United States & Gun Control discussion.

I can't wrap my head around the liberal sheep idea that "guns R bad":wall:

The best I've come up with is that many of them believe that evil doesn't exist and that all people are inherently good. If you believe that everyone is good, then who/what do you blame when evil things happen? The only option is to blame the inanimate object that was used to commit the evil.

I've already heard people making excuses for subject #2 and how what he did isn't his fault... :-/
It's culture and upbringing. If you grow up in the city, you live your whole life in a system where things mostly work pretty well. The stoplights control the flow of traffic every 90 seconds, the elevators take you to the floor you live on, the subway shows up every 6 minutes, the bus shows up every 11 minutes, and if there's a problem, you're expected to call 911. That's your role in the fine-tuned machine called city life. It's a system... and it mostly works pretty well under normal circumstances.

If your whole life has been lived in that system, though, it's tough to understand that most of the rest of the country doesn't function like that. And the "system" also has terrible weaknesses, since when the system is overloaded (hurricane, flood, power outage, terrorist attack, crime outbreak) , it fails the people who live within it in a big way. People who rely on the system pay the ultimate price when the system fails. And it doesn't have to be a hyper developed metropolitan area. It's the fact that people depend on the system exclusively rather than developing self reliance like that found in the rural areas of the country. Thus, wherever people live reliant upon the system, when there is a water outage, people die of thirst. When there is a blackout, mass looting / rape/ mayhem breaks out. When there is a riot, people are beaten to death in the streets for days. Etc., etc.
It's culture and upbringing. If you grow up in the city, you live your whole life in a system where things mostly work pretty well. The stoplights control the flow of traffic every 90 seconds, the elevators take you to the floor you live on, the subway shows up every 6 minutes, the bus shows up every 11 minutes, and if there's a problem, you're expected to call 911. That's your role in the fine-tuned machine called city life. It's a system... and it mostly works pretty well under normal circumstances.

If your whole life has been lived in that system, though, it's tough to understand that most of the rest of the country doesn't function like that. And the "system" also has terrible weaknesses, since when the system is overloaded (hurricane, flood, power outage, terrorist attack, crime outbreak) , it fails the people who live within it in a big way. People who rely on the system pay the ultimate price when the system fails. And it doesn't have to be a hyper developed metropolitan area. It's the fact that people depend on the system exclusively rather than developing self reliance like that found in the rural areas of the country. Thus, wherever peolpe live reliant upon the system, when there is a water outage, people die of thirst. When there is a blackout, mass looting / rape/ mayhem breaks out. When there is a riot, people are beaten to death in the streets for days. Etc., etc.

One thing I have noticed in NYC is the people here really are sheep/slaves. They want and need to be told what to do.
We see this a lot with people looking for directions, I can be standing next to a large, prominent sign saying "Train This Way" etc... and people will walk up and ask where the train is.

I saw a British couple straight off the plane walk out, no idea where they were, looked around, saw a sign and took off to wherever they wanted to go, it was noticeable because it was so unusual.

No one here is looking to work things out for themselves, they want someone to tell them where/what to do.
It's pathetic and it's scary. Bodes ill for the future of liberty in this country.
One thing I have noticed in NYC is the people here really are sheep/slaves. They want and need to be told what to do.
We see this a lot with people looking for directions, I can be standing next to a large, prominent sign saying "Train This Way" etc... and people will walk up and ask where the train is.

I saw a British couple straight off the plane walk out, no idea where they were, looked around, saw a sign and took off to wherever they wanted to go, it was noticeable because it was so unusual.

No one here is looking to work things out for themselves, they want someone to tell them where/what to do.
It's pathetic and it's scary. Bodes ill for the future of liberty in this country.
No wonder Bloomberg thinks anyone with a sense of independence and self reliance is a radical right wing danger to society. It's like watching a SciFi movie.
It's like, someone with independence, with a willingness to take their own security upon themselves, the desire to have a few weeks worth of food on hand, a water filter, whatever... where does that person belong in the "system"?

Part of me thinks the notion of being self reliant is a scary concept. When you take ownership of your own condition, you're forced to confront certain issues- chief among them areas of vulnerability in your sense of safety and well being. If you are going to own- for example- a water filter- you are acknowledging that water might not always be available. Want to stockpile 8 weeks of food? You're an aberration. Don't you trust our collective "system" to provide for you?

Buy a gas mask in NYC, and see how people will look at you. They won't even begin to know how to categorize you. You must be a terrorist or a street-walking crazy person, or else a burnt rice crispy veteran. It's so outside the "norm", it's hard to process.

Taking ownership of your own well being while living in an otherwise all-providing system like a city is the equivalent of making the statement that you doubt the ability of the system to provide for your well being, while at the same time forcing people to look at the vulnerabilities in that system. People don't want to look at those things. It upsets their sense of tranquility.

Same thing with guns. In "the system", only cops and bad guys have guns, because that's the way the "system" is designed to work. Ultra specialization. You don't bake bread, you trade for it. You don't concern yourself with water, that's what the system pipes are for. You don't worry about security, the system has provided that for you with cops on the other end of your cellphone.
I think JBS is right on target. It's not just a big city mentality though.. the suburbs of S. Florida are just as you described as well. The last real hurricane that hit did little structural damage but knocked the power grid out for as long as 2 weeks in some places. You don't realize what little ability some people have to solve the smallest problems until you've watched them try to navigate an intersection without the divine intervention of three colored lights.

A few days without the basic infrastructure and you can literally feel the instability in the air. The combination of that storm and watching the Katrina nightmare unfold prompted me to obtain my CCW. We may not see that level of Wild West here but I'd never take the chance. Nor would I ever assume the local law enforcement would be able to keep the wolves away from the door. No disrespect intended.
I think JBS is right on target. It's not just a big city mentality though.. the suburbs of S. Florida are just as you described as well. The last real hurricane that hit did little structural damage but knocked the power grid out for as long as 2 weeks in some places. You don't realize what little ability some people have to solve the smallest problems until you've watched them try to navigate an intersection without the divine intervention of three colored lights.

A few days without the basic infrastructure and you can literally feel the instability in the air. The combination of that storm and watching the Katrina nightmare unfold prompted me to obtain my CCW. We may not see that level of Wild West here but I'd never take the chance. Nor would I ever assume the local law enforcement would be able to keep the wolves away from the door. No disrespect intended.

People will bitch if their cable is out more than 4 hours.

I support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Period.
People will bitch if their cable is out more than 4 hours.

I support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Period.

Thunderstorm a couple of weeks ago. We lost power from about 1900 till 1500 the following day.

I took it as an opportunity to catch up on some reading and remember how grateful I am for electricity and flush toilets...
Thunderstorm a couple of weeks ago. We lost power from about 1900 till 1500 the following day.

I took it as an opportunity to catch up on some reading and remember how grateful I am for electricity and flush toilets...

I love to read through books!

I suggest all read books on the current firearms debate.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
- George Washington
Saw this at SEALTwo.Org and I thought I'd put this here...
