What are quotes that you live by?

"Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" Mrs Gump

"If you ain't first, your last." Ricky Bobby

"Water is always under pressure, shit rolls down hill and never bite your finger nails." The Plumber

The FG quote: look on the box lid...there's a list.
RB quote: If you're second, you're the first loser in that group.
Plumber: you must work in contracted security. We live in a deep, deep valley.
Confucius say, "Man with hot rod, burn rubber". Words to live by, especially when visiting Thailand.
When Carlos Condit told that story in the post fight press, I about died. Spit my beer out my nose kinda dying! Freaking love the Diaz brothers!

It's a shame that Nick doesn't fight anymore and while Nate wants a shot at GSP, GSP wants nothing to do with him. The UFC is a better place when the Diaz brothers are fighting.