What army/unit am I?

Who am I?

That scratches Venezuela off the list.

Just for fun, see if you can identify this WWII Vet. Not going to give too many hints, but after returning to the states he achieved much success in his chosen field, and is well known for his work in that field.


  • Presentation1.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 16
What unit/army am I ?

Okay I have one...

And a hint :

They are under investigation in their homeland, because they have been giving and capturing war criminals for US, which is basically against the law in their country.


  • helimarch_ss.jpg
    43.6 KB · Views: 21
Okay I have one...

And a hint :

They are under investigation in their homeland, because they have been giving and capturing war criminals for US, which is basically against the law in their country.

can I play too :D