United States & Gun Control discussion.

We have already seen it though it was suppressed by the media/govt./Entire Post
It is extremely unfortunate this was suppressed by the media, I had no clue it was that bad. On the other hand, during the tsunami and earthquake in Japan the talk of the town was how "civilized" their populace was being with no major reports of looting. While I don't think the Japanese culture is superior to ours, there are definitely a few principles that are no longer the mortar to our society, chiefly Honor.

Here is an interesting article about the worldwide response to Japan's reaction and how some of it is misguided.
I am concerned that universal background checks could lead to a kind of gun registry.
Senator Toomey,

Recently, PoliceOne.com conducted a survey of more than 15,000 of my colleagues in law enforcement. While supervisory ranks are represented, the majority of responses came from patrol officers and deputies-the people at the pointy end of the stick. These are the people who truly know best regarding the potential effects of gun control legislation on violent crime.

It may surprise you that their opinions are radically different from those expressed by politically appointed chiefs of police who are beholden to their (often Democratic and often liberal) political sponsors. There is a reason hundreds of elected sheriffs who are beholden to the citizenry oppose new federal gun control laws, and have publicly stated they will simply not enforce them. There is a reason states have passed, or are considering legislation to attempt to nullify any unconstitutional gun law in their states.

As a decorated, serving police officer with more than 20 years--all of it in truly high crime areas--on the streets in our beloved Commonwealth, I stand with more than 15,000 of my colleagues nationwide when I say that we do not want, nor do we need, additional gun laws.

If you want to have an impact, work to ensure that prosecutors on the local, state and federal levels enforce the laws we have. Enforce minimum penalties for crimes committed with guns. Where minimums don't exist, advocate for them. But do not abridge the rights of law abiding citizens by supporting gun control, and above all, do not do it under the impression that this is what law enforcement needs or wants.

We don't.

To see the survey results, go to policeone.com or directly to http://ddq74coujkv1i.cloudfront.net/p1_gunsurveysummary_2013.pdf

Love and Kisses,

I'm sure my elected representative will give this letter due consideration....:rolleyes:
I'm sure my elected representative will give this letter due consideration....:rolleyes:

Well done! You are now my official rebuttal writer ;)

With your permission, I'd like to remove the identifying information from your letter and post it on my Facebook page in the future.
To follow up on the original story:


"This is a Congress that is captive of the extremists and there is no clearer proof of that than this," Cuomo said on the "Capitol Pressroom" radio show, adding that the compromise meant "we are not talking about a significant package of gun control anymore."

Remember all of the talk so many months ago about being labeled an "extremist" by our government? See, it isn't official obviously or a matter of policy, but it is clear that some of our elected officials buy into the belief that some of us are "extremists." While I won't say the sky is falling, I think we're slowly losing our sunshine.

Then we have:

A new national survey showed that 86% of Americans support some expansion of background checks.

At the same time, the CNN/ORC International poll released Wednesday also showed a majority of respondents fear that increased background checks would lead to a federal registry of gun owners that could allow the government to take away legally owned weapons.

What the fuck, America? Seriously, you jackasses?

Chicken #1: We need better henhouse security!
Chicken #2: We should hire a guard.
Chicken #1: What about a fox?
#2: He's hired, I just hope he doesn't eat us.

Stay classy, America.
Senator Warns of Coming Gun Registry:

This Administration is really fond of governing by regulation. This fight is far from over. It's just getting started.

Here's the key text:

One of the provisions we expect to see in the bill based on what we saw in the Judiciary Committee- on which I sit- would allow the Attorney General of the United States (Eric Holder) to promulgate regulations that could lead to a national registry system for guns. "
Republicans just ensured a Democrat run Senate in 2015.

I can't believe how stupid they are, unless the really want a Socialist Government, and theses actions are taken to keep the Democrats in power.

We need a viable 3rd Party.
It's no different up here, even thought we have more than two parties; the top three split the popular vote. I think the highest amount was around 30% and with 61% voter turn out; the math doesn't add up.
The bipartisan deal on expanded background checks for gun buyers appeared Sunday to garner more Republican support, but Capitol Hill leaders could not say whether the overall gun-control bill will have enough votes as the full debate begins this week.
The legislation will need 60 votes to pass in the chamber, which means it will need Republican support for Senate Democrats facing re-election in gun-friendly districts.
"It's an open question as to whether or not we have the votes,” Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I think it's going to be close."

For all of you NASCAR fans out there...I'll keep my rant to myself. Most of you know my thoughts on the organization.


ESPN said that sources confirmed to the outlet that two drivers have been advised by their PR people not to conduct interviews in the Texas Motor Speedway media center in order to avoid the NRA logo from appearing behind them.

But Murphy isn't the only one making controversial statements. NASCAR spokesman David Higdon is sharing that honor. On Friday, Higdon released a statement seemingly bowing to pressure from critics.
"The NRA's sponsorship of the event at Texas Motor Speedway fit within existing parameters that NASCAR affords tracks in securing partnerships," Higdon said. "However, this situation has made it clear that we need to take a closer look at our approval process moving forward, as current circumstances need to be factored in when making decisions."
"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington