"Why I'm Skeptical of PTSD Claims... And You Should Be Too"

Lindy-I appreciate your input. Personally I dont have combat PTSD and am so unafraid to talk about what I went through, but I do live semi rural and alone at night recently, especially where I live induces triggers that are very hard to live and deal with.I am afraid that someone will find me again, try to unlawfully confine me and kill me. Thats when I just recently decided I need to own a wpn. Just a quick note-Combat or Battle PTSD is no different than anyone having PTSD. Your PTSD just came from a different source-same symptoms. Thanks for your input.
Lindy-there are times, when you brought up a rural lifestyle, that I just want to go and live in the bush alone and live off the land. So I guess its similar to what you said. Maybe not the alone part. but I think about it more often than I should.
Well; this is a thread with PTSD at it's center. Many high schools have psychologists on staff, and that is the place to go for this sort of thing. If your dreams are affecting your grades, or you fear sleep, it is time to seek help, like you did. Problems with sleep can start when you are using the bed for something other than sleep, and one other thing. If you are reading a Kindle in bed, you will have sleep problems. The same is true if you are using a tablet or IPad in bed, it will impact your ability to sleep. Latest research is going so far as to say keep Cell phones, Tablets, Ipads, and anything with an LED light lights. They do disturb your ability of fall to sleep, and stay there.

A couple of the latest studies in a mounting collection of evidence to support this hypothesis.

"Overall, we found that the use of portable light-emitting devices immediately before bedtime has biological effects that may perpetuate sleep deficiency and disrupt circadian rhythms, both of which can have adverse impacts on performance, health, and safety."

Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness

"The results showed that computer usage for playing/surfing/reading was positively associated with insomnia, and negatively associated with morningness."

The association between use of electronic media in bed before going to sleep and insomnia symptoms, daytime sleepiness, morningness, and chronotype
I have no devices in the room at night so Im clear with that. Interesting though. Have to get my thyroid checked-why-my Dr wants it.Could that ever play a part in sleep or eating or panic and just being irritable.
Lindy-there are times, when you brought up a rural lifestyle, that I just want to go and live in the bush alone and live off the land. So I guess its similar to what you said. Maybe not the alone part. but I think about it more often than I should.

I used to work with a woman who retold a story of rafting in Zimbabwe and she nearly drowned. This was many years later and just retelling the incident brought her to tears. She will not go near the water now.

Traumatic incidents are not just combat related.

Regarding going alone, sometimes it is nice to just get away and reflect. When I first came back from Iraq in 2008 I drove cross country from WDC to Seattle and it was very helpful.
I have no devices in the room at night so Im clear with that. Interesting though. Have to get my thyroid checked-why-my Dr wants it.Could that ever play a part in sleep or eating or panic and just being irritable.

Thyroid levels, and TSH are players 24/7, and have a big impact in how you feel and act. You may need to see an Endocronologist to get things fine tuned, if your primary care provider sees the need. This can play a part in nearly all the things you have mentioned.
Thyroid levels, and TSH are players 24/7, and have a big impact in how you feel and act. You may need to see an Endocronologist to get things fine tuned, if your primary care provider sees the need. This can play a part in nearly all the things you have mentioned.
well off tomorrow to get bloodwork-will let you know the results. so scared of the traveling and results. Have to do it though.Wow-didnt know that could affect so much. thanks.
Bad night for me.Anticipating the worst for tomorrow. Cant wrap my head around it and intellectually its nothing.

Something that may help for sleep is Melatonin. You don't need high doses, but timing is important. If I am having some insomnia, I take 3mg about an hour or so before bed time. It can take the place of other stronger sleep aids. Before going to perscription meds, try adding some Benadryl 25 or 50mg at bed time first. You need to be aware of what you are really looking for. Are you are looking for the impact of prescriptive meds, or something to help you sleep? There is a difference. For anyone taking sleeping meds, what are you really looking for,a natural night's sleep, or a psychic impacting effect, be honest?
well off tomorrow to get bloodwork-will let you know the results. so scared of the traveling and results. Have to do it though.Wow-didnt know that could affect so much. thanks.

The results will be normal, or abnormal. If they are abnormal, medical management with tablets are generally enough to handle most problems. Sometimes in a thyroid workup, a thyroid ultrasound can be done right in the office. No need to panic here. My wife has been dealing with thyroid issues since '89.
More than 12 percent of the US population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. Modern medicine offers very effective techniques for addressing these conditions if necessary.

Undiagnosed thyroid disease can put one at risk for cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis; you are definitely doing the right thing getting tested and treated if need be, IMO.
More than 12 percent of the US population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. Modern medicine offers very effective techniques for addressing these conditions if necessary.

Undiagnosed thyroid disease can put one at risk for cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis; you are definitely doing the right thing getting tested and treated if need be, IMO.
That wouldnt have anything to do with my high BP reading-would it? If I have an overactive thyroid.
The results will be normal, or abnormal. If they are abnormal, medical management with tablets are generally enough to handle most problems. Sometimes in a thyroid workup, a thyroid ultrasound can be done right in the office. No need to panic here. My wife has been dealing with thyroid issues since '89.
Dont know how long before the results are sent to my Dr. but seeing him April 7th for another BPcheck.I have such tightening of the throat and cant swallow like normal people. If needed glad they are tablets. Have to chew my clonazepam.
That wouldnt have anything to do with my high BP reading-would it? If I have an overactive thyroid.

Hyperthyroidism can be a possible cause of hypertension, but the GP or Endocrinologist with intimate case knowledge should be determining any cause and effect relationship.
Hyperthyroidism can be a possible cause of hypertension, but the GP or Endocrinologist with intimate case knowledge should be determining any cause and effect relationship.
Thanks. Very glad there are some great people here that know about these things.You and Red Flag have been a tremendous help.
Something that may help for sleep is Melatonin. You don't need high doses, but timing is important. If I am having some insomnia, I take 3mg about an hour or so before bed time. It can take the place of other stronger sleep aids. Before going to perscription meds, try adding some Benadryl 25 or 50mg at bed time first. You need to be aware of what you are really looking for. Are you are looking for the impact of prescriptive meds, or something to help you sleep? There is a difference. For anyone taking sleeping meds, what are you really looking for,a natural night's sleep, or a psychic impacting effect, be honest?
I would want something more natural for sleep. Heard about some teas that help as well-probably going to pick one up this week. Heard a bit about Melatonin.Thanks for the suggestion.