United States & Gun Control discussion.

Now a combination of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration (unassimilated, uneducated, lacking loyalty to the origin of this nation)

I agree with your post except for this. I think we agree on the outcome but maybe not the path. I think in 5-10 years you'll be correct, but I think the current issue is the loss/ weakening of Blue Dog Democrats. For years these were the guys and gals who opposed anti-2A measures; they were the pro-gun sub-faction of the Democrats. The polarization of our political system has eroded that group and that's why I think we're on shaky ground. Unchecked, that group goes away entirely and then we're facing the immigration issue you describe above.
Wait until the Democrats give 11 + million illegals green cards... citizenship. We can kiss the America we all know now goodbye.The slip into socialism will be rapid and the Republican party will be as relevant as the Whigs are today.
Guns? Doomed. If Hillary doesn't do it, the next POTUS will, or the one after that, or the one after that...
Am I the only one just finding out Obama banned AK-47's?

I can't find one in stock anywhere. What a shocker.
Some of you have a positive way of looking at this.

I myself am angered continually by one leftist move after another to attempt to disarm the law abiding American public.

Yes they were banned from importation, not banned from possession, but the impact is severe, and ripples across the entire spectrum of weapons in this class. AK's that were plentiful at $600 are now fetching 200% of that. Other non-Russian AK'S are priced higher too.
It's a ban from importation of Russian weapons, which is in turn lumped into a pile of other sanctions that Russia has on them thanks to deciding FUCK THIS WE OWN UKRAINE.

Why is it such a big deal about banning that specific piece of sheet metal from one.specific.country that just happens to be engaging in an aggressive action against a democratic state on the planet?

Try to buy a Siyavash or a PC-9 ZOAF sometime. Tell me how far you get.

Just bend your own flats if it's that big a deal. it's not like an AK requires heavy jigging and drill presses like an 80% lower.
Some of you have a positive way of looking at this.

I myself am angered continually by one leftist move after another to attempt to disarm the law abiding American public.

Yes they were banned from importation, not banned from possession, but the impact is severe, and ripples across the entire spectrum of weapons in this class. AK's that were plentiful at $600 are now fetching 200% of that. Other non-Russian AK'S are priced higher too.

I'm sure the White House was very happy indeed to have a legit reason to legislate anything anti-gun into effect. As Americans and gun owners we should be very worried indeed with the direction things are going with regards to gun ownership.
However your obfuscation of the facts will not go unchallenged on this site. Stop with that shit!
So Bill Clinton's at it again... :wall::rolleyes:


"I think we have enhanced the risks by changing the environment, basically, because it seems we bought the NRA's theory that we would all be safer if everybody in this audience had a gun that was a concealed weapon," Clinton said. "Then if one of them felt threatened by another, they could stand up right here and stand their ground. And we could watch the whole saga unfold. That is what happens."

Then he actually says something I agree with, but misses the point of WHY this is the case.

"I actually think we're less racist, less sexist, less homophobic than we used to be," Clinton said. "I think our big problem today is we don't want to be around anybody who disagrees with us. And I think that in some ways can be the worst silo of all to be held up in."

I'm onboard, but the problem is we surround ourselves with like-minded people and eschew those who aren't like us because of the politically correct nature of society. Where everyone is a potential victim and in some circumstances where everyone is a potential lawsuit, why SHOULD we be around those who are different than us? Even in cases where I shouldn't feel threated I find myself holding my tongue because of how polarized our society's become. I refuse to discuss some topics because of their nature and the emotional reactions they elicit.

But then he follows it with...

The former president later added, "I think whenever people are insecure, they tend to return to home base psychologically. We tend to want to be with our own, however we define that. ... I think that's what is really at the root of many of our problems today."

Nicely done, Bill. You open the door for at least one solid point and then shut it with that statement. "Here's some dialgue for the country, but you're insecure and that's why you act like that. Checkmate."

Dems must really be worried about losing the Senate.

Maybe, but Holder will remain around until after the elections. I haven't found a confirmed name to replace him, just a bunch of speculation. I'm too skeptical to think a moderate will take his place. I'm glad to see Holder leave even if it is 6 years too late, but it won't change much.
Maybe, but Holder will remain around until after the elections. I haven't found a confirmed name to replace him, just a bunch of speculation. I'm too skeptical to think a moderate will take his place. I'm glad to see Holder leave even if it is 6 years too late, but it won't change much.
True, but they have "He's leaving" as a counter argument to any Republican attacks on him.
Some fucker in Oklahoma beheads a woman and stabs another worker. Boss stops him with some well-placed rifle shots.

Police: Woman Beheaded at Oklahoma Workplace
A man fired from an Oklahoma food processing plant beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official, police said Friday.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis says police are waiting until the 30-year-old man is conscious to arrest him in Thursday's attack and have asked the FBI to help investigate after co-workers at Vaughan Foods told authorities that he recently started trying to convert several employees to Islam.

Now, before you start focusing on that last word in the news excerpt, understand the following:
-The guy had a long prison record with a string of violent offenses
-He had JUST been fired
-He is described as a recent convert

Taking all that into consideration, I think it's fair to say that his status as a psychopathic asshole had more to do with this than his religion.