Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in D.C.

This statement is somewhat akin to saying that all cars have wheels, therefore anything with wheels is a car.

There has been debate in the psychological literature about the pathological nature of hearing voices. An argument has been made that in and of itself, hearing voices is not diagnostic of mental illness at all.

While people who suffer from bipolar disorder may indeed hear voices, that symptom is not a diagnostic criterion of BPD. It may be superimposed on the BPD, but auditory hallucination is most commonly associated with schizophrenia and related disorders, for which it is a diagnostic feature.

Just to clarify, I wasn't attempting to diagnose the POS or anything, I was sort of responding to ComradeZ. No one really knows what this guys medical issues were, for certain. I don't disagree with anything you said above.
I don't see the issue with this.... it all seems so normal to me:

Hearing Voices I have hearing loss & Tinnitis - so sometimes I think I hear something when it's the radios tones combing with the T. Now some people find it strange for me to have long and in depth conversations with my dogs. However, they make much more sense than what most people say.
Angry or emotional outbursts This is merely an adjustment issue that most veterans have when confronting so-called normal society and their lack of education, constructive reasoning, orderly planning, and generally just having their head so far up their fourth point of contact that they haven't had a breath of air in the current century. (Congress is not included in this as they reside in their own little space & time continuum>)
Carrying a grudge Merely the knowledge that the person fits into the classic description of of a non-veteran in the definition above.
Serious disagreement with those in authority See above.
Mood swings When you realize that you can never be as awesome, weapon, acolyte of death that you once were.
Depression See above. PLUS you miss your toys - various light and heavy machine guns, expressing yourself through your C4 based artwork, the smell of the perfect cup of MRE coffee brewed in a well seasoned canteen cup heated in mere seconds by that perfect pinch of C4, and not having to worry about extensive personal hygiene.
Wanting to be "left alone" Merely means that you just don't have to deal with ass-hats at the moment.
Sleep Disorder What quantifies as a sleep disorder. Warren Zevon had it right, you can sleep when your dead.
Night Terrors Don't piss your wife off......
Jon Stewart had an amazing piece on the news coverage of the shooting:

Fox gave Stewart's clip coverage:


If you watch the two you'll notice how the first 3:10 seconds or so of the first clip are cut out. I don't mean to make this a Fox bashing post, but consider what you're watching and/ or reading when the various "news" outlets are feeding it to you.
^^And here I was thinking I was the only one confused. After only one name came out I was like "Was that it? Is it over? How about the other two shooters?"

Seems to be the same way how the news coverage was handled here during the Zamboanga siege about a week ago. Maybe it's the way how it's done these days -- if the event itself is not too chaotic enough, count on the news agencies to add to the confusion.
Jon Stewart had an amazing piece on the news coverage of the shooting:

Fox gave Stewart's clip coverage:


If you watch the two you'll notice how the first 3:10 seconds or so of the first clip are cut out. I don't mean to make this a Fox bashing post, but consider what you're watching and/ or reading when the various "news" outlets are feeding it to you.

That was just brilliant, and spot on.
Here is a little fun fact:

U.S. Investigations Services LLC, a private firm that contracts with the U.S. military to conduct background investigations for security clearances, has confirmed it was responsible for vetting Aaron Alexis, the man suspected of murdering 12 people in Monday’s Navy Yard shooting, The Wall Street Journal reports. The same firm also did a background investigation for the security clearance of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Not really surprising, considering USIS does roughly 50% of the background checks for OPM.
That is really jacked up, probably some pussy watch commander sitting on his ass worried about any bad decision affecting his retirement....f'cker.
I'd be interested to know his rationale but at the end of the day unless there was a simultaneous terror threat at the Capitol there simply is no justification for pulling the tactical team from a mutual aid response to an ongoing active shooter event with people dying. Poor decision-making, pure and simple.

I'd be fired if I pulled my team off something like that.
It would be very helpful to know why this decision was made. Maybe it would have saved some lives.

I'd be interested to know his rationale but at the end of the day unless there was a simultaneous terror threat at the Capitol there simply is no justification for pulling the tactical team from a mutual aid response to an ongoing active shooter event with people dying. Poor decision-making, pure and simple.

I'd be fired if I pulled my team off something like that.

I agree with these two statements and will reserve judgement until/unless we know more. I can imagine many scenarios where you wouldn't want to drain all your resources to handle one incident.
Very true. Each PD in the nation has a specific purpose; the USCP were created to police and protect the Capitol. Their first obligation and duty is to the Capitol.

With that said, there was another full SWAT team on duty at the Capitol.
Sorry but it's very hard not to be judgmental about this decision. Pulling out the one and only resource you had available that was geared specifically for a threat such as this?
Smacks of politics to me. I guess we'll find out for sure soon enough.

Very true. Each PD in the nation has a specific purpose; the USCP were created to police and protect the Capitol. Their first obligation and duty is to the Capitol.

With that said, there was another full SWAT team on duty at the Capitol.

Which would make slightly more sense if it was USCP that pulled them back, not the watch commander.
I can think of a few good reasons to keep them out/ pull them back. I'll wait to hear the official story/ coverup before I comment though I expect to hear to something that makes sense but is based on a broken premise. For example, concerns about Blue on Blue because no one thought to have a common comm process or on-scene commander.

Anyway, it will shake out soon enough. This has too much visibility.
As we all know, when something like this happens, reports of shit happening everywhere start bouncing around. WNY, has its own SRT and with the amount of LEO's that converged, I'm not convinced another SWAT team would have made a difference. Also if word was coming in of other possible attacks/threats, it would be smart to keep a few capabilities in reserve.

The incident commander could have told the USCP watch commander to stand down, hell the incident commander probably had more on his plate than he knew how to handle. Apparently you not only had USMC & NAVY response, you had the FBI, USMS, ATF, USCP, WNY civi-police. I mean that's a lot of LEA's responding, interacting, and conducting threat containment, search/evac/rescue and security.