United States & Gun Control discussion.

. I've seen articles all over the place about this and seen a lot of people on FB that claim to have received such letters. It's frightening to say the least if people are being deemed incompetent without some sort of exhaustive due process.
Well, there may be some purpose in restricting gun ownership:
Florida Woman Shot by Oven While Cooking Waffles

Aalaya Walker was visiting a friend in St. Petersburg Monday when they decided they wanted some late-night waffles, The Tampa Bay Times reported. So Walker began preheating the oven — unaware that her friend, JJ Sandy, 25, was storing a magazine from his .45-caliber Glock 21 in the oven.
The magazine exploded about 9 p.m. ET, spraying casing fragments at high speed and striking Walker. She managed to pick some of the fragments out of her leg and chest and then took a bus to the hospital, where she was treated and released.
Well, there may be some purpose in restricting gun ownership:
Florida Woman Shot by Oven While Cooking Waffles

Aalaya Walker was visiting a friend in St. Petersburg Monday when they decided they wanted some late-night waffles, The Tampa Bay Times reported. So Walker began preheating the oven — unaware that her friend, JJ Sandy, 25, was storing a magazine from his .45-caliber Glock 21 in the oven.
The magazine exploded about 9 p.m. ET, spraying casing fragments at high speed and striking Walker. She managed to pick some of the fragments out of her leg and chest and then took a bus to the hospital, where she was treated and released.

We just need to restrict stupid or teach people how easy a waffle iron is to use. There wasn't even a gun involved in that incident, and they still managed to get shot.

HARTFORD -- Legislative leaders were generally polite on Thursday after Gov. Dannel P. Malloy offered his multi-point proposals to tighten Connecticut's gun laws.
They said at least some of Malloy's ideas are bound to become part of legislation that will reach the House and Senate by mid-March.
And the governor admitted his role in enacting legislation is limited to signing or vetoing whatever the General Assembly presents to him.

Read more: http://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Malloy-defends-release-of-gun-control-ideas-4298767.php#ixzz2LbJPu6N2

Some good news to come out of Florida for a change.


TALLAHASSEE | Florida's "stand your ground" law works and should not be overturned, but the standards for neighborhood watch groups should be looked at by the Legislature, a state task force concluded Friday.

The 44-page report released by Gov. Rick Scott's office said people have a right to feel safe and secure in Florida and have a fundamental right to stand their ground and defend themselves from attack. Most of the recommendations had already been made public.
This was just posted on the Magpul Facebook Page. Colorado residents heads up!

We are proud to announce that within a matter of days we will be going live with a new program. Due to a bill currently moving through the Colorado legislature, there is the possibility that Colorado residents' ability to purchase standard capacity magazines will soon be infringed. Before that happens, and Magpul is forced to leave the state in order to keep to our principles, we will be doing our best to get standard capacity PMAGs into the hands of any Colorado resident that wants them.

Verified Colorado residents will be able to purchase up to ten (10) standard capacity AR/M4 magazines directly from Magpul, and will be given immediate flat-rate $5 shipping, bypassing our current order queue.

Our customers outside of Colorado, please know that our PMAG production will continue at an ever-increasing rate until we do relocate, shipments to our distributors in other states will continue, and that we do not expect relocation to significantly impact PMAG production. We are also aware that Colorado is not the only state with existing or pending magazine capacity restrictions; we are working on programs for other affected states as well.

Full details and instructions will be announced when we are able to go live; please watch here for the coming announcement.
Meanwhile in Arkansas:

In the last election the Repulicans took over the State of Arkansas' House and Senate.

They just passed a law preventing release of the CC names and zip codes. Too bad an editor STUPIDLY decided to print the list anyway. It's a two page list of excuses==> http://www.arkansasbusiness.com/article/91084/my-learning-curve-gwen-moritz-editors-note

She claims she didn't break the law...I'm not sure about that. It was quickly signed by the Lt. Gov:

Arkansas Business used to be a good online newspaper that was solid on business news and devoid of drama. Reading the editor's reasons for publishing the names makes it clear that AR Business is now just one of the many online "news" outlets that have lost their credibility IMHO.

In other news: They on their way to passing a bill allowing CC on college campuses (but campuses can opt out if they want). http://news.yahoo.com/arkansas-senate-passes-bill-concealed-guns-college-campuses-073816678.html

Not sure if they are working on an open carry bill this session.
Surprised that this isn't here already.


