United States & Gun Control discussion.

Great link, Ranger Psych . :thumbsup:
It's still early for me and I misread your post, didn't notice the bold w/dates and took it to mean it had also already passed the senate, house & prez.
Here's a screen shot from the site that reflects the same info RP has above.

Screen Shot 2013-03-16 at 9.47.33 AM.png
Gov. John Hickenlooper To Sign Gun Control Measures Wednesday


DENVER — Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper will sign legislation Wednesday that sets limits on ammunition magazines and expands background checks for firearms, marking a Democratic victory in a state where gun ownership is a treasured right and Second Amendment debate has played out in the wake of two mass shootings.
It is rare, very rare, when I will argue for political partisanship.

I hope in the next election or two the Democrats are forced out of power in Colorado and the state is dominated by the Republican party for the next 2-3 decades. For the next 20-30 years I hope the fastest way to lose an election in Colorado is be a registered Democrat.
A lot of political analysts are saying that the current version of the bill (Which was just referred up from committee to the Senate floor) doesn't have enough votes to pass in it's current incarnation. So either the bill is going to need to be drastically neutered in order to pass Senate (In which case it'd need to be further changed in order to pass the Republican-held house), or killed entirely. I'd call this a good thing.
It is rare, very rare, when I will argue for political partisanship.

I hope in the next election or two the Democrats are forced out of power in Colorado and the state is dominated by the Republican party for the next 2-3 decades. For the next 20-30 years I hope the fastest way to lose an election in Colorado is be a registered Democrat.
The Demo-can'ts anti-2A stances on the local level will widely reduce the political traction gained from the perception that the Repugnants are responsible for the sequester. Either way it is the voter that keeps getting screwed.

So here is the pic of the kid, posted on Facebook, that resulted in allegations of child abuse and ultimately culminated in a Police "raid".

It really goes to show that there are people in this nation that instantly equate a black gun with evil.

To be fair, was it an AR that caused the issue or the child holding ANY firearm and issue? While I think the whole thing is stupid, I have to wonder how much traction the story would have if he were holding a revolver, Glock, bolt-action rifle, shotgun with wood stock....anything other than an AR.

The fact is that "guns" are a problem in the eyes of some, but an AR these days will draw the mass media outlets.
I can look at that gun and tell it's a .22, and I expect most gun enthusiasts could, as well. There is nothing in this picture that would warrant the police raiding someone's house and trampling all over their rights in the process.

I think I have a picture of my daughter behind the stick of an AH-6... I wonder if someone's going to raid my house and want to see the paperwork for my Little Bird :rolleyes:
Emily pilot.jpg

This isn't the pic I was thinking of, but it's close. I guess this helo could be for "sporting and hunting" purposes, and wouldn't be considered an "evil assault helo" because it's not all dressed up with scary-looking accouterments.

I read this story elsewhere, I believe it said you can't get arrested for making a false claim of child abuse?

But the person who reported the false allegations of abuse cannot be held liable, she noted.
“You can’t be prosecuted for making an allegation of child abuse –even if it’s false,” she said.
I can look at that gun and tell it's a .22, and I expect most gun enthusiasts could, as well. There is nothing in this picture that would warrant the police raiding someone's house and trampling all over their rights in the process.

I think I have a picture of my daughter behind the stick of an AH-6... I wonder if someone's going to raid my house and want to see the paperwork for my Little Bird :rolleyes:

I read this story elsewhere, I believe it said you can't get arrested for making a false claim of child abuse?
And I can see that. On some level, that makes sense. You don't want to discourage the reporting of abuse, after all. Child abuse is a very serious problem, and if anything, people need absolutely no friction for reporting it, since I think people tend to be non-confrontational and tend to avoid friction.

But why didn't the law enforcement officer just take one look at the pic and say it's a non-issue? "I'm sorry ma'am, but this is not only NOT against the law, it's perfectly fine, and in fact more parents should familiarize their children with weapons so they respect them."
Just two days after Senate Democrats in Washington, D.C., dropped the assault weapons ban from gun legislation to be introduced in April, Vice President Joseph Biden was in New York City, joining Mayor Michael Bloomberg and three Newtown families to urge lawmakers to think about Sandy Hook Elementary.
"For all those who say we shouldn't or couldn't ban high-capacity magazines, I just ask the one question. Think about Newtown," said the vice president. "Think about how many of these children or teachers may be alive today had [Adam Lanza] had to reload three times as many times as he did."

"Think about how many of these children or teachers may be alive today had [Adam Lanza] had to reload three times as many times as he did."

How long do they think it takes to change magazines? I've seen a video where Biden says something about taking 2 to 2 1/2 minutes to reload, but do they all think that?
How long do they think it takes to change magazines? I've seen a video where Biden says something about taking 2 to 2 1/2 minutes to reload, but do they all think that?

Yes they really do. I have actually talked to people on both parties from liberal to conservative who think this.