SOF Support
Imagine how many people would be alive today if CCW were allowed nationwide?
Boss man needs shooting lessons.Some fucker in Oklahoma beheads a woman and stabs another worker. Boss stops him with some well-placed rifle shots.
Police: Woman Beheaded at Oklahoma Workplace
Now, before you start focusing on that last word in the news excerpt, understand the following:
-The guy had a long prison record with a string of violent offenses
-He had JUST been fired
-He is described as a recent convert
Taking all that into consideration, I think it's fair to say that his status as a psychopathic asshole had more to do with this than his religion.
Taking all that into consideration, I think it's fair to say that his status as a psychopathic asshole had more to do with this than his religion.
Is there an increase in Muslim converts in US prisons? I know it's an issue up here and seems like a great place for Jihadi recruitment.
It has been on the upswing here for a few years, but I don't have time to go chasing down the data at the moment.
A story on NPR this morning, related to the AG's resignation, was talking about how the political climate isn't right to make changes to our nation's gun laws. I find it interesting that they aren't talking about making changes to our nation's free speeech laws. :wall:
I don't understand?
We need to teach you the difference between a period and a question mark.
I don't understand?
It was a poor attempt to comment on how some people believe the 2nd should be changed because it is outdated, but if you make that comment about any other ammendment, they think it's crazy. Whenever people propose new gun laws, I change gun to speech, then ask if the idea still makes sense.
A story on NPR this morning, related to the AG's resignation, was talking about how the political climate isn't right to make changes to our nation's gun laws. I find it interesting that they aren't talking about making changes to our nation's free speeech laws. :wall:
Because the only reason to leave the 2A alone is because it's politically inconvenient...:wall::wall::wall:
Every time it's been tried it bit them in the ass. I love it how "they" talk about it's the right thing to do, but it's blatantly obvious that the great unwashed mass of us regular Americans have no interest in gun control.