Transcripts for today's hearing are not yet available, but the link provided above has a webcast recording.

Most of the media attention is focused on the circus created by the first three speakers, as usual.

Senator Graham from South Carolina hammers the hell out of people though... it's actually pretty awesome.
Assault weapons proposal delayed until next week.
The postponement also allows more time for bipartisan negotiations between Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) to reach a deal to expand background checks for all gun purchases. Those talks have stalled over Coburn’s objections to permanent record keeping of gun purchases becoming a part of background checks.
Feinstein said she was determined to push ahead on her assault weapons bill, although some Democrats from red states have expressed concerns over the legislation. The National Rifle Association and gun-owner groups are also strongly opposed to the proposal, which could reach the Senate floor next month.
“It is a life mission’s for me,” Feinstein said.
Leahy also vowed to stay in session next week as long as needed.
But Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, indicated he would oppose the Feinstein bill, and most other Republicans have objected as well.
Grassley said the Feinstein proposal “raises a lot of constitutional questions.”
This article touches on the one reason I have such an incredible amount of hate for Liberals. This is the one thing they consistently do that is unforgivable: silencing the voice of dissent. Liberals, if your ideas are so great, why is it you will never allow those ideas to speak for themselves; to compete openly in the "marketplace of ideas", on the airwaves, print, and television? Instead, Liberal Leftists want opposition pulled off the air and put out of business. This is why the Obama FCC czar went on record stating that he wanted the government to forcibly remove some conservatives from their privately run media positions and forcibly replace them with Liberal speakers. He flatly stated that The Fairness Doctrine doesn't go far enough and even offered up some racist undertones, suggesting that some white people in media should be selectively replaced by minorities.

If you want to compare ideas, you can be treated and seen as an equal. If you want to control who speaks and for how long, and what is said, and you want to silence the voice of people you don't agree with, you should be viewed as an ideological enemy, no matter what political affiliation you might want to hide behind. And moderate Liberals should cut the radicals out of your organizations like the cancer they are.
And another reason not to live in NY State:
"No. 1: New York
And the winner for the worst state for taxes is . . . the Empire State. It's the worst state in the country when it comes to individual income taxes, likely due to its high top marginal tax rate of 8.82%. It ranks 45th for both unemployment insurance taxes and property taxes, and 38th for sales taxes. (It also has the highest tobacco taxes in the country -- $4.35 per pack of cigarettes.) Its best score was 23rd for corporate tax rates. http://money.msn.com/taxes/c_galleryregular.aspx?cp-documentid=250574718"
I cant believe this happened in Beaver County PA. This is where we cling to our guns and religion in desperation, dammit!
I think they need to up this chick's Prozac or something. All of these "false alarms" and seeing evil where there is none at all is going to get old and eventually "wolf!" is going to be cried so often that eventually a true threat is going to go unnoticed.

However, the fact that there is a 19 year old in High School, in the guidance counselor's office is an entirely different can of worms that speaks volumes to the issues in Beaver County. :rolleyes:


According to the The Times of Beaver, Pa., the receptionist on Thursday called 19-year-old Travis Clawson, a student at Ambridge Area High School, to remind him of an appointment and heard Clawson’s voice mail greeting, his own rendition of the theme to the 1990s hit show starring Will Smith. She thought she heard the words “shooting people outside of the school,” The Times reported, though the actual words of the song are, “And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school.”
The receptionist called the police, who put all Beaver County schools on lockdown while they looked for Clawson, who, it turned out, was in his guidance counselor’s office. Police took him into custody. He said he was just imitating the show’s theme song, which features Will Smith rapping the words written by Quincy Jones, and The Times reported, the district attorney said authorities listened closely to the phone greeting and decided Clawson was right. He was released.
I cant believe this happened in Beaver County PA. This is where we cling to our guns and religion in desperation, dammit!
I think they need to up this chick's Prozac or something. All of these "false alarms" and seeing evil where there is none at all is going to get old and eventually "wolf!" is going to be cried so often that eventually a true threat is going to go unnoticed.

However, the fact that there is a 19 year old in High School, in the guidance counselor's office is an entirely different can of worms that speaks volumes to the issues in Beaver County. :rolleyes:


That is ridiculous!
PA refuses to change its gun laws, what's the housing market down there and do you want a neighbor?