When thugs attack.

The big issue is that those officers have a duty to act, to stop a knife wielding crazy person from walking off. Regardless if you agree with tactics, or outcome, they have a sworn duty to stop that person. If an officer feels the life of himself or others are in jeopardy, the use of deadly force is always justified.

I'm not going to say the officer was wrong or right, I wasn't there, can't see what he saw, understand what he felt, or why he concluded that deadly force was necessary, and that's why we have jury trials and not public opinion trials.
The 21 foot rule refers to a holstered handgun. Watch the video: the cops had already drawn on him and were in easy position to react.

It's not even a rule, it's a guideline for one, it just gets referred to as a rule. 21 feet you can still be harmed by an individual even if you're drawn down, as bullets of the calibers of handguns and most rifles aren't DRT magic unless you get a CNS shot in.
He's probably gonna fuck someone's day up.

Look, I'm not denying that the dude made some shitty decisions, but that doesn't mean he instantly forfeits his life. Appropriate level of force for the threat. 8 cops on the scene and not a single one (including the first dudes on the scene) thought lethal force was appropriate. At least, not until that dude showed up.
You seem to think their lack of trigger pulls was the correct decision?
CPD is known for crappy weapons standards, and the push to get cops on the street can mean the person behind the gun isn't qualified with a weapon.
Did they not shoot because they didn't think it was appropriate? were afraid of the gun? didn't want the paperwork hassle? or maybe because a white guy shooting a black guy puts you in DOJ's crosshairs?

What happens if they don't pursue, and he kills an innocent bystander a block away?

Play stupid games, win first prize.
It's not even a rule, it's a guideline for one, it just gets referred to as a rule. 21 feet you can still be harmed by an individual even if you're drawn down, as bullets of the calibers of handguns and most rifles aren't DRT magic unless you get a CNS shot in.

This is a video of an unholstered P.D. weapon and an asshole charging P.D.
