White Privilege?

Completely agree. Both parties have pretty much abandoned the plight of poor white Americans, but after reading this article I think that it's a more shameful act by Democrats since we bill ourselves as the party looking out for the poor and downtrodden.

I really don't think anyone is buying that anymore especially with the financial issues of the CGI that are raising eyebrows.

I wonder how the Gates foundation manages to avoid things like that.
I really don't think anyone is buying that anymore especially with the financial issues of the CGI that are raising eyebrows.

I wonder how the Gates foundation manages to avoid things like that.

This was a dead issue the minute it came out of the gate. What can be done about it, it's part of our society. It address only whites which does nothing more than foster more dividing of our population. Are they expecting anything different from affluent white people? Hilary is," Going to talk with those WP People" She does every day, and takes their money for her run for office, or the Clinton Foundation. Diners with the Clintons go for $200,000 a plate, and she will be talking with WP then too. This is pure BS, divisive politics, and should have never come up. In my head, this thread should be locked down, but that is just my $.02. I know others have their thoughts on this too. The idea behind this has not been well thought out at all, IMHO.
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@Ranger Psych you'll probably want to read this twice.

Erm, You're the Marine bud... My OPORD's didn't have pictures other than who specifically to kill/capture.

Among many things which are very apt in that article, this stands out to me:

There’s never going to be an economy rich enough or a government program strong enough to compensate for the lack of a stable family and the absence of self-discipline.

It's the best statement out of everything in that article, in my opinion... and destroys the primary focus of the democratic party (everything can and should be addressed with a government solution).
Erm, You're the Marine bud... My OPORD's didn't have pictures other than who specifically to kill/capture.

Shit we didn't even get that, just a bullshit deck of card's "everyone look at the 6 of spades" or whatever the hell, normally a picture that was 20 years old. "Oh, that guy, if you see that guy, grab that guy, some geek at batalion wants to talk to that guy". :D

Found on facebook.

More than 60 organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement have released a series of demands on Monday, including for reparations.


1.2% of the population owned slaves at the height.

I believe in 2009 the Senate formally apologized for slavery.

Text of H.Res. 194 (110th): Apologizing for the enslavement and racial segregation of African-Americans

As part of the effort, the groups are demanding, among other things, reparations for what they say are past and continuing harms to African-Americans, an end to the death penalty, legislation to acknowledge the effects of slavery, as well as investments in education initiatives, mental health services and jobs programs.
Reading this story makes me want to take all the acknowledgment I have attempted to give the concept of "white privileges", and tell tell em' all to "stick it".

White people can come to your rallies and you encourage whites to get themselves in a position be arrested before blacks, fine.

You start singling out whites and asking them not to talk to the media or tell them to go the figurative "back of the bus" during rallies - then you are simply practicing reverse discrimination-

The tactics of the Minneapolis BLM chapter continues to confound me; their blocking of roadways and overt disdain for the police gains them no support from me.

For black leaders, white allies can require a balancing act

The majority of white allies seem comfortable with black leadership in the movement, and they are reminded to check their privilege when they become involved with the demonstrations,” said Nekima Levy-Pounds, president of the Minneapolis chapter of the NAACP. “It means we know that white privilege is a real phenomenon; it means they would be willing to take a secondary role and defer to black leadership.”
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The racial divide has taken a huge leap into the past. What ever ground that had been gained in the last 50 years, has been all washed away. We are more racily divided now, and the blame goes to the leadership of our nation over the past eight years. While the sign on Pres Truman's desk, that said, "The Buck Stops Here" has long been hidden away, it is still where the buck stops. I'm afraid the "Buck" has been dropped into a boiling vat that just gets stirred every now and then.

My $.02.
The majority of white allies seem comfortable with black leadership in the movement, and they are reminded to check their privilege when they become involved with the demonstrations,” said Nekima Levy-Pounds, president of the Minneapolis chapter of the NAACP. “It means we know that white privilege is a real phenomenon; it means they would be willing to take a secondary role and defer to black leadership.”

I'm not racist, I have white friends.
He has some valid points.

He makes a lot of assumptions and is giving opinions without any factual evidence. Rednecks don't hate cops, a lot of cops are rednecks. Criminals hate cops, and criminals come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Criminal rednecks are killed by cops all the time. It's just not paraded on the news, like it is when the black thug criminal is.

This is the type of stuff I cannot stand, someone making statements that sound rational, until you pick apart what they are actually saying. Than you compare it with facts and evidence and see its just more bullshit. Example: the NRA was started to help secure firearm rights for blacks who were being denied possession, by the southern demacrats after the recunstruction era. He implies that the NRA is some how racist, or would care more if white folks were being killed. However, after all those young white kids were killed at Sands Hook, they did like they always do, worktops protect gun rights for all Americans. Or how about the young black man they have as an official NRA endorsed TV host. Yeah, about that shit...

How about that more white people are killed by cops than blacks?

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage: analysis

Or the emplying that rednecks are all racist because we're not up in arms in support of BLM. Generally I've seen more white people at BLM protests than I have seen blacks. And for us (people like me) who are redneck, who think BLM is bullshit, and could fucking careless when any shit bag criminal is killed for fighting with the police and failing to comply, I can tell you it has zip to do with race, and everything to do with not caring about shit bags who are a drain on society. I don't weep for shit bag people, regardless of their skin color.