United States & Gun Control discussion.

I signed up a Marine bro for a one year gift membership ($35.00). My mom did give a donation to Gun Owners of America.:thumbsup:

With guns and anything other that comes down the pipeline more Americans need to be involved in fighting for their Constitutional rights.

I'm getting sucked into another gun debate in my college class :wall:
Charles Krauthammer offered an interesting position, one that left his fellow panelists on Fox speechless. I don't agree with it 100%, but I think he's on to something.


When this all started, I figured a good way to increase tax revenue was to create another gun grab scare (only because he knows he won't be able to get rid of the 2nd Amendment). The amount of gun sales when he got elected was pretty insane. Make an actual threat to guns, and there will be a lot more tax revenue coming in. It won't amount to what was lost when the housing bubble burst or cover new costs of Obamacare, but it will help minimize some of the damage.

It would be interesting to see the numbers.
Wait, what? The President is LOSING the gun control debate?? Not from my foxhole. If I continue to live in this gun-hating state, I'm going to have to shell out $35, pass YET ANOTHER background check, and wait G0d-knows-how-long to get a "certificate" that allows me to buy a rifle or shotgun. If I want to buy ammo? Yeah, that's another $35, another background check, and another wait. Pistols? You guys remember how long it took me to get a simple PERMIT TO CARRY in this state? Carry, as in, "to be allowed to carry my legal gun from the place I'm legally allowed to keep it (my house) to the place I'm legally allowed to use it." That's on top of how incredibly expensive the permitting process is here. Additionally, mere possession of a standard M4 mag, which is Class IX disposable in most units, and consequently most veterans probably possess in abundance, is now or is about to be a FELONY here for everyone who doesn't get grandfathered in. Let that sink in. A FELONY for an empty mag that you forgot to take out of your ruck before you tossed it into the trunk of your car, or stuck it in the Tuffbox in your basement. EVERYTHING is going to have to be registered, including "high capacity" magazines.

Connecticut laws are not national, but ultimately all politics are local. This is how it starts. I hope you all enjoyed your guns and your rights while you had them.
To be fair, Sir. You have always been able to transport the firearm to the range or wherever. The permit allows you to carry it on your person now.

About the gun control debate, it is now more at the local level, where the President just needs to support what is being done in some States. Once a decent group of States enact stricter controls, then he can bring it back to the National level, or to be more precise, bring it back to the forefront.
Wait, what? The President is LOSING the gun control debate??

Now I think he is. As part of a long game I'm not so sure. States like CT or CO will pass their laws and this dialogue will enter the public's consciousness. After the next one-off killing to gain national attention someone will trot out statistics to show that CT and CO are "safer" than they were before and a nother chorus of mindless Hollywood drones will parrot their talking points to an adoring media.

Like it or not, this a war that started before most/ all of us were born. This fight is like the Hundred Years War where periods of calm aren't because a side won, but because it had larger problems elsewhere and couldn't take up the fight. As the emotion dies down and things return to "normal", little speeches allow the embers to glow...
To be fair, Sir. You have always been able to transport the firearm to the range or wherever. The permit allows you to carry it on your person now.

About the gun control debate, it is now more at the local level, where the President just needs to support what is being done in some States. Once a decent group of States enact stricter controls, then he can bring it back to the National level, or to be more precise, bring it back to the forefront.

Not in Connecticut, brother. Yeah I could transport it to the range if I wanted to... if I wanted to get arrested and have it confiscated that is.
More than 15,000 police officers support gun rights in recent PoliceOne survey.

This survey may be encouraging to some. My profession has its share of morons and elitists, but it's always been my belief that the majority of us understand what our oath means. This is an important document because it reflects the views of those who actually go out to enforce the law and keep the peace. Supervisory ranks are represented, but the majority of responses come from road dogs. It draws a red line between the troops and groups of politically appointed police chiefs.


Gun legislation’s prospects improve

Prospects for a bipartisan deal to expand federal background checks for gun purchases are improving with the emergence of fresh Republican support, according to top Senate aides.
The possibility that after weeks of stalled negotiations senators might be on the cusp of a breakthrough comes as President Obama and his top surrogates will begin on Monday their most aggressive push yet to rally Americans around his gun-control agenda.

I have to make another round of calls or e-mails during this week. 3 of my state reps voted for some gun laws. 2 won't get my vote but the 1 will because he's a vet who has done alot for the veterans community (always an exception to every rule8-)). I need to contact my Congressman and Senator.

I did give a gift of a Gift Membership for One Year to the NRA for a Marine bro who I served with. Another NRA member to fight the fight.
Stabbing at a Texas College, 14 injured. I hope that everyone injured makes a speedy recovery. I posted this here because it shows that you do not need a firearm to hurt people. All the attention that is being given to the Assault Weapon ban, and things like it, needs to be diverted to the true issues which have been discussed thoroughly throughout this thread.
My point is that people were hurt by another person on a school campus without the use of a firearm. Therefore, the AWB is clearly a side step to the real issue of the individual and why people do what they do. Is there any reason why you think my point is debatable?
Your point is moot considering 14 people were wounded. And not 14 people were shot and killed. Just saying

So, people wounded as a result of another's actions don't matter, only the dead "have a vote?" That's the way your comment reads. Just saying.
Just stating the obvious. 14 people will get to home and see their families at the end of the day.. or week.. or however long it takes to get discharged.

We can't stop violence. That's in our nature.

No not everybody who gets shot gets wounded. But lets all agree that a gun in that man's hand rather then a knife would have resulted in most likely at least 10 deaths.
and one student was quoted as saying he wished he could have had a gun, which is another battle going on in the state at this moment.
I wish he did have a gun!

I also wish the students beat that man to death on the sidewalk before the police showed up. But life is imperfect.

I'm not anti-gun. I'm just again stating the obvious of the difference between a knife attack and a gun attack. Hopefully it'll come out that that fat POS tried to get a gun but was maybe denied.