United States & Gun Control discussion.

I don't know what else to do. I talk to people about this issue and they seem content to be sheep. This is dangerous thinking to me. Everyone should be up in arms (8-)) over this issue. I am bothered by all the new firearms related laws being passed or currently working their way through.
The FRS-15 Stock.


Pretty innovative design to let one circumvent certain laws against the Evil AR }:-)..
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A group of Connecticut organizations that support gun rights, pistol permit holders and gun sellers filed a lawsuit in federal court Wednesday against Gov. Dannel P. Malloy and other state officials, arguing the state's new gun control law violates their constitutional rights.
The plaintiffs are seeking a federal court injunction to stop the law from being enforced.
Wednesday's suit comes more than a month after Malloy signed into law a wide-ranging gun control package that extends the state's assault weapons ban to more guns, bans large-capacity magazines and expands background check requirements. Considered one of the toughest laws in the country, it was a response to the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Lead attorney Brian Stapleton said the plaintiffs' core complaint is that the assault weapons and large-capacity magazine bans violate their rights to bear arms and to equal protection under the law. Stapleton, a partner with Goldberg Segalla LLP, with offices in Hartford, New York and elsewhere, is also the lead trial counsel in the challenge of New York's new "Safe Act" gun control law.

Fuck you California!

These passed the Senate today and move on to the Assembly:

SB 47 by Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco: bans so-called "bullet buttons" used to get around existing laws banning detachable magazines
SB 53 by Sen. Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles: creates new state permits that require background checks for buyers of ammunition
SB 374 by Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento: bans detachable magazines in rifles
SB 396 by Sen. Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley: prohibits possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition
SB 567 by Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara: changes the definition of certain kinds of shotguns to make them assault weapons
SB 683 by Sen. Marty Block, D-San Diego: requires all gun buyers to take a firearm safety class and earn a safety certificate
SB 755 by Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Davis: increases the number of crimes - including drug addiction,chronic alcoholism and others - that result in a 10-year ban on being allowed to own a gun

An eighth bill that is part of the package, SB 140, was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown earlier this month. It increases funding for a state program that confiscates guns from people prohibited from owning them because they have criminal pasts or are mentally ill.

So if the above bills pass and get signed into law, California may as well turn into a "shall issue" CCW State. I know it won't ever happen, but with background checks for everything and mandatory classes, you've fulfilled all of the current requirements for a CCW permit (minus the Chief/Sheriff's signature).
So if the above bills pass and get signed into law, California may as well turn into a "shall issue" CCW State. I know it won't ever happen, but with background checks for everything and mandatory classes, you've fulfilled all of the current requirements for a CCW permit (minus the Chief/Sheriff's signature).

Yes it seems that way. You're not going to stop crime or deter it only punish law abiding people. I bet the fees will play a role also. Another reason for the background checks is to raise more revenue for the state to spend...poorly.
In a recent online poll the vast majority of respondents wanted handguns to be legal. Nothing surprising, as it was probably overwhelmed by Second Amendment and Tea Party types with vast email trees to “pump” the vote right?
Except this wasn’t an online poll in the U.S. or even hosted by a U.S. news site. This poll was conducted byUK newspaper site the Daily Telegraph. At the time of The Commentator story, a clear majority of respondents wanted to overturn the handgun ban.
“While the poll continues, so far over 80% of the 11,000+ respondents have told the Telegraph that they want to see the handgun ban repealed. The news comes as America contemplates its own new laws on gun ownership, with British talk show host Piers Morgan claiming to back a UK-style ban for the United States.”

Sixty-two percent of Americans want the U.S. Senate to "move on" from stalled gun control legislation, according to a Reason-Rupe poll released Wednesday. Just 33 percent of respondents said the Senate should vote again on the bill.

The Reason-Rupe poll found that women are significantly more likely than men to want the Senate to take another vote on the proposals, which include mandatory background checks for all gun sales. Forty percent of women said the Senate should vote again and 54 percent said it's time to move on. By comparison, 72 percent of men said it's time to move on.
Only a slim majority of self-identified Democrats - 51 percent - said they wanted the Senate to vote again. The poll was conducted earlier this month with 1,003 respondents. Its calculated margin of error is 3.7 percentage points.


Senate Bill 221 is on the Governors desk. This bill is a "universal background check" bill, that is hinky as fuck, requires everyone to have to go to a gun dealer and pay a fee to get a background check done EVEN IF YOU HAVE A CCW THAT ALLOWS YOU TO LEGALLY BYPASS BACKGROUND CHECKS like this state's CCW's do.

You fuck it up, the other guy fucks it up, or the dealer fucks it up, and at a minimum you can LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO POSSESS FIREARMS FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS FOR A NON FELONY

Best part?

