"Why I'm Skeptical of PTSD Claims... And You Should Be Too"

6 hours is ok if you have a fair amount of energy to do what you'd like to do during the day, IMO.

Since my most recent deployment I always wake feeling like I've gotten enough sleep, but never feel well rested.
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Never feel rested no matter how long I sleep. My cause I would assume are my scaremares and thrashing around in bed.I supposedly talk in my sleep and have actually slugged my husband without being aware on many occasions. My worry for lack of good sleep is that good sleeps are healing-if you are sick etc.
Lack of sleep sucks.Hate the nausea I feel from not sleeping well. Still using my beer as a sleep aid.I got one of my test results back from yesterday.May need antibiotics and dont think I can drink with them.

Thank God for my xbox.I game a lot-but as they say whatever gets you through the night.Wish you better and longer sleeps. BTW- my POV is that 6 hrs of sleep is OK unless you feel you arent functioning at your normal level. Have had the TMJ-but only sporadically.Worse when I was a teen.

I hope your labs come back normal. I know what it is like waiting, from both sides of the scrubs.

Just a general word or two about alcohol, ETOH, and sleep. First off, if you are putting away heavy amounts of ETOH, sudden stoppage can be dangerous. If, for example, your are putting away around a case of beer a day, the risk of dangerous withdrawl symptoms if rather high. Complications can include pneumonia, and Grand Mal Siezures. You can look at ETOH intake of a can of beer, a single wineglass of wine, and a shot of hard stuff to be about the same dose of ETOH for each. ETOH is both a stimulant, in small doses of two drinks. It takes away inhabitions, and makes people feel good, and more relaxed. After that, ETOH depresses the Central Nervous System ( CNS). This is where the "sleep dose" begins.

To understand the effects of ETOH on the CNS and sleep, it helps to understand the normal sleep patterns. Normal sleep is a cyclic event including Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage ( REM ), and a few deeper levels of sleep. Normal sleep is a cylic event, up and down through the planes of sleep, including REM sleep. The plane of sleep that is vital to waking feeling refreshed, is the REM stage. It is the shallowest plane, and is the time our brains play around some and give us our dreams. Without the REM sleep, we awake feeling less refreshed. High levels of ETOH, and some Barbiturates drive us from awake to deep stages of sleep, and limit, or eleminate the needed REM sleep our brains need. The result is waking feeling tired, and unrefreshed. So think of that if you are using ETOH as a sleep aide.

There are sleep aides, both OTC and by perscription that take you from awake to sleep rather quickly, and then allow our brains to cycle normally through the rest of the night.

Perhaps the above will help explain the elements of normal sleep, and how outside things can impact our sleep.
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Had a call at 9 am from my Drs receptionist.Just did this yesterday at the lab.

Ihave gone down well in my beer-but if I need antibiotics and cant drink-what then? I dont want a possible seizure worry . I also cant swallow those horse pills. Freaking and bloodwork-no news.

Mod edit: Best to keep your lab results private.
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Had a call at 9 am from my Drs receptionist.Just did this yesterday at the lab.

Ihave gone down well in my beer-but if I need antibiotics and cant drink-what then? I dont want a possible seizure worry . I also cant swallow those horse pills. Freaking and bloodwork-no news.

Mod edit: Best to keep your lab results private.

If you need to take antibiotics, just chat with your doctor so he/she knows your about your ETOH usage.

To be realistic, there are a lot of people who take antibiotics along with their alcohol despite the warning on the pill bottle.
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Agree with running ETOH use by your doc.

Effects of mixing the two can range from 'not much' up to more severe reactions, depending on the ABX. Best to not take the gamble.
Oh boy-was just going to take a few days off of SS to walk and concentrate on my well being. My Dr knows a lot about my ETOH. Went from 10 beer down to 6 and a half. Moving forward. Reason I am posting-though my results taken off-and thanks for that I am trying to become invested in my health. Maybe only a couple of you know that result Iposted but again can affect BP.But there is no need for antibiotics in most cases.71 percent of women healed naturally. Source-Wiki how. Thanks for all your awesome support Red Flag and DocIllinois.
Wasnt sure if I should park this in Health Concerns-but decided this may be the place. We discussed Melatonin and now would like to discuss the benefits of Vitamin D..Anyone have their views on this? I am talking not from food sources but supplementation and getting some rays. Sorry dont have the source yet-but US Government looking into this in regards to TBIs-PTSD etc. Want to thank someone so much for sharing with me.Any thoughts on this?
Anyway starting on a Vit D-regiment-but so much conflicting info on how much to take and toxicity.

