United States & Gun Control discussion.

NRA sues over New York gun control


CNN) -- The National Rifle Association's New York state affiliate filed a federal lawsuit Thursday in Buffalo contesting the constitutionality of the SAFE Act, the sweeping gun-control bill Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law in January, the group announced in a press release

Fuck yeah! This is exactly why I paid the money to become a life member of the NRA!

Ive been told that the NY gun industry is formulating a lawsuit separately as well.
Fuck yeah! This is exactly why I paid the money to become a life member of the NRA!

Ive been told that the NY gun industry is formulating a lawsuit separately as well.

"The lawsuit is the second against the NY-SAFE Act, which is considered the toughest gun-control law in the nation. The group filed a notice of claim Jan. 29 in state Supreme Court in Albany that it intended to sue, calling the law unconstitutional."
This guy is a fucking CLOWN! wasting Police time and making a statement by carrying an AR down a street ...arsehole!

100% behind the LEO.

Same guy..still a DICKHEAD

I always laugh at these videos. Most of the time it is some teenager with a few criminal justice courses with a videotape trying to troll the police. I am all about flexing your rights I really am. However if you have a videotape walking around it is my view you have the intent to cause a situation, have the police react and try (and fail) to troll the police. This makes gun owners such as myself look bad (sorta).
"The great object is that every man be armed" and "everyone who is able may have a gun." (Patrick Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the Constitution.
"The great object is that every man be armed" and "everyone who is able may have a gun." (Patrick Henry, in the Virginia Convention on the ratification of the Constitution.

As long as you're not trolling the Police and scaring the general populace half to death just to make a statement ...
As long as you're not trolling the Police and scaring the general populace half to death just to make a statement ...

Yes pretty much. I am all about rights and freedoms in relations to firearms. I don't agree with, and I'm going to steal what the cop said, about walking down the street with a video cam just to prove a point. I don't see it.
So, the statistics bear out that a rough average of 18 people per year die in mass shootings. And that's adults and children combined. Much of the current gun control knee-jerk reaction we are seeing is pretending to be concerned for "the children". All this, despite the fact that you literally 3 times as likely to die from a lightning strike as you are to be shot and killed in a "mass shooting".

Just to get some perspective:

Despite this, Bloomberg has taken it upon himself to personally go after gun rights with a $12 million advertising campaign. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/03/24/bloomberg-gun-control-ads/2014931/

Don't you think the wealthy could focus their resources on issues that are killing massive numbers of children rather than gun control? The numbers of children killed in "mass shootings" is roughly comparable to the number of children that have choked to death on Lego blocks.
Really? What is your approach?

Open carry without a license is legal in PA, with two exceptions. If you get into a car, it's considered concealed and that triggers a need for a license. The other exception is if you find yourself inside the Republic of Philadelphia. Philly has one gun law at the state level that applies only in Philly, and it requires that anyone who carries a gun--openly or concealed--must have a license unless they are exempt from licensing e.g. police and such.

My PD covers three counties, so my approach differs depending on whether I'm in Philly or not. Outside the city, I do absolutely nothing. Open carry is legal, so absent unrelated criminal conduct I just put these people on my SA radar and drive on. Occasionally, I'll have a conversation with them if they're carrying something interesting.

Inside Philly, you get detained and asked to provide a license. The license is verified and you're on your way. 99% of the time I don't bother disarming anyone (if I do, it has everything to do with the person's conduct and attitude, not simply the fact that they have a gun). I'm generally firm but polite, and explain why they're being checked out. I normally don't have a problem; the activists seem to be able to tell who is switched on with this stuff.

I should note that my approach is different if I'm investigating something other than open carry. It's pretty easy to spot the people who are just exercising their rights.
An article from March 8th 2013:

School confiscates third-grader’s cupcakes topped with toy soldiers


In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, officials at an elementary school in small-town Michigan impounded a third-grader boy’s batch of 30 homemade birthday cupcakes because they were adorned with green plastic figurines representing World War Two soldiers.

The school principal branded the military-themed cupcakes “insensitive” in light of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, reports Fox News Radio.

“It disgusted me,” Casey Fountain, the boy’s father, told Fox News. “It’s vile they lump true American heroes with psychopathic killers.”

Fountain explained that his wife had made the cupcakes. His son, Hunter, helped decorate them. The following morning, Fountain’s wife brought the taboo treats to the school’s front office, where the secretary reportedly remarked favorably on their appearance.

“About 15 minutes later the school called my wife and told her they couldn’t serve the cupcakes because the soldiers had guns,” Fountain told Fox News. “My wife told them to remove the soldiers and serve the cupcakes anyway — and I believe she may have used more colorful language.”

“We’re just taking political correctness too far,” the angry father added.

In a statement to local media, Schall Elementary School principal Susan Wright Susan Wright doubled down on her school’s bold stand against little green men that represent American soldiers.
Lee vows to filibuster gun-control legislation


Washington • Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, is joining with fellow tea party senators in a pledge to block any gun-control legislation.
Lee — along with Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas — is sending a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., that warns the trio will filibuster gun-control measures expected to be brought to the Senate floor after a two-week hiatus.
First Magpul, now another company is leaving Colorado,


Fort Collins, Colorado, April 1, 2013 -HiViz Shooting Systems (a division of North Pass Ltd.), announces plans to relocate operations out of the state of Colorado due to recent changes in Colorado state gun control legislation. HiViz President and CEO, Phillip Howe, states that talks are currently under way with officials of a neighboring state regarding the move.
Speaking of guns, I got a phone call from my local PD telling me that my permit is good to go and I can come by tomorrow and pick it up. It only took SEVEN months and FOUR attempts at fingerprinting.

I'm going to be soooo pissed if this was an April Fool joke.8-)