Bloomberg and his fucking shitheads from the east coast are literally trying to pressure this shit into happening. There's been so many phone calls to the governors office that it's gone flat automated now for the public number.

This is a National fight for Local rights now, friends


CALL (775) 684-5670

Listen, and vote option 2 against this bullshittery

A background check requirement has no enforceablity without a REGISTRATION to know who the "Original" owner is.

They'll say "This bill isn't helping things... how can we enforce the rules on the books already like the pro-gunners always say? Oh, lets do a registration because it'll strengthen our background check enforceability"

Prime slippery slope.

Registration is the next step, at which point... well, history tells us a tale of what is a pretty reliable rule when weapons get registered.

Key snippet:

"Several sheriffs who testified said it would be unenforceable without a registry of firearms owners and their firearms. As of Thursday, calls to the Governor were running 4 to 1 to veto the bill. The governor's office was so inundated that a special automated line was set up to tally votes of support and votes for veto. The automated line would exclude foreign interests from influencing the outcome. On the Governor's Facebook page, support for the veto was running near 90% from Nevadans, whereas out of state agents of the Mayor's Against Illegal Guns, a group chartered by gun control fanatic NYC Mayor Bloomberg, and Obama For America were running up the numbers on the other side. Still, no where near the made up 86% statistic that they parrot about to anyone who will listen.

When word got out that their out of state phone votes were not being counted, one of these gun control groups set up a toll free line (888)966-9244 for their minions to call in. The toll free number is answered by an automated message which prompts the caller to press 1 and then transfers the caller to the Governor's automated call system. From there the caller can press 1 to ask him to support the bill or 2 to veto it.

The chicanery involved here is that to the Governor's Office, the call appears to be coming from Nevada. It may not be the crime of the century; just par for the course for the party based on lies, deception and voter fraud. Let us all hope that the Governor of Nevada is smarter than the tin horn dictator from New York and his minions."

Key snippet:

"Several sheriffs who testified said it would be unenforceable without a registry of firearms owners and their firearms. As of Thursday, calls to the Governor were running 4 to 1 to veto the bill. The governor's office was so inundated that a special automated line was set up to tally votes of support and votes for veto. The automated line would exclude foreign interests from influencing the outcome. On the Governor's Facebook page, support for the veto was running near 90% from Nevadans, whereas out of state agents of the Mayor's Against Illegal Guns, a group chartered by gun control fanatic NYC Mayor Bloomberg, and Obama For America were running up the numbers on the other side. Still, no where near the made up 86% statistic that they parrot about to anyone who will listen.

When word got out that their out of state phone votes were not being counted, one of these gun control groups set up a toll free line (888)966-9244 for their minions to call in. The toll free number is answered by an automated message which prompts the caller to press 1 and then transfers the caller to the Governor's automated call system. From there the caller can press 1 to ask him to support the bill or 2 to veto it.

The chicanery involved here is that to the Governor's Office, the call appears to be coming from Nevada. It may not be the crime of the century; just par for the course for the party based on lies, deception and voter fraud. Let us all hope that the Governor of Nevada is smarter than the tin horn dictator from New York and his minions."

I'm willing to bet the anti-constitutionalists think this is a case of "the ends justify the means". They probably also believe they're smarter than Nevadans who just need to be led in the right direction, even if it takes a ring through their noses...
Gun Owners of America posted this number to vote against the Nevada bill. Just call 775-684-5670--it accepts votes from out of state--and let's keep that fuckhead in NYC from fucking up Nevada.

The NO vote is option 2.

Thank you! I voted option 2... more than once.
Gun Owners of America posted this number to vote against the Nevada bill. Just call 775-684-5670--it accepts votes from out of state--and let's keep that fuckhead in NYC from fucking up Nevada.
The NO vote is option 2.

Fuck Nanny Bloomberg in the arse with @Freefalling's Pakistani Pizza Cutter! He's set up a toll free number to forward out of state calls as if they were from Nevada area codes.

I recommend using his own system against him and let his money pick up your charges.

Call (888)966-9224 Press 2.

Fuck Nanny Bloomberg in the arse with @Freefalling's Pakistani Pizza Cutter! He's set up a toll free number to forward out of state calls as if they were from Nevada area codes.

I recommend using his own system against him and let his money pick up your charges.

Call (888)966-9224 Press 2.


Umm, you havent read the last few posts? :-/ lol


Gun Owners of America posted this number to vote against the Nevada bill. Just call 775-684-5670--it accepts votes from out of state--and let's keep that fuckhead in NYC from fucking up Nevada.

The NO vote is option 2.

Use this, do this.