White Privilege?


Verified Military
May 9, 2015
This kid that seriously been brainwashed. This kid is doing a serious disservice to the poorest people in America such as the Appalachia area. Now this kid gonna put down all the poor whites since they have white privilege. Anyways I call this a hate speech against whites.

I grew up in a poor neighborhood in the middle of the city with all types of immigrants that speak 200+ languages. Compared to the Appalachia area, my family was doing a lot better. I thought my family was poor until I met some really poor people that also joined the Army.

Say what you may but this is just my experience

Royce Mann, Age 14, "White Boy Privilege", Slam Poem
Well that privilege isn't specific to white people. There are privilege Asian, Hispanics and Black kids as well.

I just think as a whole the bottom 99% have similar opportunities. This video is just fuel for minorities to say they are handicap starting out in life.

Then again I could be totally be misunderstanding the point of video.
He's 14.
STFU you ignorant little asshole!
WTF does he know about anything in life?
I couldn't care less if people are racist, that's your thoughts and your right. I care if you act upon that racism though, that is wrong.
My white family was persecuted for 150 years. Whites where, are and have been slaves for thousands of years.
It's time to stop the bullshit, victim mindset, and "we owe them". How about we just treat everybody like a human being, if you're cunt, we'll treat you like a cunt. If you're a decent person, you'll be treated accordingly.
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Do you understand what privilege is in the sense he is talking about it?
I actually am interested in hearing you explain this shit, because this here jumped by mexicans, racially slurred daily, denied classes in high school due to racial bias and quotas, poor white kid growing up, "privileged whitey" still does not understand how I had it better just because I sunburn easy.

Please, share this concept of "privilege".
What I think that the vast majority of upper middle class, raised by academics/bankers/politicians, privileged white Americans are unable to realize is that there comes a point where the perceived privileges of race are no longer sufficient to offset the detriments of extreme poverty. It's the intersection that they refuse to acknowledge, because genuinely impoverished Caucasians ruin their rants on privilege, unless they're wearing white robes. Poor whites aren't supposed to exist, except as anecdotes over a bottle of Rex Goliath (because they couldn't afford a bottle of Stag's Leap).

I stayed out of this argument the last time it came up, and I've already dipped in further than I intended to this time, because while I have a lot of words to say, they're my words, and my experiences, which aren't supposed to exist by the standards of the upper middle class left.
I think people mistake being "priviledged" because of ones family's status (financially and socially), as being solely "white priviledge." When in fact a family of any race has this precieved priviledge.

I can understand the argument then is that some races find it harder to reach the middle/upper classes. To which there are plenty of cases of people breaking through this barrier though hard work and dedication. It's not easy to do, but I don't think ones race has anything to do with it. Coming from a lower income area with schools that are lacking and extracurricular activities that swing to the side of illegal, is hard to break, but no one gets out on the lone fact that they are white.
I don't think it's racially based, if you think rich black, hispanics, Asians, etc, do not stick out their pinky, turn up their noses and act privileged. Well you simply haven't got out much. I've grew up middle class, but not enough to be in with the rich people and just enough to seem rich to poor people. Had to learn how to fit in everywhere, no privilege, just learn to fit in.

I think white privilege is bullshit, it ain't a white thing, it's an economic and cultural thing. But mostly it's a lack of exposure to all sides and a lack of understanding that the asshole being a shit head really is just an asshole shit head, and ain't the one you want to know anyway. Hell you can even see it in the Army, the way combat arms looks at support, or the way it was and sometimes still is with officers and enlisted. Those few dumbass people that go around without humility, run their mouths and make everyone else look like a fuck nugget.

