United States & Gun Control discussion.

Something to consider.
Ferguson MO. Those claiming weapons are no longer needed should look here and see how well "To serve and Protect" is working out.
Families and Store owners are using the 2nd Amendment to protect their stores, homes and families.
You want to face those mobs with 7 rounds or 30?
I'll take 30 thank you.
Something to consider.
Ferguson MO. Those claiming weapons are no longer needed should look here and see how well "To serve and Protect" is working out.
Families and Store owners are using the 2nd Amendment to protect their stores, homes and families.
You want to face those mobs with 7 rounds or 30?
I'll take 30 thank you.
Exactly. As I quoted earlier.... as established by case law, the police are NOT required to protect the individual. ONLY the general public. That means when the police fail, you are on your own. All the liberal tears and memorials after the fact won't save you or your family.

Proof (granted it is from Fox News, but still enough legitimacy to show what happened):
'There are no police': Ferguson store owners guard businesses; cite lack of police response
Two store owners, standing outside their business holding guns, told Fox2Now.com that when they called 911, they were sent from one police agency to another, and got no response.

One of the owners, with a large black gun resting on his shoulder, told the station that police were lined up blocks from the looting, and did not engage looters making off with large boxes from these stores.

"There's no police," he said. "We trusted the police to keep it peaceful; they didn't do their job."
The guy on the left is CNN Anchor Don Lemon, the guy on the right is self-proclaimed communist Van Jones and the guy in the center is Conservative radio host Ben Fergueson. Which one do you think actually knows the difference between semi automatic and automatic firearms?

The guy on the left is CNN Anchor Don Lemon, the guy on the right is self-proclaimed communist Van Jones and the guy in the center is Conservative radio host Ben Fergueson. Which one do you think actually knows the difference between semi automatic and automatic firearms?

Yeah, to say that Don Lemon made himself look to be every bit the uneducated, sycophantic arse that we believe him to be is just a weeeeeeeeee bit of an understatement.
"No one is saying we should take away someone's 2A rights, but we should examine it".

Couple that with that ding bat's (Lemon) "semantics" and we get the perfect recipe for removal of a Right.

What an ignoramus.

It's California. Were it any other state of the union, I'd have launched into a diatribe questioning the paternity of the initial complainant as well as his mother's obsessive predilections for biblically proscribed intimate contact with deceased, slightly decomposed reptiles. However, since it's the land of nuts and fruits, I can't even feign shock and dismay. I don't even think San Fran-on-the-Hudson has achieved that level of brain dead to where such an erroneous identification is possible.

The SWAT guys were only responding to what they were told by dispatch. I'm not going to jump in on them unless I knew at what point they figured out it was NOT a firearm, and how soon afterwards did their treatment of the teacher change with respect to that, especially since the teacher was apparently quite cooperative.
Some Dems should not engage in gun debates.....most (not all) end up sounding like Dim Limon.

pew - pew - pew LEGAL SEMI AUTO (state dependent).


There are caveats and fortunately 1st you need to understand the difference between Semi-Auto and Automatic, unfortunately DimLim does not.
Those cops are fucking retards for going full retard and the person who called them needs to be beaten in the head with a fucking brick.
I would be fucking pissed if some asshole was pointing an AR at me in a situation like this, totally unnecessary.


What the fuck are they wearing?
What the fuck are they wearing?

I'd imagine they were at home or the gym or wherever and had a call out. You know how many guys here have fought in their boxers and shower shoes?

While I'm hardly a gunfighter even I know enough to say homeboy in the faded camo shorts needs to be slapped for pointing the weapon and that AWESOME stance. I can't fathom what that dude is doing and why.
The guy on the left is CNN Anchor Don Lemon, the guy on the right is self-proclaimed communist Van Jones and the guy in the center is Conservative radio host Ben Fergueson. Which one do you think actually knows the difference between semi automatic and automatic firearms?

Dipshit grinning on the right. These idiots that want to dictate what everyone else can (or cannot) do should be deported. If you don't like a free society, get the f*** out.
I'd imagine they were at home or the gym or wherever and had a call out. You know how many guys here have fought in their boxers and shower shoes?

I figured. But being in your boxers and flip flops in a war zone, backing up your buddies, is awesomeness.

The SWAT guy with the awesome stance pointing his gun at a guy who just turned himself in for carrying an umbrella? :-/ Not so much. :p ($.02)
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I'd imagine they were at home or the gym or wherever and had a call out. You know how many guys here have fought in their boxers and shower shoes?

While I'm hardly a gunfighter even I know enough to say homeboy in the faded camo shorts needs to be slapped for pointing the weapon and that AWESOME stance. I can't fathom what that dude is doing and why.
I do love the uniformed cop walking past him giving him the hairy eyeball like "What the fuck are you doing boy?"...lol

What the fuck are they wearing?
You get the call you go. There have been too many active shooter calls to mess around (I know this wasn't one but who knows what dispatch told them). You change if/when more guys show up to relieve your position. Unless it's a department who has SWAT on regular duty rotation they are a special unit and can work at different times. The AST SRT includes members of most if not all PD's up there. I saw Anchorage PD, AST, Wasilla PD, Palmer PD and AST Wildlife Troopers when I launched them out one night.
Yup. She'll be far worse than the current guy. Fresh political capital to spend, no health care to spend it on...unless she's reminded of the political cost, I think she'll make a run at the 2A.

The moment she announces her candidacy, watch the immediate impact on the price of ammo and weapons. I'm already buying with that outlook/expectation.

The difference now and mid 1990's (the last time there was a genuine threat to the 2A) is that the population and culture has changed just enough to allow for popular support of a whole host of bans and restrictions that would never have flown even a decade ago. Now a combination of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration (unassimilated, uneducated, lacking loyalty to the origin of this nation) plus ever spiraling liberalization of schools and educators equals a huge influx of people who would support all kinds of new anti-gun laws.