That's because, outside of supplementation for those with low blood levels, there is extremely poor evidence that Vit D supplementation has any effect on any other health condition.

There is a large body of research that has established the potential dangers of excess Vit D in those without an actual deficiency, however.
Out of curiosity.

How much sleep do you get a night?
Been blown up?
Shot at?
Returned fire?
Lost a friend?
Mortared daily?
Scared at some point you might die?
No longer care if you live or die?
Just in it for your brothers and sisters and not worried about yourself anymore?
Can't hold down a job?
Can't deal with crowds?
Jump every time a car backfires?

I bet more vets have PTSD than will admit it. Thinking you are taking the high road by not seeking help and suffering through your condition isn't helping you or anyone close to you.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.
Some of those are, as you said, potential indicators of PTSD. But they're also indicators of other conditions, some of which are far less severe, or can be handled by different treatments than the ones currently offered for PTSD. Some of the outcomes you listed are often blamed on PTSD when that may or may not be the case.
Some of those are, as you said, potential indicators of PTSD. But they're also indicators of other conditions, some of which are far less severe, or can be handled by different treatments than the ones currently offered for PTSD. Some of the outcomes you listed are often blamed on PTSD when that may or may not be the case.
I suppose you are right about that but more often than not a post traumatic stress disorder is the cause but I will say you are right on some of those. Divorces just happen even when someone has been happily married for years. Some people just can't hold down a job and some people are just born aghoraphobic (err... I can't spell that and am not motivated to look it up).
That's because, outside of supplementation for those with low blood levels, there is extremely poor evidence that Vit D supplementation has any effect on any other health condition.

There is a large body of research that has established the potential dangers of excess Vit D in those without an actual deficiency, however.

Agreed, but they are looking at links (e.g., correlation vs caustion) between vitamin D and PTSD as it relates to low testosterone. There was an article The Journal of Special Operations Medicine regarding this.

You right in that they key is that most people who suffer from psychiatric s/s as it relates to vitamin D is because of a deficiency; as well as the potential dangers from toxicity.
Out of curiosity.
Hardly slept at all for yrs-now sleeping better.Never saw combat-so never been blown up.Shot at-hell yeah.Lost too many friends to count.Never mortared daily-lol-1st date was a picnic on a mortar range.Scared I might die-another Hell Yeah-I am agoraphobic-hardcore.Cant deal with crowds and when I have heard a car backfire I hit the deck..There are a lot of people here that have PTSD and they are not ready to come forward. And thats OK.

How much sleep do you get a night?
Been blown up?
Shot at?
Returned fire?
Lost a friend?
Mortared daily?
Scared at some point you might die?
No longer care if you live or die?
Just in it for your brothers and sisters and not worried about yourself anymore?
Can't hold down a job?
Can't deal with crowds?
Jump every time a car backfires?

I bet more vets have PTSD than will admit it. Thinking you are taking the high road by not seeking help and suffering through your condition isn't helping you or anyone close to you.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.

Out of curiosity.

How much sleep do you get a night?
Been blown up?
Shot at?
Returned fire?
Lost a friend?
Mortared daily?
Scared at some point you might die?
No longer care if you live or die?
Just in it for your brothers and sisters and not worried about yourself anymore?
Can't hold down a job?
Can't deal with crowds?
Jump every time a car backfires?

I bet more vets have PTSD than will admit it. Thinking you are taking the high road by not seeking help and suffering through your condition isn't helping you or anyone close to you.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.
The founding father in Vit D in preventative med and curing diseases suggests 10,000 IU a day.Sounds like a lot.Though scientists call this a vitamin it is actually not.Thank you for all your responses
Vitamin D is a great idea, especially if you don'tspend much time outside. My Dr has me taking a 1000 iu tablet a day. Ask the pharmacist about specific concerns.
Will do-first things first should find if I have a defiency. My family has called me Vampiress because for yrs lived in a very dark house and didnt get outside and catch some rays. Just a blood test I presume.