The other side are these over appoligenic "your right white people suck" motherfuckers who buy into the simple minded bullshit that some how by being born a skin color you are either privileged or not. Or that your life is more at risk, or that you are more likely to do X Y Z. It's bullshit, anyone can choose their path in life. Anyone can become the POTUS, anyone can also choose to be a criminal or shit bag, it's human choices. Nobody is being forced to do shit in the United States, and if you really, truly, believe that someone is. You're a damned fool.:mad:

If we really want to discuss things rationally, how about we stop blaming everyone else, take responsibility, and see things for what they actually are (you know actually be rational) instead of trying to twist things to fit our narrow little views on life. Think Christian's are stupid, great you have an opinion. But don't label everyone who is as stupid or Ill informed, don't twist history to fit your own narrow argument. However, if you are a racist, if you hate anyone because of the color of their skin (black, white, brown or yellow) you can kiss my ass, I've got no time for you.

I've read the second one several months ago, and they're the only hope you ever had with identifying with the proles. So my "thanks" for sharing is definitely tempered in sarcasm. Unless you've lived it, don't talk about it like you know it.

Being white didn't get me out of trouble when the person I was riding with was pulled for driving while black (that's how I learned to get comfortable when proned out), and my friends were sure as hell punk rock back when it was called "Hey, faggot!!!!" Quite a few black folks in that community, too; Long before you got all tangled up in privilege.

There's a huge difference between acknowledging the existence of white privilege and existing in that realm where it really doesn't apply to you. Getting pulled over in a beater and proned out because your missing teeth and totaled-yet-still-rolling beater makes you look like you're a mule to the cops despite your skin color is an experience your middle class self will never know. Growing up poor transcends race to a degree; when you've suffered the same struggle you become an honorary nigga (but don't use that word yourself). "White privilege" says I don't get to use that word, but it can damn sure get bestowed.

What you upper middle class, straight people don't perceive is that the lines that intersect at "poor" and "white" don't terminate there. Until you quit patronizing the poor whites, you're not going to get the first lick of support from them, even if they ascend the class ladder.

*edited to correct grammar
Ok, so... um, no. In fact, not just no, Fuck No.

The simple fact that you can't/won't even verbalize what the fuck it means, yet invoke and target it like it's a weapon already makes it smell of bullshit.

There are zero situations where I have been privileged above someone else due to my race. Due to my gender? Maybe, I was a Ranger after all in the time of swinging dicks versus a mixed gender military occupation. Due to my physical ability? Most def. Hell, just in my firefighter class we had a student get broke off for the 2nd time with a shoulder injury. Sucked to be her, she was intelligent as hell and knew what to do, but her physique didn't support her intent.

My work history and job hirings due to my military experience are because of just that: APPLICABLE EXPERIENCE. Sorta like, you know, you with your medical background and med school crap. That experience stems from PERSONAL CHOICES, not some ingrained racial magic.

Physical ability is simple nature in effect. There are some people who physically cannot complete a task. Accomodation for tasks they can do like ADA, addresses that whole issue.

I have had to fight legal discrimination as a prospective employee. Yay, Native Corporations.

Television? Yeah, that's horse shit. Turn on any news, turn on BET, turn on whatever. Everything's multicultural, and if you say it's not, you're full of shit.

National Heritage? Guess what, the windows with the history, regardless of how ugly it is, are being broken instead of simply seen and "never again" uttered. Changing history doesn't make it real, and ignoring it or feeling bad because of history is more stupid than racial bias.

Cop Bias? Umm..... actually, I've only actually been pulled over by a white cop once. Every other time it's been black, asian, or Native's in Alaska. So there is that. Racial disparity comes with racial bias in a neighborhood. Guess who's going to get pulled over more in the hoods of Atlanta.... it's a simple percentages game, which can also be statistically backed up in the majority of cases. Never mind everything else related to policing such as ongoing investigations and BOLO's etc.

I have no clue how "being able to be in the company of my own race" applies as a privilege. Everyone I have ever known, regardless of race, has been able to come together as desired. This in and of itself speaks of racism anyway, as other than a family gathering, what's the fucking point of a racially segregated group gathering?

