USA Free Speech Dead in 15- 20 Years

I may not be perfect, but I can promise you not all of us college students are this stupid. Still plenty of us out there who will speak our mind (sensitive feelings be damned) but still follow the line of thought of be respectful and don't act like an asshole to everyone.

And I'm sure most members on this board know that. Hell most probably train or work with guys and gals our age, and see it first hand, in the military and civilian sector. But I think the majority of our generation is right on board with the new PC society. I regularly shake a 20 something year old mans hand, and their grip is weaker than some of my ex girlfriends handshakes, and many times they won't even look me in the eye while doing it. Don't get me wrong, just because you don't work physical jobs doesn't mean you're not a hard worker, or don't understand what hard work is, but there are WAY too many in our generation that don't, and worse yet have never worked a job in their life, period. Their idea of roughing it is having to work a little bit of overtime, or pull an all night study session. In my opinion, toughness is earned, as is the right to call yourself a man. Considering all this, it's no wonder so many are afraid to speak their mind or choose the path less traveled for fear of upsetting someone.

You're right on, there are many out there our age who still have the balls to speak their mind, and get their hands dirty. But they are way too few and far between. I tell my little brother all the time that no matter how hard your day is, or how tough you think you have it, or how tired you are, someone out there ALWAYS has it worse. And no matter how many people disagree with your opinions, sticking to your guns will always guarantee that you'll have respect for yourself. If you can't claim self respect, what do you really have?
As long as we can still voice our opinions, vote and own guns we have some options to resist stupid bullshit. The world isn't gonna cave all at once, it'll come in increments. When the right to any of those is taken away, that's when you ruck up and take to the hills.

So here I am, having a Sunday roast, a Aussie tradition, listening to The Stones Street Fighting Man. Apt, no?

:thumbsup: Good for you, mate. Today, it's the shooting range for me and my three sons, then grilling meat and drinking beer and fuck the uptight cuntless assholes who want to kill all the fun in the world.
It's not just in colleges.

Here's a grade school with a moron for a principal. This is where some people would like to take our country, folks...

New York Principal bans Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pledge of Allegiance, and Santa:

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance

“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa,” PTA President Mimi Ferrer said administrators told her.
With these wanna be “social justice warriors” and their cultural Marxism ideologies, I would hope that this is just a phase...I mean throughout history the pendulum has always swung both ways, right? To any older generations of this forum, were there any ultra politically correct phases you remember? 70's perhaps? or is the current trend the worst of it? Because its frustratingly painful.
I'm curious if there's ever been a point in American history where there wasn't some type of advocacy for social change? I always just assumed as much, with the common person simply finding it easier to find their ways to be offended nowadays. (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
So here I am, having a Sunday roast, a Aussie tradition, listening to The Stones Street Fighting Man. Apt, no?

WHAT???:-o:-o:-o You should be rocking to Peter Garrett, Esq. and his band of Abo Rights Activists....Midnight Oil... (actually the music isn't bad, and the message is fairly relevant, but I had to be doubly politically incorrect and attempt to piss you off, brother:p)
WHAT???:-o:-o:-o You should be rocking to Peter Garrett, Esq. and his band of Abo Rights Activists....Midnight Oil... (actually the music isn't bad, and the message is fairly relevant, but I had to be doubly politically incorrect and attempt to piss you off, brother:p)
He tried to close our range, therefore he can be fucked! :p
I must be one of only a handful of drunken punters who've heard the Oils play Highway to Hell. (Plantation Hotel, Coffs Harbour).
A new addition to this old thread...

Snowflake Watch: Safe words for safe spaces

All this talk of microaggression is driving me toward some good old fashion macroaggression.
I don't really see the problem with this. The guide is, according to the article, telling students to let other students know if something bothers them, and to encourage the other student to apologize if an apology is warranted. Isn't that the genesis of a productive discourse? Talking things out?

Would you rather that the offended party run away to post about it on their Tumblr?
I don't really see the problem with this. The guide is, according to the article, telling students to let other students know if something bothers them, and to encourage the other student to apologize if an apology is warranted. Isn't that the genesis of a productive discourse? Talking things out?

Would you rather that the offended party run away to post about it on their Tumblr?

I would wager the majority of people don't encounter "microaggressions" on this forum. Many also don't like SJW terms (which I understand). Instead, I'm like hey don't say "wow lefty375 you are black but talk so white, your parents raised you well" because there are blacks who speak very well and are intelligent. I am telling someone to stop a "microaggression," but without being a whiner about it. It also helps that people in college think I can shoot lasers out my eyes because I wore a scroll at one point, so it never happens.

Once you put "microaggressions" in a context like that, most people start to understand. The SJW's take it too far sometimes and claim everything is a microaggression, so conservatives have run with it as something that doesn't matter.