Lack of sleep sucks.Hate the nausea I feel from not sleeping well. Still using my beer as a sleep aid.I got one of my test results back from yesterday.May need antibiotics and dont think I can drink with them.
Thank God for my xbox.I game a lot-but as they say whatever gets you through the night.Wish you better and longer sleeps. BTW- my POV is that 6 hrs of sleep is OK unless you feel you arent functioning at your normal level. Have had the TMJ-but only sporadically.Worse when I was a teen.
I hope your labs come back normal. I know what it is like waiting, from both sides of the scrubs.
Just a general word or two about alcohol, ETOH, and sleep. First off, if you are putting away heavy amounts of ETOH, sudden stoppage can be dangerous. If, for example, your are putting away around a case of beer a day, the risk of dangerous withdrawl symptoms if rather high. Complications can include pneumonia, and Grand Mal Siezures. You can look at ETOH intake of a can of beer, a single wineglass of wine, and a shot of hard stuff to be about the same dose of ETOH for each. ETOH is both a stimulant, in small doses of two drinks. It takes away inhabitions, and makes people feel good, and more relaxed. After that, ETOH depresses the Central Nervous System ( CNS). This is where the "sleep dose" begins.
To understand the effects of ETOH on the CNS and sleep, it helps to understand the normal sleep patterns. Normal sleep is a cyclic event including Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage ( REM ), and a few deeper levels of sleep. Normal sleep is a cylic event, up and down through the planes of sleep, including REM sleep. The plane of sleep that is vital to waking feeling refreshed, is the REM stage. It is the shallowest plane, and is the time our brains play around some and give us our dreams. Without the REM sleep, we awake feeling less refreshed. High levels of ETOH, and some Barbiturates drive us from awake to deep stages of sleep, and limit, or eleminate the needed REM sleep our brains need. The result is waking feeling tired, and unrefreshed. So think of that if you are using ETOH as a sleep aide.
There are sleep aides, both OTC and by perscription that take you from awake to sleep rather quickly, and then allow our brains to cycle normally through the rest of the night.
Perhaps the above will help explain the elements of normal sleep, and how outside things can impact our sleep.