Educationally, the schools I went to initially were due to economic virtue from hard fucking work by my family. My grandparents on both sides helped fund my attendance to a multicultural private K thru 3rd grade. The only bias in those schools was performance oriented, and I performed therefore I earned the rewards and events. Anyone of any race that had issues, had personal help plus classmate help to do better. I only experienced bias once I started going to public schools. I was excluded from numerous programs due to my race, flat out, and those that were "multicultural" had a bias engrained anyway.

Sorry I don't fit your narrative, but you should open your eyes a bit more outside what people want you to believe, and look at reality. I am by no means the only one with the same sort of experience in "today's society".
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So we can come to an agreement that privilege certainly exists. You just say it has nothing at all to do with race? At all? No one has said there is not a class element to it. Class plays an important role in creating and continuing wealth. part of the reason class and race are often equated is because the overwhelming majority of blacks do not find themselves within the middle class. I can also say with absolute certainty that being a white man, helps me in unseen ways. There is nothing to be gained from denying that. Acknowledging it doesn't make me some elitist. It just means I understand that I benefit more from the system than others.

Obviously the super poor have it bad. Obviously because I grew up with all my teeth I can't begin to understand your struggle:-"
What it all boils down to, is you, and sjw's in general, are helping develop the divides in this nation.

That chick with the bum shoulder? Awesome 2ic for fireground operations and accountability. The head secretary? In a wheelchair.

Focusing on how everyone, or someone, is better than you is inane. Focusing on strengths, or building them where there aren't many, is a positive means of operating.

Nobody owes anyone jack shit, and everything on this planet will use you to further its own existence.
I am so tired of the white privilege bullshit. Being white got me exactly nothing in life. Invisible knapsack? Come the fuck on. Go out and put in the work instead of sitting back and crying about "white privilege".
In March my friends went to a casino night at a local museum. My Asian friend and his pregnant white wife were walking in, a group of white men pulled up next to them and yelled white power at them. Peeled out and drove away hollering racial slurs. Shitty right? He has been called a Chink to to his face in the hospital, and had patients try and refuse him. Black female nursing students catch the type of shit that would never happen to me. Ever.

Do you know how many funny looks my wife and I get? None. We are white, when we walk down the street no one screams racist shit at us. Patients don't request other providers because of my race. I can walk down the street without fear of a stop and frisk, or any other type of police action. Is that a product of my class, sure, but my friend in the above examples grew up wealthier than I did.

Maybe I notice it because I have friends that point it out to me. They point out the different way I get treated in public. Waiters, bar tenders, even professors treat me differently than some minority students. We don't live in some fucking jungle hierarchy. We live in a time where we can, and I think should try and be able to treat people with equality and fairness.

None of what I am saying is calling for reparations, I don't think anyone is owed anything apart from an equal chance at success.

Nothing I am saying seeks at all to divide anyone. Saying it is possible I had it better isn't dividing. I'm not going to quit living to the best of my means and ability because someone else has it bad it better than me. That isn't what this is about. Or at least it shouldn't be.
In March my friends went to a casino night at a local museum. My Asian friend and his pregnant white wife were walking in, a group of white men pulled up next to them and yelled white power at them. Peeled out and drove away hollering racial slurs. Shitty right?

Guarantee I could go places, walk down the street there as a smaller white dude and hear more than a racial slur thrown at me. More likely bullets. Does that mean they have black priviledge? Am I the opposed now?

There are assholes everywhere. Of every race, creed, color, social status, religion, of every type.

I could only open this link at work, so that's the basis for this post.

"Bullshit" should be the article's title. I forced myself to read the whole thing even though midway through the woman lost me. Her points about being born into a certain category are partially correct from my perspective, but some of her conclusions are crap. Some of her earlier "I can..." sections are crap. If her article is even an 80% encapsulation of the white privilege argument, you can count me the group who generally calls bullshit.

There ARE racial issues in America, but as she points out and quickly glosses over, there are other categories that can place you at a disadvantage. The system, in some cases for the better and in some for the worse, has the means to "level up" a person's life. I'd bet a dollar more people don't benefit from those opportunities because they don't try or don't apply themselves, but that is a gut feeling; I don't think any studies or hard numbers exist.

