White Privilege?

Just an observation that pertains to this conversation. I just got back from a vacation in Niagara Falls with the family. I have to say there wasn't a lot of "white privilege" going on there. Majority of the tourists I saw were of Indian (not native) or Asian decent. And while waiting forever in line for attractions, I witnessed several different groups of black tourists use their new found "privilege" push their way through the lines to get to the front; including pushing young families with strollers, people in wheelchairs and more, out of the way and giving dirty looks at anyone that opposed them. This was not an isolated incident or at just one attraction or one day. I'm not saying all were like that but I put the blame firmly on the BLM movement.

Now the other group of assholes I saw were white but from Quebec.
Before you read this, attempt to disassociate the following terms and buzzwords used beneath from their connotations and their association with public media.

White privilege exists. Just because you in your personal scope of view believe that you have experiences that denote otherwise doesn't amount to any more than anecdotal evidence. A simple analysis of readily available statistics will show that white Americans are given preferential treatment. This isn't a white person telling another white person directly that they're receiving said treatment. From beauty standards and ideals to a plethora of other areas, white people are highlighted. It's not necessarily a matter of what you've received, but what you haven't.

The media has a heavy hand in this for many reasons and its influence permeates through the very core of society. Many people would have you believe that crime is at an all time high and that further restrictions should be placed on guns. If you ask said people why, they will point out the recent Orlando shootings or any of the others highlighted by sensational news agenda that is pushed by the media. In fact, if anyone were to bother looking at the statistics, they would notice that crime has as a general trend been steadily decreasing over the past decades. It's here that another interesting thing should be pointed out, why are crime rates falling? Why is that important? Well I've noticed several members cite that African-Americans are more likely to commit a violent crime, and that's true. However, before making a hasty conclusion, one should take a moment to analyze why that might be? Is it perhaps because their in general the blacks happen to have a low socioeconomic status? Maybe it's another reason, but if the aforementioned statement is why they are more prone to commit crime then why won't they just life themselves up by their bootstraps and find a job and do what they can to become a hardworking American. It's not that simple, systemic poverty exists (if you are to subscribe to that theory).

In essence, statistics are valuable and they can be manipulated to support statements. It's only once you take to fully process the information that you are given that you can truly give an informed opinion.

And I've seen several people discussing the current election. In an ideal world people running for office would embody different traits than they currently do; however, it's not an ideal world and we as the people are uneducated. The average american is sadly not very educated when it comes to our political system. Worse than that fact is how low our voter turnout is. And when you combine the two you can only have a recipe for disaster.

I know "Binghamton University" well. I grew up there, and the entire county, Broome County" is 100% liberal, with a full tilt to the hard left. Over the years, they have taken a thriving, vibrant triple city area from booming to dead. The policies and guidance of the political leaders has driven IBM (two huge plants), Strohmans Bread, Endicott Johnson Shoes, Link Aviation out of the area with growing tax rates. The downtown city area is no longer lined with stores, shops, cafes , three movie theaters, and specialty shops; it is a ghost town with drugs being the prime business when the sun goes down. The bulk of the students at BU, are from NYC. The tuition rates are too high for the local students who have to go to Broome Community College, and then transfer to another school out of the area. All of the BU students get their degrees and go back to NYC, or the other North Eastern States. BU is noted for a strong Per-Med program. There were four local hospitals ready to support a Medical School @ BU. The locals did not approve the plan because of the cost. Truth be known, the local medical community shut the idea down for fear of loosing patients (Read that as money and smarter docs) to the medical school. The local Democratic Mayor supported the local docs, they were voters. Better to get the votes now, than to make the move that would have brought billions into the area. So now it sits, spinning it's wheels, and BU runs the town, and the town is dead.