USA Free Speech Dead in 15- 20 Years


Verified Military
Aug 14, 2007
If you haven't been paying attention (like me), the new thing is "micro-agression". P.C. culture has utterly destroyed the next generation.

"If you sneeze and I say 'God bless you', is that microaggression?"


I watched an interview on MSNBC where they were on a college campus. Some young woman was quoted as saying our right to own guns was secondary to the rights of her feelings.

We're reaching a point where everything will be offensive, aggressive, and banned.
I wonder where she learned that or if she came up with that wisdom all on her own?

One way or another, you can't kill an idea/ ideology which is why we'll see this topic again and again and again....
What fucking pussified shit heads.

No that is not a microaggression, it is true hard core aggression toward the fucktards.

I want free speech as long as my sense of right is not offended.... removes the freedom from free speech... are these idiots that far removed from logic, thick skins and clear thought?
What fucking pussified shit heads.

No that is not a microaggression, it is true hard core aggression toward the fucktards.

I want free speech as long as my sense of right is not offended.... removes the freedom from free speech... are these idiots that far removed from logic, thick skins and clear thought?

So the Black Liberationist is against free speech, because it's white people exercising that right?
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Yeah, see, here's the thing. I'm going to do what I'm going to do. I'm going to say what I'm going to say. I'm not going out of my way to save the planet or try to reduce my carbon footprint or just stay invisible so I don't offend anyone. I'm more interested in helping actual people as individuals. I don't like the people spreading this bullshit and I have no intention of putting myself out for their benefit. They can have my guns, cars, air conditioning, and incandescent light bulbs after I'm dead and IF they can pry them out of my boys' hands.

Oh, and good luck with that last one.
I wonder what they are using for the definition of micro aggression? I always thought micro aggression was body posture or body language. Example being, your having a disagreement with someone and they start to stand closer to you or start to react with their body. Or am I thinking of something else?

I agree those people are pussies.

Now I'm confused, I just went and looked up the definition for micro aggression as well as micro expression. About 12-13 years ago I took several intrapersonal language skills and conflict resolution course's, and I remember learning micro aggression as indicators of aggression.

Example, as you speak with someone watching not just their body language, but looking for micro aggressions (making fist and opening hands, foot movement, standing closer when being very direct in conversation). These were taught as non-verbal ques of when a person was becoming aggressive. We also we're taught specific wording, such as curse words, or common slang words that gave an indication that someone was becoming aggressive.

The micro expressions definition was about how I remember it, but the micro aggression was leaving the door open for anything and everything that offends, intentionally or not, to be a micro aggression.

Am I missing something, or not remembering this stuff correctly? These courses were fairly common LE courses back in the early 2000's. I'm wondering if LE has a different definition? I really don't want to go digging out my old course work to confirm my memory.
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Now I'm confused, I just went and looked up the definition for micro aggression as well as micro expression. About 12-13 years ago I took several intrapersonal language skills and conflict resolution course's, and I remember learning micro aggression as indicators of aggression.

Example, as you speak with someone watching not just their body language, but looking for micro aggressions (making fist and opening hands, foot movement, standing closer when being very direct in conversation). These were taught as non-verbal ques of when a person was becoming aggressive. We also we're taught specific wording, such as curse words, or common slang words that gave an indication that someone was becoming aggressive.

The micro expressions definition was about how I remember it, but the micro aggression was leaving the door open for anything and everything that offends, intentionally or not, to be a micro aggression.

Am I missing something, or not remembering this stuff correctly? These courses were fairly common LE courses back in the early 2000's. I'm wondering if LE has a different definition? I really don't want to go digging out my old course work to confirm my memory.

Different type of microaggression, brother. This type is all about "my feels."
Micro aggression: This is really but another catagory of the Politically Correct Liberals who have way too much time on their hands; and no real direction in their lives. Now they can make more and more of less and less and begin yet another useless movement. I wonder if this will make it onto the HRC platform?
Yes HRC will try to adopt because these assholes will become HRC.
Love the white guy justifying quota based hiring, hope his daddy owns the company otherwise a less qualified candidate might get the job.:ROFLMAO:
Different type of microaggression, brother. This type is all about "my feels."

I guess we're a pretty doomed society if we have to watch what we say, that might possibly offend a multi cultural society such as ours. I mean is it even possible? What happened to cultural acceptance that was being bashed in our heads 15 years ago?
I may not be perfect, but I can promise you not all of us college students are this stupid. Still plenty of us out there who will speak our mind (sensitive feelings be damned) but still follow the line of thought of be respectful and don't act like an asshole to everyone.
A huge source of the problem is the media is giving these idiots power. Im going to use the women in combat MOS's as an example.
The media goes " look how this group of people are being oppressed and ill treated"
Then you have the PC crowd band together and put political pressure on a government, whos leaders bow down to these things instead to keep their stars and Poof!

This is with everything from business to corporation. Like sueing a christian cake company for not accepting to serve a same sex wedding.
This is what happens when you have spineless leaders and media who earn their bucks off it, the idiots of the generation Unite like hordes out of hell and this is what you get.
As a current college student myself in Atlanta, I can tell you from experience that it's way worse than seen in the video.
As usual, you can blame the cultral traitors in charge of universities for pandering to these retards and allowing them to grow in numbers. In some places, it's come to the point where you risk being penalised or worse for saying or writing something that *might* hurt someone's feelings. The greatest failure of right wing parties is to have left sectors such as education, media, etc, almost entirely in the hands of the socialists. Now the cultural Marxists decide what's "funny", what's "progressive" and what we teach kids in schools.
I guess we're a pretty doomed society if we have to watch what we say, that might possibly offend a multi cultural society such as ours. I mean is it even possible? What happened to cultural acceptance that was being bashed in our heads 15 years ago?
Our country is being balkanized right before our eyes.