White Privilege?

Apropos of nothing whatsoever, my first day in the academy I was told by another recruit from my agency that I would never make it in the agency or understand (the majority of) the population we were going to serve because I was white. She was black and had grown up in the neighborhoods we'd be working in. Looking back at the ethnic makeup of my academy class and the agency generally, I'm amazed I got hired.

Philly politics.
Great example

And you truly think that the Obama girls won't receive the same treatment?

Come on dude, you're smarter than this shit. That is the daughter of a politically elite family, that is quickly becoming a political dynasty. Obama's daughter's will get an elite education, and crazy high paying job right out of the gate, and it won't be because they earned it, it won't be based on the color of their skin. It's because they are the daughters of a former president.
Thats purely positional capability. Race has nothing to do with it, just like your med school, flight lessons, etc etc etc have nothing to do with you being a cracker like me.

If you havent experienced racial bias, you have just been sheltered.
Before I say anything, I want to convey how awesome these boards are. The discussions being put forth here are always educational for me. It's been great to learn from the board members experiences and differing views on life.

To be honest, I don't really understand academia's and the media's obsession with race in this country. My understanding was that we are Americans, a trait that transcends race and gender. The way I see it, social media has been efficiently harnessed as a mechanism to pass off bullshit as fact. Like other people here have said, there are some disparities regarding in race in this country, but for the most part it's not systemic. I don't see why people here bitch so much, when there are other parts of the world where systemic racism is an everyday thing practiced by the masses. Here in the USA it racism might practiced by small groups of cunts, but they in no way represent the whole of our culture.

From my perspective as a first generation mutt, I see that social scientists and activists have essentially monetized their cooky ideas. The #activists and social scientists that peddle these studies have their own agendas. As for Peggy McIntosh and her quintessential work regarding privilege, maybe it was something back in the 80's but times have changed. The problem is that social scientists try to pass this dated study off as scripture. If a student calls them out on their bullshit, they'll either bully or cajole them into changing their views or fuck with their grades.

A the end of the day, many of their arguments lack a widespread basis. But somehow they have been able to generate and move large amount of money. Which either goes toward shady individuals spreading hatred disguised as religious speech, like Al Sharpton. Or to organizations that fund biased social science projects. To use an allegory, this movement could be compared to a self stocking ATM that spews radioactive waste. This movement is about money and power. If we are going to stop this from spreading we have to get better at managing this misinformation, or scream louder than the idiots dividing our nation.
I only read the second one, the first was way too long.

In summary, the point is that there are more important white people than black, so all white people are privileged?

Utter bullshit.

If this is true, should we execute a certain number of whites, or control their breeding until the populations even out?

Black people oppress themselves by perpetuating myths like white privilege.

This isn't walking through Compton, or West Baltimore, this is walking through downtown Raleigh on a Saturday night going into a museum.
Walk past the bus station enough times, just a few blocks away from the museum, and I guarantee you'll hear some black folks saying negative things to white people.

You know it, you just have to admit it as the reality it is.
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Well hell has frozen over and the Vikings are going to win the Superbowl this year because I am in a thread defending the so called "liberal agenda" or "social justice warriors".

Not even 3 days ago I got into an argument with my wife when she even tried to discuss the concept with me - but this weekend something finally clicked with me and I figured out that white privilege has nothing to do with whites being more overtly racist than blacks, or claiming that blacks cannot be racist. Because they can, and with some of my black friends, they will freely admit it long before the average white person will. White privilege has more to do with the advantages we have by not being born black...or hispanic, or whatever. Go back and read my post at the bottom of the first page of this thread, those are prime examples. I have been thinking about this thread all day today, and the whole idea of White Privilege.

Thinking more about it, I can site so many more examples than what I wrote originally on the prior page, to include being pulled over exactly 3 times in my life. All for legitimate speeding tickets. The black female manager I hired for one of my 'nicer neighborhood' stores averages once a month or so. Pick an infraction, any infraction.
The black female manager I hired for one of my 'nicer neighborhood' stores averages once a month or so. Pick an infraction, any infraction.
That may be the weakest argument based on the smallest sample I have ever heard. Ever.
That may be the weakest argument based on the smallest sample I have ever heard. Ever.

I disagree - we travel nearly the same route on a daily basis and she is consistently pulled over. I am not. And it was not a main argument, it is simply a personal example.
I don't give a shit what class you are born into. Every single person has an opportunity in this country. Personally, I think "white privilege" is a term the black community uses as an excuse for laziness. I work in the ghetto and see it every single day. If you are born into poverty, break the cycle and get your family out of it. But most of the parents in these poor communities would rather complain how they never had a chance, neglect their roles as leaders of their households and don't spend time with their kids and teach them, since they were too fucking lazy, to bust their ass and do well for themselves and get out of it. They'd rather just teach them to act like thugs and blame whitey for keeping them down.