Again, there are racial issues in America and I can't reject the argument out of hand. The problem I have is "white privilege" and Black Lives Matter focuses on one group...ONE FREAKING GROUP instead of attempting to correct any wrongs across the board. To me, that speaks to a certain level of racism in the black community.

I'll end this now without expounding upon my views towards race and racism in general. I think the article is junk and indicative of a certain bias within America today and there's no way we can fix our country when people create an additional bias. You can't scream "equality" or "diversity" and then place yourself in a group. Break the chain, break the cycle. Her article and those like it only perpetuate the cycle.

ETA, looking at the article I see she has a hyphen. I hate hyphenated last names.
Guarantee I could go places, walk down the street there as a smaller white dude and hear more than a racial slur thrown at me. More likely bullets. Does that mean they have black priviledge? Am I the opposed now?

There are assholes everywhere. Of every race, creed, color, social status, religion, of every type.

This isn't walking through Compton, or West Baltimore, this is walking through downtown Raleigh on a Saturday night going into a museum.
1 - The kid in that video irritates the fuck out of me - parents who put their kids on show like this, with scripted words, are douchbags. To me no different that the 14 year old girl screaming racist words at a rally.

2 - White Privilege? I'd like to dismiss it, but I know better. There were times when I was in the Marine Corps where I got better duty, (and a deployment for that matter) over some of the black dudes. It was a bad time on Kinser (1990) for blacks, and I will never forget the formation that was called "for blacks only" so that a white female Marine could try to identify the black Marine she claimed raped her. That really happened, and all I really recall from it was the formation being dismissed before the lineup because so many non-black showed up too - "somebody" at some rank must have finally asked , "what the fuck are we doing?"

At the gym I have my own locker in an area tucked way in the back. Often other members will get their shower gear and leave their lockers unsecure. (So they do not have to take the key to the shower). Occasionally a black dude who has a locker back by me is there when I am. The same guys who ALWAYS leave their shit open when it is just me, ALWAYS lock their lockers and pin their key to their towels when they shower.

I'm sure that there are other examples - but those are the ones that immediately come to mind. It has taken me years to get to the point where I am able to acknowledge this.

To me that's what "White Privilege" means - nothing overtly discriminatory, but something we do without even realizing it.

This board is turning me into a fucking liberal. :wall:
I was born in Jersey, pop was from Philly. We moved back to Philly in 78. Pop wanted to work for Philly Fire Rescue. No dice. Guess why. We got a place in the projects in the northeast section of Philly. Then, 1980, drugs and shootings got worse. We were able to find an apartment across the street from projects. Raised there. Pop was primary bread winner, driving a bus for local transit company in city, until he was almost killed on the job. We were poor. Pop in hospital for much of my younger years, ma had to work and raise us.

Went to a highschool known for crime since many were bussed from other areas of city. I quickly learned about race relations, learning to "co exist" with other races. I was taught, earn respect, give respect but take no shit from anyone. Still had friends in projects. Grandparents lived in what Philly peeps know as "the badlands", North Philly / Kensignton, where much of the drug trade and homicides occur.

Quickly learned to live with Hispanic population that resided in that area. I went into Army. You all know what I did. Got out and wanted to get hired onto Philly Fire Rescue. Again, no dice. Affirmative action. Been a paramedic in the county just north since 2000. We have the same issues as Philly. We deal with race everyday. Been called a white motherfucker because I have ink and am bald. Again, in this job, I treat people as humans, until issue dictate different.

My Peurto Rican girlfriend (some of you know her) loves me for who I am. A big, bald, loud prejudice man. Prejudice against fucking cunts and these black lives matter cunts and I will not apologize for my race or skin tone, as others should not also. I think "white privilege" is a media made cunt term.

Signed, a white The Irish Jew in Philly. I owe no one nothing and I am owed nothing!
