United States & Gun Control discussion.

Legislators in Connecticut Agree on Broad New Gun Laws


HARTFORD — More than three months after the massacre of 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., state legislative leaders announced on Monday that they had agreed on what they called the most far-reaching gun-legislation package in the country.

Nelson, Georgia Family Protection Ordinance Approved, Would Make Gun Ownership Mandatory For Some


NELSON, Ga. — The city council in a small north Georgia town voted Monday night to make gun ownership mandatory – unless you object.
Council members in Nelson, a city of about 1,300 residents that's located 50 miles north of Atlanta, voted unanimously to approve the Family Protection Ordinance. The measure requires every head of household to own a gun and ammunition to "provide for the emergency management of the city" and to "provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants."
Among the other efforts to broaden gun rights that have surfaced since the Newtown killings:
_ Earlier Monday, lawmakers in Oklahoma scuttled a bill that would have allowed public school districts to decide whether to let teachers be armed.
_ Spring City, Utah, passed an ordinance this year recommending that residents keep firearms, softening an initial proposal that aimed to require it.
_ Residents of tiny Byron, Maine, rejected a proposal last month that would have required a gun in every home. Even some who initially supported the measure said it should have recommended gun ownership instead of requiring it, and worried that the proposal had made the community a laughingstock. Selectmen of another Maine town, Sabbatus, threw out a similar measure. The state's attorney general said state law prevents municipalities from passing their own firearms laws anyway.
_ Lawmakers in about two dozen states have considered making it easier for school employees or volunteers to carry guns on campus. South Dakota passed such a measure last month. Individual communities from New Jersey to Colorado have voted to allow administrators or teachers to carry guns in school.

To piggyback on this story:

The newly banned weapons could no longer be bought or sold in Connecticut, and those legally owned already would have to be registered with the state, just like the high-capacity magazines.

"No gun owner will lose their gun," said House Minority Leader Lawrence Cafero Jr., a Norwalk Republican. "No gun owner will lose their magazines."

Does Google Translate work for Cafero and Judas? They have some things in common.

This is what I was talking about earlier; Malloy was all about "we will never confiscate weapons from law-abiding citizens." Well guess what... with a stroke of a pen you're now no longer "law abiding" and it's game on... and pretty soon it will be a FELONY to simply possess a 30-round magazine??? Something that is Class IX to the military can get you tossed in jail and ruin your life forever. WTF.
.”Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined”
~Patrick Henry
This is for all the current and wanna-be/gonna-be Texans out there. An overview of proposed firearm legislation in the 83rd Legislature of Texas.


Some of these proposals are pretty interesting. Open Carry for CHL holders? Yes please! Also, I had no idea that hotels in Texas can legally hide the 30.06 notice in their policies!
IDPA just cancelled a regional championship thanks to Colorado.


The article also mentions that Ruger did the same with a competition it was sponsoring.
Also from Colorado:
Colorado Group Recalling Anti-2nd Amendment

State Senate President Morse

Colorado Springs, CO, April 3, 2013--Colorado grassroots group begins recall of State Senate President for attacks against Constitution and Bill of Rights. The group has the Colorado Secretary of States' approval to begin gathering signatures for the recall of Colorado State Senate President John Morse (D.) for his stand and leadership against the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution and his attack on the constitutional rights of Colorado citizens.

The Basic Freedom Defense Fund (BFDF) was recently formed to educate the public concerning their Constitutional rights and to hold state politicians accountable for voting against the express wishes and Constitutional rights of their constituency.

BFDF's spokesperson, Nick Andrasik --"Senate President Morse has made it very clear - through both his words and his actions - that he put greater value on the thoughts of interest groups in Washington D.C. and New York City than those of his own Colorado constituency.

"In a recent interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Morse stated that he advised fellow Senators to ignore the thousands of emails* sent in opposition and that he (Morse) was 'proud of my caucus... and the way they've gotten this done.' This behavior is more that of a tyrant, not an elected official. The contempt and arrogance displayed in the face of an enormous outcry of objection from tens of thousands of Colorado citizens shows how little Mr. Morse cares for the will of the people of Colorado and solidifies our position that he should no longer be in office."
Last week I received an email from Ranier Arms that 18" barrels were back in stock. I was shopping for one before all of this nonsense started but never bought one because "I can buy it next month." Anyway, they emailed that they were back in stock and I picked one up; an hour later they were gone. Still no upper receivers in stock.

One plus, and another reason I jumped on it, is they listed for 280 and sold for 250. They currently have 16" barrels in stock, White Oak, etc. for anyone looking.
Charles Krauthammer offered an interesting position, one that left his fellow panelists on Fox speechless. I don't agree with it 100%, but I think he's on to something.


Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer seemed to render his fellow Fox News panelists momentarily speechless after he said President Barack Obama has lost the main gun control battle and "all he wants now is the money."

Krauthammer made the comment during Fox News' "Special Report" after National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg said Obama likely won't even get a vote on the majority of new gun control measures he wants.