I love working in this community and being able to try and reach some, but it doesn't work when they're too young because they don't understand and when they're older and can understand, I know the second I walk away the first thing their friends will tell them is "fuck that shit, don't listen to that bitch." Because that makes them feel cool, it feeds that bullshit excuse their shitty parents have taught them their whole life. It's not everyone, but it is the overwhelming majority, and it's far more damaging than any "white privelege" could ever do, real or not.
I don't give a shit what class you are born into. Every single person has an opportunity in this country. Personally, I think "white privilege" is a term the black community uses as an excuse for laziness. I work in the ghetto and see it every single day. If you are born into poverty, break the cycle and get your family out of it. But most of the parents in these poor communities would rather complain how they never had a chance, neglect their roles as leaders of their households and don't spend time with their kids and teach them, since they were too fucking lazy, to bust their ass and do well for themselves and get out of it. They'd rather just teach them to act like thugs and blame whitey for keeping them down.

I love working in this community and being able to try and reach some, but it doesn't work when they're too young because they don't understand and when they're older and can understand, I know the second I walk away the first thing their friends will tell them is "fuck that shit, don't listen to that bitch." Because that makes them feel cool, it feeds that bullshit excuse their shitty parents have taught them their whole life. It's not everyone, but it is the overwhelming majority, and it's far more damaging than any "white privelege" could ever do, real or not.
Believe it or not, the kids with whom you make a difference will always remember you. I still remember my elementary school DARE representative, Officer Gribbel. He was a jolly guy who would help out at the school fundraisers (we sold pickles) and afterwards collect the pickle juice to take back home. Overheard him talking to the principal, apparently he would pickle eggs in the leftover brine. To this day I never throw pickle juice out, it gets saved for eggs.

In short, even though you may not seem to be getting through. Some of those kids are still going to remember you years down the line. As long as we keep the fire of human decency burning, we'll still have a bright future to look forward to.
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I disagree - we travel nearly the same route on a daily basis and she is consistently pulled over. I am not. And it was not a main argument, it is simply a personal example.

You are talking about profiling and not white privilege (which again is BS IMHO). Profiling is very real, and sucks, but also is almost impossible to do away with. Due to statistics and the experience of officers who deal with the same issues day in and day out.

Drive into a meth invested trailer park, where you are not normally seen, and see if you get profiled. Do it every day for a week after work, and see what happens, from both the people who live there and the LEO's who patrol there. See if you have any "white privilege". I can give example after example, but my suggestion for deep thought on the issue is apply K.I.S.S. and don't try find smoke where there is no fire.
Thats purely positional capability. Race has nothing to do with it, just like your med school, flight lessons, etc etc etc have nothing to do with you being a cracker like me.

If you havent experienced racial bias, you have just been sheltered.

I am nursing school. My flight lessons are paid for by the money we got from a lawsuit from a drug that killed my mom. I'm not rich, or even upper middle class, until February I lived paycheck to paycheck on the Gi bill. Racial Bias? Against me? I haven't. Ever.
Racial Bias? Against me? I haven't. Ever.

I'm in the process of moving 2 miles so my kids can attend a good school at great financial sacrifice. Glad to do it. However, I cannot transfer my kids to a school within walking distance but minorities can transfer into any school they want.

Because my kids are white and "privileged" they cannot. While minority kids in the neighborhood we live in did without issue.
I'm in the process of moving 2 miles so my kids can attend a good school at great financial sacrifice. Glad to do it. However, I cannot transfer my kids to a school within walking distance but minorities can transfer into any school they want.

Because my kids are white and "privileged" they cannot. While minority kids in the neighborhood we live in did without issue.

Your "Privilege" is having to deal with that BS, but being an @sshole if you complain about it.
I think it would be fair to acknowledge that white privilege exists, once you accept the fact that it isn't going to apply to every single white person nor to every facet of a white person's life. The idea here is that the advantages of being white out weigh the disadvantages, on average, compared to the advantages arguably not out weighing the disadvantages for minority populations; individuals smarter than I would argue this is due to institutionalized racism.

The main issue I have with a lot of the more out spoken White Privilege advocates, are their proposed remedies to the situation, or overly pushing the "check your privilege" hallmark on to white people. :whatever:
The main issue I have with a lot of the more out spoken White Privilege advocates, are their proposed remedies to the situation, or overly pushing the "check your privilege" hallmark on to white people. :whatever:

Agree with this 100%