United States & Gun Control discussion.

Some fucker in Oklahoma beheads a woman and stabs another worker. Boss stops him with some well-placed rifle shots.

Police: Woman Beheaded at Oklahoma Workplace

Now, before you start focusing on that last word in the news excerpt, understand the following:
-The guy had a long prison record with a string of violent offenses
-He had JUST been fired
-He is described as a recent convert

Taking all that into consideration, I think it's fair to say that his status as a psychopathic asshole had more to do with this than his religion.
Boss man needs shooting lessons.
Taking all that into consideration, I think it's fair to say that his status as a psychopathic asshole had more to do with this than his religion.

Yes and no, Deathy. There was an article I read several months ago that addressed psychopathic murderers and a seeming connection to their having turned to Buddhism/meditation at some point before they committed murder (it was an established mainstream newspaper's online edition, I want to say it was LA Times or Dallas Morning News, but I can't recall). In it, they used the example of a recently arrested murderer having worked in a Thai restaurant, coming to Buddhism and meditation through the acquaintances that he made at the Thai restaurant, then committing his crimes not long after he stopped coming to the meditation center. The hypothesis was that psychopaths often turn to Buddhism and/or meditation to try to find the inner peace that is characteristically missing from their senses of being, and when that fails they go flying off the rails and into newspaper headlines.

What it looks like to me in the OK beheading, is that we have an adult male, most likely raised in the Christian tradition by an African American family (with an above average likelihood that they were members of an A.M.E. Zion or some other "gospel" church, as his God-fearing tattoos are likely a symbol of "where he came from"), who fell into the trappings of criminal life like many other African American males in America, and most likely had been self-aware of his psychopathic tendencies since his teens. Instead of turning to Buddhism, he turned to Islam, which has a well-earned reputation for violence in the modern historical era (Barbary Pirates ring a bell?), especially with the Wahhabi sect, Al Qaeda, ISIS standing behind such verses in the Quran as 2:191-3 "And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them from whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight them not at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you there, then slay them. Such is the rewards of disbelievers.(191) But if they desist, lo Allah is forgiving, merciful (192) And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers. (193)"

Instead of attempting to find an inner peace that quelled an unquellable urge, he embraced it wholeheartedly by adopting an ideology that praises such traits. One could make the argument that religion as a whole is a magnet for crazy people, but how many turn to a faith to try to find peace and conform to the standard of what is right, versus how many turn to a faith that holds up violence and barbarism as the standard for what is right? I am not saying that Islam caused him to be crazy. He just found in the Quran his validation for the crazy that he could find in no other religious text. This was the bug light that he couldn't help but fly towards. Had he not turned to Islam, he'd probably have just shot someone (perhaps again?), then marched off to jail saying "Can't nobody but Jesus judge me, so fuck all y'all." He wouldn't have gone digging into the Old Testament to find a single verse to validate his psychopathy, as he'd have had to read through too much condemnation. Instead, he turned to a sect that is several centuries overdue for a reformation of any kind and got the green light that he had been searching for.

To say that Islam was not related to this is disingenuous. It is not the cause, but it is most certainly an influence.
A story on NPR this morning, related to the AG's resignation, was talking about how the political climate isn't right to make changes to our nation's gun laws. I find it interesting that they aren't talking about making changes to our nation's free speeech laws. :wall:
A story on NPR this morning, related to the AG's resignation, was talking about how the political climate isn't right to make changes to our nation's gun laws. I find it interesting that they aren't talking about making changes to our nation's free speeech laws. :wall:

I don't understand?
I don't understand?

It was a poor attempt to comment on how some people believe the 2nd should be changed because it is outdated, but if you make that comment about any other ammendment, they think it's crazy. Whenever people propose new gun laws, I change gun to speech, then ask if the idea still makes sense.
It was a poor attempt to comment on how some people believe the 2nd should be changed because it is outdated, but if you make that comment about any other ammendment, they think it's crazy. Whenever people propose new gun laws, I change gun to speech, then ask if the idea still makes sense.

I have never thought of it that way.
That's actually the best way to think about it. Words start wars, and as long as I have a gun to stop you with, you can't shut me up. Some liberals don't get that fact and refuse to accept it, which is perfectly fine since it lets me know who's actually stupid. Especially when they're in the business of violence.
I think there was a logical reason for the order of the first 2 Amendments of the BOR. Freedom of religion, speech, assembly and redress of grievances mean diddly squat without the teeth of the 2nd Amendment.
LOL. Yup. That was a big, "and don't get any ideas about trying to take those cuz this one's next. Booyah!"

Er, you know. If they said booyah back then. :p
A story on NPR this morning, related to the AG's resignation, was talking about how the political climate isn't right to make changes to our nation's gun laws. I find it interesting that they aren't talking about making changes to our nation's free speeech laws. :wall:

Because the only reason to leave the 2A alone is because it's politically inconvenient...:wall::wall::wall:
Because the only reason to leave the 2A alone is because it's politically inconvenient...:wall::wall::wall:

Every time it's been tried it bit them in the ass. I love it how "they" talk about it's the right thing to do, but it's blatantly obvious that the great unwashed mass of us regular Americans have no interest in gun control.
Every time it's been tried it bit them in the ass. I love it how "they" talk about it's the right thing to do, but it's blatantly obvious that the great unwashed mass of us regular Americans have no interest in gun control.

But now they have Bloomberg throwing cash at their agenda... just like killing slurpees and large sodas and mega-meals in NYC....

Not that the NRA has done a lot to include most Americans on the pro 2-A side of the house... hell I'm a gun owner and most of their political rhetoric and strong-arm tactics makes me wonder what the hell they're up to.