When thugs attack.

Diamondback 2/2

Verified Military
Jan 24, 2008
Military Mentor

Young white girl and her 5 year old brother attacked for walking through the park.

I don't know how I would react if this happened to my kids, I would probably hunt that girl down (the aggressor) and execute her in front of her friends.

How can this group or anyone for that matter, watch an attack on a young girl and her toddler brother and not do anything about it?
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Apathy and "patheticness." The fact that no one steps up to the plate...crosses the line that the thugs drew in the sand -- and helps to defend those two reveal much about where we stand as a society.

The fact that they think it's okay to do what they did tells much about their mindsets...especially when one of the cretans knew what they were going to do ahead of time and took the opportunity to film their exploits so they could feel good about themselves as they watched it over and over again.

Until people stand up for themselves against predators...they will prey upon them.
Apathy and "patheticness." The fact that no one steps up to the plate...crosses the line that the thugs drew in the sand -- and helps to defend those two reveal much about where we stand as a society.

The fact that they think it's okay to do what they did tells much about their mindsets...especially when one of the cretans knew what they were going to do ahead of time and took the opportunity to film their exploits so they could feel good about themselves as they watched it over and over again.

Until people stand up for themselves against predators...they will prey upon them.

How does a little girl and her 5 year old brother stand up to a group of thugs that large?
They may not have been able to...but I feel fairly certain that there was probably someone within that area that saw what was occurring and didn't agree with what was going on...yet didn't do a single thing to help.

When I speak of people standing up for themselves...I am speaking in generalities and not necessarily those two in the video.

Young white girl and her 5 year old brother attacked for walking through the park and being the wrong skin color.

I don't know how I would react if this happened to my kids, I would probably hunt that girl down (the aggressor) and execute her in front of her friends.

How can this group or anyone for that matter, watch an attack on a young girl and her toddler brother and not do anything about it?

The same way a highly decorated SF Veteran can be tossed on his ass for beating the S#$% out of a boy raper. It's their "culture" and winning the world of Islamists hearts and minds has "nothing" to do with changing their culture. But what do I know?

~ From the nose bleeds.
That video made me so fucking angry. What a bunch of thug pieces of shit. Wastes of oxygen. #BlackLivesMatter, your move. Where's your response to this? Where's your call for these savages to be held accountable? Where are the protests for the brutal attack on an innocent girl and her FIVE YEAR OLD FUCKING BROTHER. That fucking cunt knocked a 5 year old over, smacking his head off the concrete while the fucking bitch with the camera laughed. I am tingling with rage after watching that. I know I probably shouldn't get so worked up over a video, but goddammit. That poor girl and her brother. I hope she comes back, with armed family and friends. I would laugh and clap for a video of every single one of the thugs present in that video catching a hollowpoint between the eyes. Save the two cunts for last.

Oh, but of course, it's someone else's fault.
I think what angers me the most about this, if we are speaking honestly, is the rage that the disenfranchised African American youth carry isn't their own.
I don't believe the black youth of today deserves to carry that much hatred towards the white youth. Unfortunately, in the next couple maybe several decades to come racism will be more then likely bred out just to be replaced by something else.

Just as I had to outgrow the racist values I was taught, a few times in my life I have blown up and said some mean S#&$ to people that I really didn't feel an attachment to.

With that said, yeah, this is a f&#%$@ up video and obviously nobody gave a shit. Hell, a couple months ago I was killing it on my bicycle on 30 mile ride through some rough hoods and 2 black teenage kids were walking down the sidewalk toward me and one of them lifted his finger in a gun shape and pulled the trigger on me..... and of course I had to bark out, 'You're FUCKING with the wrong one'. I free wheeled it up the block with a glance over my shoulder and there was nothing but silence.......

quoted above post here

Whoa, let me back that up..
I mentioned fortunately, not unfortunately.
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I think what angers me the most about this, if we are speaking honestly, is the rage that the disenfranchised African American youth carry isn't their own.
I don't believe the black youth of today deserves to carry that much hatred towards the white youth. Unfortunately, in the next couple maybe several decades to come racism will be more then likely bred out just to be replaced by something else...

This is as powerful as it is among minority youth in part because our media fans the flame. It's a news story when police shoot and kill a minority, but little to no emphasis is given to the details- namely that there is usually a weapon.

Take for instance Laquan McDonald.

This kid is the poster child for how cops are trigger happy, regardless of the fact that he had a knife and was running through what should be safe, peaceful, American streets.

How about we decide we want to live in a society where if you- a 17-year old young man- run down the street with a knife in a threatening fashion, you risk forfeiting your life? Plain and simple. I mean, are we arguing that a man with a knife was out in the neighborhood doing good deeds? Why is this issue, this shooting, even up for debate?

Ask yourself if it was your 5 year old son/daughter sitting out on the front porch, or maybe your little brother or sister, and you see a grown thug waiving a knife around in a confrontational manner ON YOUR STREET- IN FRONT OF YOUR OWN HOME, does your perception change?
Did you see the Tyson vs Holifield fight? I have told my kids you win at all costs in a street fight. Bite, claw, break. No one teaches this anymore

I agree with you, my kids are all being trained as well. However, its pretty unrealistic to expect a professional fighter to prevail over a crowd of that size, much less a child and especially a five year old child.

