most of these fucking tools have never been in a fistfight and/or watch too much TV where everything is wrapped up nicely in 30 minutes or the movies where the bad guy always loses because of the quick thinking by the helpless female victim. No fucking common sense. Just like the fucking jackass in the NY Senate that said "well you should just reload" yeah ok bro I'll remember that too (well I would but the common person may not...)

Unless New Jersey, Washington D.C., Illinois, California, Michigan and like five other states are all tied for first, I just don't see how TN can be #2.
It does seem radically counter-intuitive. I like to think I have always felt safer in TN than my trips to NY.

The stats are from 2006, US Census Bureau. I have seen online discussions and other articles on the topic, mostly consisting of pissed-off Tennesseeans contesting the conclusions.
Count me in that number too, Tennessee is my state of legal residence.

And I didn't have to have a "special, only good in this state" gun permit when I lived there, either. :mad:
My wife was just offered a job there, a promotion there (TN) literally today, and she was going on about the salary and the step up in responsibility, etc. The first thing I did was mention the rankings there, lol.
Unless New Jersey, Washington D.C., Illinois, California, Michigan and like five other states are all tied for first, I just don't see how TN can be #2.

I lived in Tennessee for a long time (well, for me it was a long time) and never felt like it was unsafe. If it's a good job, she should consider taking it, especially if it's in/near Nashville or Knoxville. Maybe not-so-much Memphis ;-)

All I can say is, the Attorney General of the United States never needed to come to the town I lived in while I lived in Tennessee, and announce a new anti-violence initiative. Nor were there mass murders of children at a school literally down the road from the one my daughter goes to. And the city I went to work in every day wasn't rated one of the top five most dangerous places in the ENTIRE US.

Good thing I now live in a state with such "tough" gun control laws, I feel safer already! I must have got out of that dangerous, gun-ridden Tennessee just in time!

Chop you bring up a good point...We need these liberal fuckwads to come from outside of their gilded walls protected by the likes of people like us and spend some time in reality. Put them amongst criminals for a while. Sit them down in front of some dirty violent m'fers and let these people tell them how they raped and tortured some 14 year old girl just because they felt like it or how they burned down their grandmother's house because she didn't put walnuts in their favorite fuckin cookie, or any other number of atrocities that people commit simply because that's what they do.

If that doesn't convince them of the propensity for true depravity among people then turn them loose in gen pop for a night and give them a fucking rape whistle and let them blow till their hearts content. After a while they'll be wishing it was the whistle they were blowing. 'Nuff said.
Ya, I remember earlier in this thread I posited that would be something I wouldn't be opposed to discussing, but the more I thought about it, the more and more holes I saw in my own logic. Not to mention if something like that were left up to lawmakers it would be utterly and thoroughly abused. Such as in washington where they proposed letting law enforcement 'inspect' your home.

EDIT: I have insurance on my own weapons, but not necessarily because 'they are gonna haul off and shoot someone on their own' nor is it for someone else's protection. They're an investment and I want them and me protected as such. They're also locked in a safe 90% of the time unless they're on my person. I don't think it's a bad idea, but it shouldn't be something that the man can make you do if you don't want.
Ya, I remember earlier in this thread I posited that would be something I wouldn't be opposed to discussing, but the more I thought about it, the more and more holes I saw in my own logic. Not to mention if something like that were left up to lawmakers it would be utterly and thoroughly abused. Such as in washington where they proposed letting law enforcement 'inspect' your home.

EDIT: I have insurance on my own weapons, but not necessarily because 'they are gonna haul off and shoot someone on their own' nor is it for someone else's protection. They're an investment and I want them and me protected as such. They're also locked in a safe 90% of the time unless they're on my person. I don't think it's a bad idea, but it shouldn't be something that the man can make you do if you don't want.
That's what they did with the health care mandate.

For the first time in history, it is not possible to be a law abiding citizen unless you buy a good/service/product; in the case of Obamacare, it's health insurance.

This is the precedent created by Obamacare. It is now possible for lawmakers to COMPEL people by force of law to buy things in order to just be law abiding citizens. And, no, it's not the same as mandatory car insurance because many people- particularly in urban areas- don't own or operate motor vehicles and just use subways and bicycles. We also have a choice not to drive, or to car pool, etc.

In 2013, it's health insurance. In 2014, in some states it will be "gun insurance", mandatory to exercise a Constitutional right, and in 2015? By 2020? The slow slide.

Nevada Bill Would Allow Campus Concealed Carry

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) -- A Nevada Assemblywoman is trying to make it legal for concealed carry permit holders to carry their firearms on the state's college campuses.
Republican Las Vegas Assemblywoman Michele Fiore introduced AB 143 during floor session Monday. The bill is also sponsored by 16 Assembly members and six senators.
The bill allows concealed permit holders to carry on Nevada higher education campuses, except for at campus sporting events with a seating capacity of 1,000 or more. It also authorizes campus police to inform permit holders of firearm educational opportunities.
Fiore says students should be able to protect themselves and keep their Second Amendment rights regardless of where they are. She adds that students taking night classes can be at risk because of an inadequate number of security guards.
Finally someone is doing it right!. Not like any of these pussies who are proposing shitty gun control laws. Because as we all know more laws makes us safer from the criminals:rolleyes:
West Fork Armory isnt forkin' around. Today's Facebook post and press release.

We have begun to hear rumors and have received phone calls and emails asking if we have “Recanted” our statement regarding canceling and banning sales to States that have limited their citizens the same rights as their law enforcement officers and government officials. WE HAVE NOT!
We stand by our decision to suspend all sales to Law Enforcement and government agencies in the following states: New York, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Hawaii and Maryland.
There has been a lot of outrage that government is allowed to be exempt from the laws that they themselves are creating. This is a collective attempt on the part of manufacturers to say, “This is wrong and we will not stand for it!”
We are against the rampant banning that is going on, and will do what we can to help protect the people and their rights. We support our Law Enforcement, Troops and Border Security Officers 100%! Thank you for protecting the public and putting your lives on the line.
Finally someone is doing it right!. Not like any of these pussies who are proposing shitty gun control laws. Because as we all know more laws makes us safer from the criminals:rolleyes:
She is indeed doing it right. While Rhonda Fields in Colorado is giving testimony that contains out-and-out lies (30 round mags used in Sandy Hook), mispronunciations (weapontry?), and blatant ignorance ("clip, magazine, whatever!"), Michele Fiore is organizing gun training classes for Nevada legislators so they can learn about what it is they are legislating. Most of those attending are Democrats. She is particularly devoted to educating anyone who has never handled a gun before and is keeping the classes private in order to protect legislators worried about public opinion of their time at the range.