@x SF med, I do argue for strict constitutionalism as it is the only way to limit the federal government, but I have never argued for a static constitution. You seem to like to tweak my posts to suit your personal opinion. So let me spell it out very clearly for you…
The US constitution is a living document, it has the ability to be amended, it purposes is to form and outline the federal government, the powers it holds in each branch of government and the powers it does not. Those powers that the three branches of government DO NOT hold are reserved to the PEOPLE. The Federal government is supposed to be a government of the people and for the people, however, just as today and just as the time when the document was drafted, there have always been people who wanted to centralize power in the federal government (i.e. remove the power from the people).
Preamble defined by online dictionary:
1.an introductory statement; preface; introduction.
Synonyms: opening, beginning; foreword, prologue, prelude.
Antonyms: epilogue,
appendix, conclusion, afterword, closing.
2.the introductory part of a statute, deed, or the like, stating the reasons and intent of what follows.
3.a preliminary or introductory fact or circumstance:
initialcapitalletter) the introductory statement of the U.S.
constitution, setting forth the general principles of American government and beginning with the words, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union. …”
So yeah, as I said before, it’s and intro to the constitution. Again, it’s a plain English thing…
I do not want people to follow me, nor do I want people to take my word for anything. I would like people too actually: 1) research the actual constitution, 2) the history of it, and 3) understand it.
The problem as I see it is that a lot of people claim the same thing as you, the constitution is an old document from a different world, and it does not support the problems of today. I completely disagree. The document can be amended by a 2/3rds majority of the states; it can be modified to allow more and less power to the federal government, and just because the people (i.e. the states) do not want to change it, doesn’t mean the federal government has the authority to circumvent the document or assert power where they do not possess power.
Your self styled homegrown Constitutionalism is akin to some of the most corrupt Puritanical Christians, Fundamental Muslims, Fascists, Nazis or Bolshevik Communists because there is no tempering of the letter of the writing with the spirit of the writing. Has the ideology of the Constitution been corrupted by self serving but well meaning political hacks? Hell yes, but has there also been truly inspired adaptation by amendment of the Constitution...
You want people to hear and follow you - get into politics, or start your own religion or political party - but make sure you know what you want and why you want it before you start - nothing is more dangerous than a well meaning man without the full information needed for the mission.
^^^^^This right here is silly and unnecessary.
@pardus, I do believe the states have the right to regulate firearms within their state borders to some level. An example would be passing a law requiring anyone who carries a firearm to keep it concealed or for them to be licensed, or even the type of weapon they may carry. However, I do not believe they restrict the ability for a state resident and non resident to travel with a firearm, regardless of type, etc. So take NY, they can restrict Newyorkers, but if I am traveling through NY, they have no athourity to restrict me, as I am traveling with my property, and it would be unreasonable for someone to give up or loose property in order to travel through NY. That is diving into another issue regarding the right to travel, and although important to this topic, a bit of a side rail.
What most people confuse is attempting to define “the people” and “the state” although the state is a formed government, it is in fact the people as well. So in theory, if the the people, pass laws restricting their own rights, and they are giving powers of governance to the state over protected rights of the people, than it’s very hard to argue that it is not legal for the state to enforce such laws. However, and this is what you are seeing with business and free markets, the people, have the ability to leave X state for Y state, to escape perceived infringement of their personal liberties, and or taxesation without proper representation. Hint’s companies like MAGPUL leaving CO, for TX and WY, or USAA leaving CA for TX, or even people leaving NY and IL to move to more gun friendly states, etc.