US Navy Changes Uniforms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Boondocksaint375
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IMHO All the services should wear the same type of utility and/or BDU uniform! No exceptions. Keep the individual dress uniforms for each service.

Exactly. Makes it a lot harder to "move to the sound of the guns and shoot anyone not dressed like you."
I gotta say...

The new working unis suck. The great thing about dungarees and poopy suits is the fact that they were cheap, durable, and, in my opinion, and after a proper breaking in period, quite comfortable. I mean, sure, multiple pockets n' shit make sense for a combat-type uniform. Most of the NSW and expeditionary guys I know wear BDUs, CUUs, or similar. But give the average fleet sailor that many pockets and he/she will feel the need to lug around every god-damned thing that'll fit - iPods, cell phones, candy bars, who knows what the fuck else. When I was a BM, all I carried during the duty day was my ID card in my chest pocket and a knife and marlinspike in a holster on my belt. I say dungarees and poopy suits were fine, if it ain't broke don't fix it. If a sailor deploys somewhere they need a combat uni, let 'em wear BDUs, or cammies, or even a version of marpat. But BLUE DIGICAM:doh: - methinks some flag orificers got ahold of summa that Humboldt County agricultural product.

p.s. I kinda like the new service dress.:evil:
I think he's referring to the digital pattern of the ACU.

ACU's look nothing like the MARPAT. I suppose because the pattern is a bunch of small blocks, that's what makes it similar. ACU's are cut differently (I like the cut better than the MARPAT), are lighter, but look retarded in almost any environment. The only time we actually blended in with that shit in the field was at Campbell at the end of winter/beginning of spring, because the ground was covered with GRAY leaves and some brownish/light brown shit. I still had all my guys roll around in the mud. . .

The MARPAT is a smart looking design. I heard through the rumor mill that the Army refused to go with it because the Marines beat us to it and we had to do our own thing. Stupid shit to me. . .go with the roomier uniforms for us but use the same pattern, just take out the Marine logo; add that US Army star symbol if you need to, but geez.

The new Army shirts are kind of cool, but that logo frigging kills me, and they get pissed if we ever wear them off the flight line.

Back on topic, yeah the Navy's new uniform is a rippoff of the Marines, but Marines are Navy anyway;). That blue uniform is nuts. Why don't they just give them the BDU's the Russians use?
Going digi, (not the same pattern, but same concept) now pushing the "everyone a rifleman idea" ..... there are a few others, but I wasnt being overly serious.

Every Soldier a marksman? I dunno, I haven't been in that long. Maybe we jacked it. We'll give you some more of our old crap to make up for it.:D

I wish we would take pull-ups from you, but you can keep your crunches.
IMHO All the services should wear the same type of utility and/or BDU uniform! No exceptions. Keep the individual dress uniforms for each service.

I think I can understand the reasons for your "one uniform" arguement, I don't agree. For reasons mentioned by both myself and my SeaBee shipmate earlier, A BDU-type utility uniform is pretty impractical for shipboard use. I have worn both Utilities and Dungarees and I would hate to wear the former, with their bagginess and snag prone pockets, in the small spaces you deal with on any seagoing vessel. Also, in my own experience, utilities don't stand up the the kind of harsh saltwater conditions one can find at sea. Plus, as any Navy boot can tell you, dungarees provide you with set of emergency flotation devices without unduly hampering movement like a life vest does. This is a primary concern for anyone on board a DD or FF in high seas:eek:

Maybe a universal working uniform works for shore duty, but those folks mostly wear the service dress anyway.
I think I can understand the reasons for your "one uniform" arguement, I don't agree.

What is worn on a ship is irrevant to the point made about the same uniform, it is meant in the contex of boots on the ground in a war zone.

WTF do Navy personal need cammo on a ship for anway? Keep your dungarees.

It's important when fighting to beable to instantly and easily identify friend and foe, hense TW's statment.
I concur that in a war zone, combat uniforms should be the same, for the very reasons stated. However, Mr. Trip_Wire said "All the services should wear the same type of utility and/or BDU uniform! No exceptions," which I understood to mean across the board, every service man or woman. If I misunderstood, I sincerely apologize. As to being in a war zone, I would fit sailors on a ship in the Persian Gulf or other waters doing VBSS and suchlike duties into that category, but I still believe dungarees and coveralls to be the better uniform for them.

Then again, maybe, having been a Bos'n's Mate, I'm a little more traditional:D
I concur that in a war zone, combat uniforms should be the same, for the very reasons stated. However, Mr. Trip_Wire said "All the services should wear the same type of utility and/or BDU uniform! No exceptions," which I understood to mean across the board, every service man or woman. If I misunderstood, I sincerely apologize. As to being in a war zone, I would fit sailors on a ship in the Persian Gulf or other waters doing VBSS and suchlike duties into that category, but I still believe dungarees and coveralls to be the better uniform for them.

Then again, maybe, having been a Bos'n's Mate, I'm a little more traditional:D

Much of what I said was based on those idiotic blue BDUs. The Navy does need a battle uniform, especially for SEALs, Seabees, Medics, EOD, etc. Sailors are also now serving on land in various places doing soldier work, etc.

Yes, I do think there should be just one combat type and/or BDU uniform for all services. At times, I wonder if the old Jungle Fatigues OD- 107, was one of the best all around combat uniform.

On the other hand, I have always thought the Navy's old blue shirt and Bell bottomed dungaree trousers & sailor hat was a proper uniform for a sailor working on shipboard. May be for ship board sailors they could have both available. :2c: :D
At times, I wonder if the old Jungle Fatigues OD- 107, was one of the best all around combat uniform.

I think the best all round color uniform ever fielded was Khaki.

The name of the color khaki comes from the Persian word khak meaning dust, and khaki meaning dusty, dust covered or earth colored.

I think its because I like the WWII Paratrooper uniform and the '107s copied many of there features. As I recall one model of that WWII Para uniform was Khaki. It's still a great looking battle uniform.

The 82nd Airborne Choir wears it when they perform, with a white scarf w/ 82nd patch centered on the scarf. Very —*Sharp! :D