And if anyone wants to see the nature of FL politics...check out the District 9 borders...
This is why 556 ammo in the CONUS is $1 a round or more.Interesting concept, don't know the truth to it but it makes sense due to prioritiziation.
And if anyone wants to see the nature of FL politics...check out the District 9 borders...
There are lots of things I do when I get angry, buying ammo is not one of them.
Not that I think an exemption for Military members should be made, but I'm glad to hear Senator Feinstein explain about how PTSD is a new phenomenon out of the Iraq war.
Just found this little gem...
..own more than hundred rounds of ammunition, more than 7 days worth of food, any type of 'survival' gear, or belong to 'survivalist groups' be on watchlists and under surveillance for "extremist activities".
Gov. Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota on Friday signed into law a bill that would allow teachers to carry guns in the classroom. While some other states have provisions in their gun laws that make it possible for teachers to be armed, South Dakota is believed to be the first state to pass a law that specifically allows teachers to carry firearms.
Supporters say that the measure signed by Mr. Daugaard, a Republican, is important in a rural state like South Dakota, where some schools are many miles away from emergency responders.
MONTROSE, Pa. – Commissioners in a rural Pennsylvania county have passed a resolution saying any new laws restricting gun rights won't apply there.Read more:
Feinstein insults the very definition of what logic is. People like her and these other 'leaders' have been around since this country's inception, the frightening difference is how many of them are actually in a position to make policy and law.
I don't remember if it was referenced through SS or something I read while searching but there is a suggestion going through DHS that people who ascribe to any kind of conspiracy theory, believe that Agenda 21 is legit, own more than several hundred rounds of ammunition, more than 7 days worth of food, any type of 'survival' gear, or belong to 'survivalist groups' be on watchlists and under surveillance for "extremist activities". It was even suggested that members and supporters of the Tea Party and groups similar be reported as potential national security threats. This was separate from the FBI flyer that someone posted on here further up. I read it in an article somewhere. Might've been linked through Pulse on my phone, I'll try and find a link and share.
Totally fed up with the fact that being a critical thinker and criticizing the infraction of my rights and personal business is more and more considered a 'national security' threat.
It's unfucking believable what is going on in this country at the moment. How is all this anti gun, anti freedom legislation/proposals not being viewed as unconstitutional, unlawful or downright treasonous?