My point being, it's unreasonable to expect a child to provide the self protection needed to navigate such an environment, where an attack of that style/method can take place for simply walking to the park. This leave's the unfortunate consequence of over protection and or shielding a child from such harsh realities. While I'm sure these thugs (I won't call them kids) are thriving in this environment.

Although I'm fully aware of the crazies in our society, and the importance of educating and preparing my kids to deal with crazy people. I'm taken back by the complete violence and lack of challenge to such violence on a small child.

Bottom line, those thugs fall into the "red bullet" category.
Unfortunately, in these days and times, I tell my loved ones that when they are outside their homes...they are virtually on their own. They can't rely on anyone offering them any amount of help should things go bad for them. They have to be prepared to do what is necessary to keep themselves and their loved ones alive.

The day of people helping each other against crime is long gone.

Take for instance Laquan McDonald.

This kid is the poster child for how cops are trigger happy, regardless of the fact that he had a knife and was running through what should be safe, peaceful, American streets.

How about we decide we want to live in a society where if you- a 17-year old young man- run down the street with a knife in a threatening fashion, you risk forfeiting your life? Plain and simple. I mean, are we arguing that a man with a knife was out in the neighborhood doing good deeds? Why is this issue, this shooting, even up for debate?

Are you seriously defending the McDonald shooting? Really?

Thug in the middle of an American street with a knife in his hands.

Nothing to talk about. End of story.

As far as I'm concerned, give those cops a medal. This is America, and I don't believe peaceful citizens should ever have to tolerate savages running through our peaceful streets with knives defying our law enforcement officers. This isn't Somalia.

Do you know any sane normal person who runs through the streets with a knife and is "just kidding around"? There's no part of that behavior that can be justified, nor should it be tolerated.

If I had anything to complain about it would be excessive use of ammo, as it's a bit wasteful and the thug wasn't worth the cost of the extra rounds.

Overall, I like the message it sends.

Are you seriously defending the McDonald shooting? Really?
Thug in the middle of an American street with a knife in his hands.

Overall, I like the message it sends.

I think a bean bag to the ball sack or 220V to the body would have sent a message but 16 rounds to the body...some while on the ground... is a bit of a stretch.
Bean bags and tazers don't send the same message that the business end of a Glock sends. The former is giving thugs a wink, the latter says we are done fucking around with you. The standard needs to be that if you want to act like a Somali warlord in America, running around in the streets with knives and guns, you're going to end up on YouTube with your face on the pavement and yellow tape around your body.

I don't even care if thugs fail to grasp the concept. Peaceful productive citizens still win, as cops attrit their numbers.
How would you have dealt with that situation?
Probably the same thing the other officers on scene did: not magdump into the dude.

Look, it isn't so much that the cops shot McDonald. It's that this one cop shot McDonald, stopped, then proceeded to empty his fucking mag into the dude's body while he was on the ground. Do you not see how incredibly fucked up that is? Meanwhile, the other cops on scene didn't feel it necessary to use lethal force.
I think a bean bag to the ball sack or 220V to the body would have sent a message but 16 rounds to the body...some while on the ground... is a bit of a stretch.

If he wasn't issued nonlethal munitions or a Tazer, then his gun is his only option against a guy with a knife and a not insignificant amount of PCP in his system at that moment. Even if the LEO WAS issued a Tazer, there's no guarantee that the PCP in his system would have rendered that little electric shock noneffective. Same with beanbag rounds; no guarantee that the suspect will become a non-threat due to the nature of the drugs in his system.

As far as why did the LEO fire 16 times, it's going to be hard to prove whether all 16 were controlled shots, as opposed to an adrenaline fueled reaction to an immediate threat. If he hit the guy 16 times while knowing that the threat was neutralized after the 2nd or 3rd shot, then he will have a bit of trouble to deal with. If it was adrenaline-fueled reversion to training, and it didn't dawn on him that the target was down, then he's not as culpable, meaning a lesser charge.

If it was me, and I saw some stoned teenager with a big ass knife waving it around me, as a civilian, I'd shoot him fucking dead where he stood, regardless of color, unless you want to say that my propensity of shooting stoners is racist. Then I'll just shoot white boys on meth. Will that make you feel better? /sarc
Bean bags and tazers don't send the same message that the business end of a Glock sends. The former is giving thugs a wink, the latter says we are done fucking around with you. The standard needs to be that if you want to act like a Somali warlord in America, running around in the streets with knives and guns, you're going to end up on YouTube with your face on the pavement and yellow tape around your body.

I don't even care if thugs fail to grasp the concept. Peaceful productive citizens still win, as cops attrit their numbers.
Man, maybe you live in some weird Judge Dredd version of America, but the last time I checked due process was still a thing and cops were not in the business of doing multiple failure drills into some dude's corpse.

Bro, this shoot isn't defensible in the least. It doesn't matter if the guy was hopped up on shit. This cop Mozambiqued his body on tape, and the city of Chicago sat on it for an entire year because they knew exactly how fucked up it was.